Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), 28, 61

Stanford University, 9, 33, 57

SJ’s 2005 commencement address at, 456–57

Star Trek (TV show), 117–18, 494

Star Trek (video game), 44

Stengel, Rick, 506

Stewart, Jon, 508, 518

Sticky Fingers (Rolling Stones), 412

Stone, Edward Durell, 151

Stoppard, Tom, 570

“Strange Things” (song), 288

“Strawberry Fields Forever” (song), 418–19

Stringer, Howard, 395, 407

StyleWriter, 338

Sulzberger, Arthur, Jr., 504–5

Summers, Larry, 497

Sun Microsystems, 236, 294, 296, 308, 333

Sunnyvale Electronics, 28

Suzuki, Shunryu, 35, 49

Swisher, Kara, 463

Sylvania, 24

“Sympathy for the Devil” (song), 397

Syria, 3, 258

tablet computers, 467, 490–91

“Talkin’ bout a Revolution” (song), 280

Talking Heads, 413

Tandy company, 135, 138

Tangerine (design company), 341

Tanimoto, Craig, 329

Target, 369

Tate, Ryan, 516–17

Tattoo You (Rolling Stones), 412

TBWAChiatDay, 328, 351, 391

technology boom:

counterculture and, 57

hacker subculture and, 56–57

microprocessor and, 10

Moore’s Law and, 10

semiconductors and, 9–10

10,000 Maniacs, 413

Terman, Frederick, 9

Terravera company, 274

Terrell, Paul, 66–67, 68

Tesler, Larry, 96–97, 99, 114, 120, 136, 301

Tevanian, Avadis “Avie,” xv, 259, 268, 273–74, 300–301, 303, 308–9, 362, 366, 458–59, 461

textbook industry, 509–10, 555

“There Goes My Love” (song), 498

“Things Have Changed” (song), 412

“Think Different” advertising campaign, vii, xviii, 328–32, 358

Thomas, Brent, 162

Thomas, Dylan, 19

Through the Looking Glass (Carroll), 235

Thurman, Mrs., 12

Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Nietzsche), 119

Tiffany, Louis, 123

Time, xvii, xviii, 90, 166, 218, 290, 323, 381, 383, 429, 473, 495, 504, 506

SJ profiled by, 106–7, 139–41

Time Inc., 330, 473, 478, 504, 506–7

Time-Life Pictures, 330

“Times They Are A-Changing, The” (Dylan), 168, 207

Time Warner, 506

Tin Toy (film), 248

Toshiba, 385, 386

touchscreens, 93

Toy Story (film), 285–91, 305, 311, 372, 373–74, 427, 428, 430, 434, 437, 472, 565

basic idea for, 285–86

blockbuster success of, 290–91

budgeting of, 288

premieres of, 289–90

reviews of, 290

revision of, 287–88

SJ’s investment in, 287

television premiere of, 331

Toy Story 2 (film), 430

Toy Story 3 (film), 527, 540

Toy Story Musical, 437

Treasure Planet (film), 437

Tribble, Bud, 117–18, 120, 123, 140, 212, 225

Trips Festival, 58

Trotsky, Leon, 209

“Trouble with Steve Jobs, The” (Fortune), 477–78

Trungpa, Chogyam, 35

Turing, Alan, xviii

TV Guide, 165

Twain, Mark, 479

Twiggy, 145

Twitter, 495

“Uncle John’s Band” (song), 414

United Network for Organ Sharing, 483

Universal Music Group, 395, 399, 479

UNIX operating system, 212, 297, 298

Up (film), 494

UPS, 219

U2, 399, 413, 537

iPod deal and, 420–22

U-2 spy plane, 8

United Way, 104

USA Today, 507

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