quarter a pound, he never would have had to turn his hand at

another day's work. But even a quick peck had been enough to

show him that the watch Paladin was wearing was not just a Rolex

but a Rolex Midnight Star. It might be an imitation, of course, but

his gut told him it was genuine. Part of it was his clear impression

that Paladin wasn't trying to make an impression - he'd wanted to

see what time it was, no more or less than that. And if the watch

was the McCoy ... well, there were cabin-cruisers you could buy

for less. What was a man who could afford a Rolex Midnight Star

doing mixed up in something weird like this?

Now he was the one who must have been showing perplexity clear

enough for Paladin to read it, because the man smiled - a

humorless skinning-back of the lips from the capped teeth. 'The

air-conditioning in here's pretty nice,' he said, crossing his legs

and flicking the crease absently. 'You guys want to enjoy it while

you can. It's pretty muggy walking a beat out in Watts, even this

time of year.'

In a harsh and abrupt tone utterly unlike his bright pitter-patter

Comedy Store voice, Jacoby said: 'Shut your mouth, jag-off.'

Paladin jerked around and stared at him, eyes wide. And again

Cheyney would have sworn it had been years since anyone had

spoken to this man in that way. Years since anyone would have


'What did you say?'

'I said shut your mouth when Detective Cheyney is talking to you.

Give me your lawyer's number. I'll see that he is called. In the

meantime, I think you need to take a few seconds to pull your head

out of your ass and look around and see exactly where you are and

exactly how serious the trouble is that you are in. I think you need

to reflect on the fact that, while only one charge has been lodged

against you, you could be facing enough to put you in the slam

well into the next century ... and you could be facing them before

the sun comes up tomorrow morning.'

Jacoby smiled. It wasn't his howaya-folks-anyone-here-from-

Duluth Comedy Store smile, either. Like Paladin's, it was a brief

pull of the lips, no more.

'You're right - the air-conditioning in here isn't halfbad. Also, the

TV works and for a wonder the people on it don't look like they're

seasick. The coffee's good - perked, not instant. Now, if you want

to make another two or three wisecracks, you can wait for your

legal talent in a holding cell on the fifth floor. On Five, the only

entertainment consists of kids crying for their mommies and winos

puking on their sneakers. I don't know who you think you are and I

don't care, because as far as I'm concerned, you're nobody. I never

saw you before in my life, never heard of you before in my life,

and if you push me enough I'll widen the crack in your ass for


'That's enough,' Cheyney said quietly.

'I'll retool it so you could drive a Ryder van up there, Mister

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