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Ease with a woman’s last caress

The bitterness of my fatal hour.

“Farewell, years fallen out of time!

Farewell, woman: to an abyss

Of humiliations you threw down

The challenge! I am your battlefield.

“Farewell, the sweep of outspread wings,

The willful stubbornness of flight,

And the image of the world revealed in words,

And the work of creation, and working miracles.”


A Winter Night

It snowed, it snowed over all the world

From end to end.

A candle burned on the table,

A candle burned.

As swarms of midges in summertime

Fly towards a flame,

Snowflakes flew from the dark outside

Into the window frame.

The blizzard fashioned rings and arrows

On the frosty glass.

A candle burned on the table,

A candle burned.

Shadows lay on the ceiling

In the candlelight,

Crossings of arms, crossings of legs,

Crossings of destiny.

And two little shoes dropped down

With a thump on the floor,

And wax tears from the night-light

Dripped on a dress.

And all was lost in the snowy murk,

Hoary and white.

A candle burned on the table,

A candle burned.

It blew at the candle from the corner,

And the heat of seduction

Raised up two wings like an angel,


It snowed through all of February,

And time and again

A candle burned on the table,

A candle burned.



The man looks from the threshold,

Not recognizing his home.

Her departure was more like flight.

Havoc’s traces are everywhere.

All the rooms are in chaos.

The extent of the destruction

Escapes him because of his tears

And an attack of migraine.

Some humming in his ears since morning.

Is he conscious or dreaming?

And why does the thought of the sea

Keep coming to his mind?

When God’s world cannot be seen

Through the hoarfrost on the windows,

The hopelessness of anguish resembles

The waste of the sea twice over.

She was as dear to him

In her every feature

As the coast is near the sea

Along the line of breakers.

As waves drown the reeds

In the aftermath of a storm,

So her forms and features

Sank to the bottom of his soul.

In years of affliction, in times

Of unthinkable daily life,

She was thrown to him from the bottom

By the wave of destiny.

Amidst obstacles without number,

Past dangers in its way,

The wave bore her, bore her

And brought her right to him.

And now here is her departure,

A forced one, it may be.

Separation will devour them both,

Anguish will gnaw their bones.

And the man looks around him:

At the moment of leaving

She turned everything upside down,

Emptying the dresser drawers.

He wanders about and till nightfall

Keeps putting scattered scraps

Of fabric and pattern samples

Back into the drawer.

And pricking himself on a needle

Stuck into some sewing,

All at once he sees the whole of her

And quietly starts to weep.



Snow will cover the roads,

It will heap up on the rooftops.

I’ll go out to stretch my legs:

You’re standing near the door.

Alone in a fall coat,

Without hat, without warm boots,

You’re fighting back agitation

And chewing the wet snow.

Trees and lattice fences

Go off into the murk.

Alone amidst the snowfall,

You stand at the corner.

Water runs from your kerchief

Down your sleeve to the cuff,

And drops of it like dewdrops

Sparkle in your hair.

And a flaxen strand

Illuminates: your face,

Your kerchief and your figure,

And that skimpy coat.

Snow moist on your lashes,

Anguish in your eyes,

And your entire aspect

Is formed of a single piece.

As if with iron dipped

In liquid antimony,

You have been engraved

Into my very heart.

And the meekness of those features

Is lodged in it forever,

And therefore it’s no matter

That the world’s hardhearted.

And therefore everything

On this snowy night is doubled,


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