their music sounds under the Italian sky. One remembers all they have

suffered, all they have achieved in spite of wrong. Brute races have

flung themselves, one after another, upon this sweet and glorious land;

conquest and slavery, from age to age, have been the people’s lot.

Tread where one will, the soil has been drenched with blood. An

immemorial woe sounds even through the lilting notes of Italian gaiety.

It is a country wearied and regretful, looking ever backward to the

things of old; trivial in its latter life, and unable to hope sincerely

for the future. Moved by these voices singing over the dust of Croton,

I asked pardon for all my foolish irritation, my impertinent

fault-finding. Why had I come hither, if it was not that I loved land

and people? And had I not richly known the recompense of my love?

Legitimately enough one may condemn the rulers of Italy, those who take

upon themselves to shape her political life, and recklessly load her

with burdens insupportable. But among the simple on Italian soil a

wandering stranger has no right to nurse national superiorities, to

indulge a contemptuous impatience. It is the touch of tourist

vulgarity. Listen to a Calabrian peasant singing as he follows his oxen

along the furrow, or as he shakes the branches of his olive tree. That

wailing voice amid the ancient silence, that long lament solacing

ill-rewarded toil, comes from the heart of Italy herself, and wakes the

memory of mankind.



My thoughts turned continually to Catanzaro. It is a city set upon a

hill, overlooking the Gulf of Squillace, and I felt that if I could but

escape thither, I should regain health and strength. Here at Cotrone

the air oppressed and enfeebled me; the neighbourhood of the sea

brought no freshness. From time to time the fever seemed to be

overcome, but it lingered still in my blood and made my nights

restless. I must away to Catanzaro.

When first I spoke of this purpose to Dr. Sculco, he indulged my fancy,

saying “Presently, presently!” A few days later, when I seriously asked

him how soon I might with safety travel, his face expressed misgiving.

Why go to Catanzaro? It was on the top of a mountain, and had a most

severe climate; the winds at this season were terrible. In conscience

he could not advise me to take such a step: the results might be very

grave after my lung trouble. Far better wait at Cotrone for a week or

two longer, and then go on to Reggio, crossing perhaps to Sicily to

complete my cure. The more Dr. Sculco talked of windy altitudes, the

stronger grew my desire for such a change of climate, and the more

intolerable seemed my state of languishment. The weather was again

stormy, but this time blew sirocco; I felt its evil breath waste my

muscles, clog my veins, set all my nerves a-tremble. If I stayed here

much longer, I should never get away at all. A superstitious fear crept

upon me; I remembered that my last visit had been to the cemetery.

One thing was certain: I should never see the column of Hera’s temple.

I made my lament on this subject to Dr. Sculco, and he did his best to

describe to me the scenery of the Cape. Certain white spots which I had

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