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Page numbers in boldface refer to illustrations.

Aberdares moors (Kenya), 71–73

cut flowers cultivation, 73–74

electric barricade, 73

wildlife, 72, 73, 74

without humans, 74–75

acid rain, 153

and plant life, 29, 31

adobe walls

deterioration of, 18


AIDS and, 85–86, 86–87

Australopithecus africanus, 48, 69, 101

ecosystem, fragmentation of, 49–52

extinctions in, 68, 82–83

and human evolution, 44, 47–49, 68–69

Maasai people, 43, 79–81, 82–83, 84–86

national parks, 73–74, 78–81

paleolithic humans in, 68–71

Serengeti Plain, 84–86

Sahara Desert, 75–76, 168

slavery and, 76–78

wildlife, 45–46, 51–52, 68, 71–73, 73–74, 74–75

without humans, 74–74, 75–76

African Conservation Centre, 79–80

African white-backed vulture, 247

sculpture of, 245–46

Agent Orange, 156, 183, 267


and civilization, 145–46

engineered crops, 164–65

environment, effect on, 146–47

GMOs (genetically modified organisms), 160–62

in Maine, 146–47

Rothamsted Research, 152–53, 153–57

slash-and-burn, 12, 167–68, 227

See also


plant life

Ahmad, Jameel, 26–27, 28

AIDS, 85–86, 240

animals and, 86–87

albatrosses, 200

Algita Marine Research Foundation, 121


deterioration of, 17, 18

Amboseli National Park, 79, 81

American passenger pigeons, 192–93, 193

animal life, 36–37

Americas, biological interchange between, 180–81

domestic pets, 37

extinctions, 54–55, 55–58, 63–67, 229–32

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