extinctions, humans and (Blitzktieg theory), 58–61, 61–64, 271–72

fossils, 53–55

hunting and, 61–64, 66

Ice Age and, 61–62

insecticides and, 74

marsupial mammals, 180

megafauna, hunting, 61–64

placental mammals, 180

predators, 36–37

Andrady, Anthony, 125–26, 126–28

Ankara (Turkey), 105–6

Appelbaum, Barbara, 37, 247–48

Appleseed, Johnny, 31

Arecibo Radio Telescope (Puerto Rico), 253

Aristotle, 248

Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, 65–66

Armstrong, Louis, 251

art and literary works

bronze sculpture, 245–47, 247

Library of Alexandria (Egypt), 248

museums and museum vaults, durability of, 37

paper, survival of, 248

survival of, 245–47, 247–48

Asia, 190


Southeast Asia

Asikli Hoyuk (Cappadocia, Turkey), 108–9

Attwater’s prairie chickens, 140–41

Australopithecus africanus, 48, 69, 101

Bach, J.S., 251


dependency on humans, 235–36

Baekeland, Leo, 118

Bakelite, 115, 118, 237

Baker, Robert, 217

bank vaults

durability of, 37

BART subway system (San Francisco-Oakland), 105

Bartholdi, Frederic Auguste, 246–47

Bayonne Bridge (NYC-NJ), 34

Beason, Robert, 194–95


fallout from Chernobyl, 216

Belovezhskaya Pushcha, 217–18

Belovezhskaya Pushcha. See Bialowieza Puszcza

Beqaa Valley (Lebanon), 42

Berry, Chuck, 251

Bessemer, Henry, 246

Bethge, Hans, ix

BHP Billiton Diamonds, 219–20

Bialowieza Puszcza (Poland/Belarus), 9–10, 10, 11, 12–13, 13–14, 21, 217, 247, 261

partition of, 13

bighorn sheep

without humans, 235


Attwater’s prairie chickens, 140–41

automobile traffic and, 196

cats and, 197–98

DDT, 74, 129, 159, 196

insecticides and, 74

extinctions, 63, 191–92, 192–93, 193, 199

high-tension power lines and, 193–94

humans and, 63, 191–92, 192–93, 193, 198–200

island dwellers, 200

migrations, 198–99

nonnative invaders, 29–30

plate glass picture windows and, 196–97

raptors, resurgence of, 28, 34

radiation and, 214–16

radio-transmission towers and, 193–94

red-crowned cranes, 186–87

without humans, 191–92, 199, 235

black rhinos

poaching of, 72

without humans, 235

Blitzkrieg theory, 58–63, 271–72

Blue Mosque (Istanbul, Turkey), 103

Bobiec, Andrzej, 12, 13

Borglum, Gutzon, 181

Bostrom, Nick, 240–41, 243–44

BP, 135

accident at, 136

EPA and, 138

Brazos de Dios River (TX), 134, 135, 142, 143

Briffa, Peter, 24–26

bronze sculpture, 245–47

melted for weaponry, 247

Browne, Mark, 114, 117–18

Cakmut, Abdulhamit, 270–71


history, 108–9

Mount Hasan Dag, 106–7

underground city, 106, 108–9, 109, 109–11

carbon dioxide (CO2), 39–40, 40–42, 267

and burning coal, 222–23

sequestering, 223

carbonic acid, 40–41

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