anything at all unusual about its saddle or bridle?'
Mato Takoza said, 'She rode bareback with a rope bridle, the Indian way. It was an Indian pony she'd traded for honey with one of your own kind who couldn't seem to break it your way. Miss Jasmine knew enough to mount an Indian pony from its right side. It stood about thirteen hands. It was a red and white paint with white mane and tail. It was pretty, and just the right size for a small woman too modest to sit it astride. She called it Mister Jefferson Davis. I don't know why.'
Longarm said he did. He had no call to make a written note of a description so simple. As he'd told her, folks in town would remember or they wouldn't. He wasn't unkind enough to say his own boss hardly expected him to dig any deeper than a few routine questions when it hardly seemed likely anyone had paid for a jar of honey with a hundred-dollar treasury note.
That reminded him of more suspicious folks out this way and so, as she refilled his cup and allowed she didn't mind if he smoked, Longarm asked her what she knew about that other Santee lady, Tatowiyeh Wachipi Chambrun.
The younger and prettier Santee made a wry face and told him, 'She says she is related to Wamni Tanka. Maybe she is. Or maybe she is long joking, the way my mother and I used to around Redwood Falls.'
Longarm wasn't certain he followed her drift. As he rose to pad over to his dangling vest for a damp cheroot and those hopefully waterproof matches, he cautiously asked, 'Might this long joke involve folks pretending to be what they ain't?'
She nodded innocently and said, 'It is not hard for Absaroka to pass for their Oglala enemies, and a lot safer when they are outnumbered. At the Greasy Grass fight some of Custer's Absaroka scouts saved themselves by throwing off their blue coats and playing the long joke. Nobody knows why a band of Ree told everyone they were Pawnee for many years, many. But they did, and those two nations don't get along much better than Santee and Ojibwa!'
Longarm came back to the table and sat down to light up as he said he saw why they called it a long joke. She marveled at his waxy Mexican matches, and he said he had more he could leave her in his saddlebags. Then he asked what point there might be in a lady from another nation trying to pass herself off as Santee on the old Santee killing grounds.
When the admitted Santee looked puzzled, Longarm explained. 'You just said you and your late momma had to say you were Chippewa to get around old grudges left over from all that bloodshed back in '62. So why would anyone who wasn't a true Santee brag on being a Santee in a neck of the woods where Santee still ain't all that popular?'
The Santee breed said she didn't know. Longarm said it made little sense to him either, but might be worth checking once he got back to New Ulm.
She asked when he meant to ride on. Longarm glanced at his hung-up duds and decided, 'Not too sudden, at the rate that tweed's drying out despite your swell stove. It's already getting late and to tell the truth, I ain't too sure of my welcome once I do ride in, early or late. I don't suppose I could impose on you further by just bedding down out here for the night?'
She sucked in her breath and really looked flustered. He started to assure her he meant he'd noticed they had at least two beds in as many separate rooms. But then she came around to his side of the table to grab hold of his head by both ears and bury his face against her heaving marshmallow breasts, sobbing that she'd been so afraid he was never going to ask. So he just scooped her up and carried her in where he'd noticed the biggest bed. When she giggled and said her room was the one next door, he said he didn't care and just lowered her down to shuck his blanket, lift the hem of her shift, and lower his naked hips into the soft love saddle formed by her welcoming tawny thighs. When she giggled and asked him if he really thought he needed that derringer in his own fist, he shoved it under the head of their mattress and murmured, 'Not hardly, but remind me to haul up that old plank and fetch both my saddle and six-gun back here once we've, ah, got more relaxed.'
As she felt him entering her, Mato Takoza gasped, 'Oh, hinhey! You call what you are doing to me relaxing? What do you and your Wasichu girls do for excitement? Not so fast yet! You're so hanska, and it has been many moons since the last time I did this with a boy much smaller, in every way!'
So Longarm slowed down and thrust less than he really wanted to, marveling at the surprising ripples of her almost too-tight but responsive love maw. It was her own idea to wrap her short muscular legs around his waist and hug him closer for some kissing she'd never learned off any Indian boys. Few regular Americans French-kissed with that much abandon as they tried to bust a man's spine with a leg-hug and literally sucked on his old organ- grinder with their smooth wet innards. So Longarm assumed she was warmed up enough for more serious action, and he knew he was right when she flung all her limbs to the four corners of the universe and war-whooped, 'Hokahey! Iyoptey! Why are you holding back? Don't you like me, you big sissy?'
The river water was warm enough, but the night air was chilly when they went for a moonlight swim to cool off their bare behinds. Longarm saw why Mato Takoza had suggested it when they wound up in a mighty interesting position with her hanging on to the edge of the raft facing away from him.
Then the moon ducked back behind the clouds and thunder rolled up and down the river, so they got out, dried off, and were huddled for warmth under the cover of the Bee Witch's bed by the time heavy rain was pounding on the shingles above their entwined bodies.
It warmed them up fine. But it was tough to fall asleep in a bed neither was used to after all that coffee. So after they'd shared a cheroot and talked about the missing Bee Witch some more, Longarm lit the reading lamp on the old gal's bed table while her naked student beekeeper rolled across him to rummage out some of the expensive tomes the so-called crazy lady had kept under her bed.
Longarm doubted any lunatic would have spent much time with such dry but educational reading material. There were books on geology, civil engineering, and such, along with an atlas and a folder of even more detailed survey maps put out by the government. Longarm sat up in bed with his cheroot gripped between his teeth as he looked over a large-scale contour chart of just Brown County, Minnesota, and a few square miles of other counties that fit into the space left over on the rectangular chart. Mato Takoza snuggled her naked charms closer as she confided, 'Miss Jasmine liked that drawing. She used to thumbtack it to her drawing board and trace it on this funny stuff that might have been very thin flour sacking or maybe wax paper. When I asked, she got cross with me. So I never asked anymore.'
Longarm lightly rubbed the fingertip of his free hand over the stiff manila paper as he murmured, 'Draftsman's tracing silk. Costly and won't bear careless handling. The slick sizing over the mesh of fairy-dust weaving is meant to hold and to cherish traced lines, drops of spit, or moist fingerprints. So that might explain why she didn't even want an illiterate reading over her shoulder, no offense, but what in thunder would an old colored beekeeper be doing with contour maps and tracing silk?'