
Put all dry ingredients in a tall glass. Add 2 ounces of hot water and stir until ingredients have completely dissolved. Add ice and 5 ounces of cold water. Top off with soymilk and creamer, and give it a stir. AWESOME!

MAKES 1 SERVING For Weight Watchers POINTS® values and photos of all the recipes in this book, check out . CHEW ON THIS: Americans spend about $10 billion annually at coffee outlets, according to the Specialty Coffee Association of America. Would You Rather. . Oops! You ordered a large blended coffee frappé and slurped it down while running errands. That frozen faux pas cost you about 550 calories and 20 grams of fat! To burn that off you'd have to: Hand wash your car in the heat for nearly 3 hours or Grocery shop for 3 hours nonstop and then spend 45 minutes putting everything back 'cuz you forgot your wallet or Stand in line at the non-air-conditioned post office for about 6 hours! Times based on estimates for a 150-pound woman. chapter twelve happy hour cocktails time to toss back some guilt-free sips. Alcohol has lots of calories. That's not exactly a secret. The key to making guilt-free cocktails is figuring out what low-cal stuff to mix with that alcohol. That's where HG comes in! This chapter features some amazingly delicious drinks—and they each have no more than 175 calories (in fact, most have closer to 100). Keep in mind, any of these can be made without alcohol, and if you drink 'em that way (virgin style), you'll be saving close to 100 calories a drink. Cheers! magical low-calorie margarita PER SERVING (entire recipe): 115 calories, 0g fat, 55mg sodium, 2g carbs, 0g fiber, 0.5g sugars, 0g protein This recipe is so awesome, you'll be able to fool everyone into thinking they're drinking a super-high-calorie margarita. If you don't like your drinks super-sweet, feel free to use just half of the lemonade drink mix.

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