archenemy? 'You say you're getting good souls in Hell?' he asked, amazed.

'And losing evil ones to Heaven,' Satan agreed, slapping his knee. 'Gums up the works something awful. But that's the way of bureaucracy and classified standards; some poor souls always slip through the cracks.'

This was the Father of Lies, Zane reminded himself. All or nothing or any ratio between could be falsity. It was dangerous even talking to Satan, for soon the boundaries of good and evil became fuzzed by eloquent misleading.

'I see you remain in doubt,' Satan said, leaning forward with apparent sincerity. 'That is quite understandable. Your associates have maneuvered to put you in an awkward position. You have problems in your office, and are inhibited by rules that have lost their relevance to the contemporary scene. Likewise I, in My office. It behooves us to cooperate where our offices overlap. This can greatly facilitate our respective duties and benefit us both.'

'I see no benefit!'

'Oh, but you have not given yourself the chance to see it,' Satan said smoothly. 'Let Me give you a tour of My demesnes.'

'A tour of Hell? I don't — '

'It can be arranged. Death. You have merely to depart your physical host for a time. You have My personal assurance that you will return in good order.'

'The assurance of the Father of Lies!' Zane cried, repelled. 'Now you are trying to get me into Hell! I refuse to risk my soul that way!'

'A man who will not risk his soul to save that of the woman he loves, perhaps does not deserve her love in return,' Satan remarked.

That stung! 'I just don't care to risk it on a bad bet. I don't see that I need to examine your case at all. Not personally in Hell. What I want is a review of the merits of the scheduling of Luna's death. If you can arrange for the review to be soon, I'll welcome that.'

Satan rolled his eyes. 'Have you ever tried to hurry a bureaucracy?'

There was that. 'Anyway, I think I'll just sit tight right here until that review.' Zane believed he had Satan over a barrel, for the review would surely expose evidence of Satan's cheating and free Luna from the sentence.

'I am not certain you comprehend My problem,' Satan said. 'Hell is geared for a large turnover. Thousands of souls enter each hour for processing. You have abruptly stopped the flow. That gives My initiation cadre no work to do.'

'The respite should be good for them,' Zane said, smiling unsympathetically. 'They can sharpen their pitchforks, or whatever.'

'On the contrary! Those little devils must be kept occupied constantly. Who in Hell finds work for idle devils to do?'

Zane visualized idle devils rampaging in Hell, overturning racks and littering torture chambers. That would certainly be a problem!

'Consider this,' Satan said. The television picture changed to the news report of an accident. An airplane had experienced heavy weather in a cold northern region and crashed in an isolated spot. Fifty passengers were trapped inside. 'These people are freezing to death,' Satan said. 'There is no hope of rescue, yet none of them can die while Death remains on strike.' The camera panned on the wreckage, then showed an interior view, where several passengers had critical injuries and others were in dire straits. This was a no-survivors type of crash.

'Do you really intend to let these victims suffer indefinitely, rather than free their souls for Eternity?' Satan asked soberly. 'Most of this batch is slated for Heaven, so there is nothing to be gained by delay except undeserved misery.'

Zane had not considered that aspect. Had he been deliberately avoiding the obvious? Of course there would be horrendous suffering! Death was no burden to a terminally injured person; it was relief. He was the first person to defend the right of anyone to die on schedule. He had, technically, committed murder in the defense of that right. Now he was responsible for a worse denial than that performed by any hospital. Satan had struck at another vulnerability, with the acute perception of his evil nature. It was not one person suffering now; it was a multitude!

Yet how many people would suffer eternally if Satan had his way? If one person — Luna — could be sacrificed to help fifty in a plane wreck, why couldn't fifty be sacrificed to help the entire world? Satan was putting pressure on him, and he had to withstand it. He had known it would not be easy, but had underestimated the cunning ingenuity of the argument.

'I deeply regret the suffering of these people,' Zane said. 'But it is your will, not mine, that precipitates it. The sooner my petition is considered and Luna is freed from her unfair sentence of early death, the better.'

'I believe the date of the hearing could be moved up,' Satan said, as if it were an incidental matter. 'Come consider My case, and I will see that yours is considered.'

So the Devil did have power to affect that matter — or so he was letting it be implied. 'You are proffering a deal?'

'I specialize in deals.'

'How can I trust you to honor any part of any deal you make?'

'A deal not signed in blood is not worth the blood it's signed with,' Satan said, grinning affably.

'I refuse to sign in blood!'

'Nor are you required to. That was merely a medieval custom; the client's blood gave Me the magic power to enforce the contract. Today fingerprints or retina-prints do just as well. But no contract of any nature can bind an Incarnation, so that's irrelevant.' Satan leaned forward, his handsome face radiating sincerity. 'Merely appreciate the background rationale. Death. It is to My interest to persuade you to end your strike. It is to your interest to guarantee the welfare of your girlfriend. It is thus to our mutual interest to establish communication and complete understanding. Cheating does not facilitate this.'

'If I go to Hell and do not return, there will be a new person to assume the office of Death. That one, I am sure, will be more amenable to your guidance.'

Satan smiled in wry agreement. 'You are quick to appreciate reality. But all you have to do is consult with Fate, who arranges the details of transitions. No one else can do it. She will not, I suspect, deceive you on this matter. If you have her assurance that your transition will not be made at this time — '

Zane wasn't sure about that, but thought it worth investigating. 'If I visit Hell, listen to your spiel, and then turn it down, will you free Luna from her sentence?'

'Of course not!' Satan said indignantly. 'I will merely seek some other avenue to achieve My objective.'

'Then what is the point of my tour?'

'You might be persuaded. Then you could reap great reward and be eternally happy.'

'I can't be eternally happy unless I die,' Zane pointed out.

'By no means. Death. Your present office is eternal.'

'Until I leave it.'

Satan's smile became slightly strained. 'How may I reassure you, then?'

'Free Luna.'

'You are being unreasonable.'

'By your definition. If that concludes our business — '

A faint halo of smoke formed about Satan's face, but he hung on to his smile. 'Suppose we compromise. Compromise is an excellent route to Hell. If your tour of Hell does not convince you —

'You will free Luna,' Zane finished firmly.

Satan sighed. 'I could have wished for a more responsive officeholder. But — I will free Luna.'

Was Satan lying? Probably — but Zane was just uncertain enough of his own position and power to try it. If Satan reneged, he would be proved to have bargained in bad faith, and Zane would have no further doubts. Meanwhile, Death still would not take Luna. He really had nothing to lose, as long as he remained in the office.

And that was the key. If he lost his own position… yet Satan's barb about the worth of a man who would not risk his soul for love still stung, and so did Zane's own conscience. He should at least listen to the other side. 'I'll consult with Fate.'

'I'll put her on,' Satan said. Fate appeared on the television screen, in her lovely young Clotho guise.

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