give her the slip.
Despite his skills as a thief his appointment to vory status had been controversial. The others looked down on his background of petty crime. It didn’t seem worthy of entry into their ranks. He’d never murdered, he’d never spent time in a Gulag. Fraera brushed these concerns aside. She’d taken a liking to him even though he was solemn and withdrawn, rarely speaking more than a couple of words. The others accepted, reluctantly, that he was now one of them. He accepted, reluctantly, that he was one of them. In reality, he was hers and everyone knew it. In return for her patronage Malysh loved Fraera in the same way that a fierce fighting dog would love its owner, circling her feet, snapping at anyone who came too close. All the same, he was not naive. With her authority under scrutiny their history counted for nothing. Fraera was determinedly unsentimental. Malysh had not only drawn the blood of another vory, he’d jeopardized her plans. Unable to drive the truck, he and the girl had been forced to walk back into the city, a journey on foot that had taken almost eight hours. They could’ve been stopped and arrested. He’d explained to the girl that if she screamed for help, or let go of his hand, he’d slit her throat. She’d obeyed. She hadn’t complained about being tired, never asking to rest. Even in crowded streets where she could have caused him problems, she’d never let go of his hand.
Fraera spoke:
– The facts are not in dispute. According to our laws, the punishment for harming another vory is death.
Death wasn’t meant in the ordinary sense of the word. He wouldn’t be shot or hung. Death meant exile from the gang. A tattoo would be forced upon him in a visible place-his forehead or the tops of his hands-a tattoo of an open vagina or anus. Such a tattoo was a signal for all vory, no matter what allegiance they held, that the bearer of the tattoo was deserving of any kind of physical and sexual torment, which could be delivered without fear of recourse from the other gang. Malysh loved Fraera. But he would not accept this punishment. Moving his leg, his hand slipped into position. There was a knife secreted in the folds of his trousers. He freed it from the fabric, his finger ready on the spring mechanism, as he calculated his escape.
Fraera stepped forward. She’d come to a decision.
Fraera studied the faces of her men, expressions of intense concentration fixed upon her, as if this alone would deliver the verdict they desired. She’d spent years earning their loyalty, generously rewarding obedience and ruthlessly striking at dissent. Despite this, so much now hinged on so slight an incident. An uprising needed a unifying cause. Popular, dumb-Likhoi had rallied her men. They saw him as the epitome of a vory. They understood his urges as their urges. If he was on trial, so were they. Trivial though the disagreement was, the problems this skhodka created were far from simple. To their minds, there was only one acceptable verdict: she would have to authorize Malysh’s death.
Listening to them quote vory law as though it were sacred, she marveled at their lack of self-awareness. Her rule was founded upon transgressions of traditional vory structures as much as abidance by them. Most obviously, they were men led by a woman, unprecedented in vory history. In contrast to other derzhat mast -the leader of a community of thieves-Fraera wasn’t motivated by a desire to exist apart from the State. She sought revenge upon it and those who served it. She described that revenge to them in terms that they could understand, claiming that the State was nothing other than a larger, rival gang, with which she was in the most bitter of blood feuds. Yet at heart she knew vory were conservative. They would prefer a male leader. They would prefer to be concerned only with money and sex and drink. Her agenda of revenge was something they tolerated, as indeed was her gender-tolerated only because she was brilliant and they were not. She funded them, protected them, and they depended on her. Without her, the center would fall apart and the gang would break into squabbling, irrelevant factions.
Their unlikely alliance had been formed in Minlag Gulag, a northern camp southeast of Arkhangelsk. Originally a political prisoner convicted under Article 58, at that time Anisya, as she’d been known, had no interest in the vory. They existed within separate social spheres, layers like water and oil. The focus of her life had been her newly born son-Aleksy. He’d been something to live for, a child to love and protect. After three months of nursing him, three months of loving him more than she’d ever imagined she was capable of loving, the child had been taken from her. She’d woken in the middle of the night to find that he was gone. At first the nurse had claimed that Aleksy had died in his sleep. Anisya had grabbed the nurse, shaking her, demanding her child back until being beaten off by a guard. The nurse had spat at her that no woman convicted under Article 58 deserved to bring up a child:
You’ll never be a mother.
The State was Aleksy’s parents now.
Anisya had fallen ill, sick with grief. She’d lain in bed, refusing food, delirious with dreams that she was still pregnant. She’d felt it kicking and moving and screaming for her help. The nurses and feldshers had impatiently waited for her to die. The world had arranged every possible reason for her to die and given her every opportunity. However, something inside of her resisted. She’d examined this resistance to death forensically, like an archaeologist carefully sweeping away fine desert dust, wanting to know what lay beneath it. She’d unearthed not the face of her son, or the face of her husband. She’d found Leo, the sound of his voice, the feel of his hand on hers, the deceit and betrayal, and, like a magical elixir, she drank these memories in one long gulp. Hatred had brought her back from the brink. Hatred had rejuvenated her.
The idea of seeking revenge on an MGB officer, a man hundreds of miles away, would have been laughable had she spoken it aloud. Far from depressing her, her powerlessness was a source of inspirationshe would start from nothing. She would build her revenge from nothing. While other patients slept, doped on doses of codeine, she spat her pills out, collecting them. She’d stayed in the infirmary, feigning sickness while secretly regaining her strength and accumulating dose after dose of medicine, pills that she hid in the lining of her trousers. Once she’d accumulated a significant quantity she’d left the infirmary, much to the nurses’ surprise, returning to the camp with nothing except her wits and trousers lined with pills.
Until her arrest Anisya had always been defined in relation to someone else: one man’s daughter, another man’s wife. On her own, she’d set about redefining herself. Each of her weaknesses she’d appointed to the character of Anisya. Each of her strengths were gathered together and knitted into a new identity-the woman she was about to become. Overhearing the vory, familiarizing herself with their slang, she’d selected a new name for herself. She would be known as Fraera, the outsider. A vory term of contempt, she would take that insult and make it her strength. She’d traded the codeine with the leader of a gang, seeking his favor, asking permission to join them. The vory leader had scoffed, agreeing to her suggestion only if she proved herself by executing a known informer. He’d taken all the codeine as a nonrefundable down payment, setting her a challenge he considered beyond her skills. Only three months previously she’d been nursing her baby. Even if she dared to make some attempt on the informer’s life, she would be caught and sent to an isolation unit, or executed. The derzhat mast had never expected that he would need to honor his promise. Three days later the informer had started to cough during dinner, falling to the floor, his mouth full of blood. His stew of cabbage and potato had been laced with slivers of razor blade. The derzhat mast had been unable to go back on his agreement-the vory code forbade him. Fraera had become the first female member of his gang.
Fraera had no intention of remaining a subordinate. Her plans required that she be in charge. Using the education they’d given her, she’d sought her independence. They had taught her to see her body as a commodity to be traded like any other, a resource to which they attached no concept of shame. She’d set about seducing the Gulag commander. Since he could order any woman to his office for sexual gratification, Fraera had needed him to fall in love with her. She’d viewed her revulsion as merely another obstacle to overcome. Within five months, at her request, he’d transferred the entire vory gang to another camp, leaving Fraera free to start her own.
Since no self-respecting vory would accept a woman’s patronage, Fraera had turned to the outcasts, the outsiders-the vory scavenging on scrapheaps, sucking on fish bones and munching rotten root vegetables. They’d been shunned due to a disagreement, or a betrayal, or some act of incompetence. Some had fallen to the level of a chuskhi, so disgraced that it was forbidden for another vory to even touch them. According to their laws such disgrace was irreversible. Despite this, she’d offered them a second chance when no other vory would condescend to utter their name. Some had been terminally weakened, mentally or physically. Some had repaid the debt by attempting to overthrow her as soon as they’d regained their strength. Most had accepted her patronage.
With Stalin’s death freedom had come early-women and children granted an amnesty. The members of her gang were already on shorter sentences since they were not political criminals. Fraera had no intention of hunting Leo down: plunging a knife in his back or putting a bullet in his head. He needed to suffer as she had suffered. Her ambitions required time and resources. Many gangs traded in black market goods. The opportunities such a market presented were limited since there was already in place a highly developed system. She had no interest in being a small-time trader, cutting a modest profit from imported groceries, not when she had access to a far more precious