
Vertical depth, In 1955 text: Vertical} depth. “Depth” should be italicized as it is the substantive paralleled by the other items in the context (“Breadth” and “Length” — both italicized) and “Vertical” is merely the modifier.

Notes to Paper № 114


over 1,000 mortals, Just a few paragraphs earlier, this number was said to be 962.

Notes to Paper № 118


free-willness, In 1955 text: freewillness. Free-willness is found at four other locations in the text and all in instances it refers to an attribute or characteristic of a being or beings. Freewill and free will each occur numerous times — the former as an adjective (modifying such words as choice, action, or personality), while the two-word form is used when free modifies will itself (i.e. when will is under discussion). In light of these consistent usages, conforming this variant is appropriate as the original was probably the result of a dropped hyphen.


pantheism, In 1955 text: Pantheism. Though religions and even philosophical schools are normally capitalized, e.g. “Platonism,” “Stoicism,” “Deism,” “pantheism” is more of a philosophical concept than an organized system of ideas and so is normally not capitalized — either currently or in writings contemporaneous with The Urantia Book.

Notes to Paper № 119


INFORMATIONAL First printing; These men of God visited the newborn child in the manger. — “in the manger” removed at the second printing. Presumably, this change was made because the original seems to be inconsistent with the narrative of Jesus’ birth in 122:8, which states that three wise men from the east visited Jesus when he was almost three weeks old — about the time the family left the inn and over two weeks after they had moved out of the stable. However, it is certainly possible that Joseph and Mary might have taken the manger with them up to the room in the inn in order to continue to have a cradle for Jesus. The need for a cradle would have been no less in the room than in the stable, and if the manger was portable, as small feed- boxes often are, moving it along with the family seems quite reasonable.


sometime, In 1955 text: some time. See note for 60:3.20.

Notes to Paper № 122


Speak not of this matter, Note that no such warning was given by Gabriel to Elizabeth — clearly the life of Jesus was in even greater danger than that of John.


now reigns on high, I.e. Immanuel, Michael's elder brother.


immediately after, Note that Gabriel's appearance had taken place after the conception, to allow for freedom of will of both parents, but it happened immediately after the conception in order to prevent any danger to this child of destiny.

Notes to Paper № 123


chazan, A more accurate rendition of the Hebrew would have been “chazzan”.


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