Should from the king no longer be concealed.


'Tis this that brings us here. The king must know it.

And he shall hear the news from you, princess,

From you alone:-for to what tongue would he

Afford such ready credence as to yours,

Friend and companion ever of his spouse?


As yours, who more than any one at will

Can o'er him exercise supreme command.


I am the prince's open enemy.


And that is what the world believes of me.

The Princess Eboli's above suspicion.

We are compelled to silence, but your duty,

The duty of your office, calls on you

To speak. The king shall not escape our hands.

Let your hints rouse him, we'll complete the work.


It must be done at once, without delay;

Each moment now is precious. In an hour

The order may arrive for my departure.

DOMINGO (after a short pause, turns to the PRINCESS).

Cannot some letters be discovered? Truly,

An intercepted letter from the prince

Would work with rare effect. Ay! let me see-

Is it not so? You sleep, princess, I think,

In the same chamber with her majesty?


The next to hers. But of what use is that?


Oh, for some skill in locks! Have you observed

Where she is wont to keep her casket key?

PRINCESS (in thought).

Yes, that might lead to something; yes, I think

The key is to be found.


Letters, you know,

Need messengers. Her retinue is large;

Who do you think could put us on the scent?

Gold can do much.


Can no one tell us whether

The prince has any trusty confidant?


Not one; in all Madrid not one.


That's strange!


Rely on me in this. He holds in scorn

The universal court. I have my proofs.


Stay! It occurs to me, as I was leaving

The queen's apartments, I beheld the prince

In private conference with a page of hers.

PRINCESS (suddenly interrupting).

O no! that must have been of something else.


Could we not ascertain the fact? It seems


[To the DUKE.

Did you know the page, my lord!


Some trifle; what else could it be?

Enough, I'm sure of that. So we shall meet again

Before I see the king; and by that time

We may discover much.

DOMINGO (leading her aside).

What of the king?

Say, may he hope? May I assure him so?

And the entrancing hour which shall fulfil

His fond desires, what shall I say of that?


In a few days I will feign sickness, and

Shall be excused from waiting on the queen.

Such is, you know, the custom of the court,

And I may then remain in my apartment.

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