Chapter 5 notes


The charges were subsequently dismissed.

Chapter 6 notes


The word “free” in “free software” refers to freedom, not to price; the price paid for a copy of a free program may be zero, or small, or (rarely) quite large.


The issues of pollution and traffic congestion do not alter this conclusion. If we wish to make driving more expensive to discourage driving in general, it is disadvantageous to do this using toll booths, which contribute to both pollution and congestion. A tax on gasoline is much better. Likewise, a desire to enhance safety by limiting maximum speed is not relevant; a free-access road enhances the average speed by avoiding stops and delays, for any given speed limit.


One might regard a particular computer program as a harmful thing that should not be available at all, like the Lotus Marketplace database of personal information, which was withdrawn from sale due to public disapproval. Most of what I say does not apply to this case, but it makes little sense to argue for having an owner on the grounds that the owner will make the program less available. The owner will not make it completely unavailable, as one would wish in the case of a program whose use is considered destructive.


Fox Film Corp. v. Doyal, 286 US 123, 1932.

Chapter 7 notes


RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company was fined $15m in 2002 for handing out free samples of cigarettes at events attended by children. See worldservice/sci_tech/features/health/tobaccotrial/usa.htm.

Chapter 10 notes


Some views on the ideas of selling exceptions to free software licenses, such as the GNU GPL, are also available, at exceptions.html.

Chapter 11 notes


This song is in a rhythm of 7/8; those unaccustomed to odd rhythms often take the unevenness to be a mistake. The meter can be analyzed into three subgroups as slow-quick-quick or 3-2-2. Such meters in Bulgarian music can often be stretched, and some musicians analyze this song as 3-2-3 instead; however, the last “3” is not as long as the first. Yves Moreau, who collected and taught the dance, endorses the rhythm of 7.

Chapter 12 notes


To learn more about this issue, you can read our GNU/Linux FAQ, at, our page on Linux and the GNU Project, at, which gives a history of the GNU/Linux system as it relates to this issue of naming, and the article “GNU Users Who Have Never Heard of GNU,” at heard-of-gnu.html.


Michelle Finley, “French Pols Say, ‘Open It Up,’ ” 24 April 2000,< /a>.

Chapter 14 notes


See for the full definition.

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