send you all out here to spy on me.' She jumped out of the swing. 'If you dont take him right away this minute and keep him away, I'm going to make Jason whip you.'
'I cant do nothing with him.' Luster said. 'You try it if you think you can.'
'Shut your mouth.' Quentin said. 'Are you going to get him away.'
'Ah, let him stay.' he said. He had a red tie. The sun was red on it. 'Look here, Jack.' He struck a match and put it in his mouth. Then he took the match out of his mouth. It was still burning. 'Want to try it.' he said. I went over there. 'Open your mouth.' he said. I opened my mouth. Quentin hit the match with her hand and it went away.
'Goddam you.' Quentin said. 'Do you want to get him started. Dont You know he'll beller all day. I'm going to tell Dilsey on you.' She went away running.
'Here, kid.' he said. 'Hey. Come on back. I aint going to fool with him.'
Quentin ran on to the house. She went around the kitchen.
'You played hell then, Jack.' he said. 'Aint you.'
'He cant tell what you saying.' Luster said. 'He deef and dumb.'
'Is.' he said. 'How long's he been that way.'
'Been that way thirty three years today.' Luster said. 'Born looney. Is you one of them show folks.'
'Why.' he said.
'I dont ricklick seeing you around here before.' Luster said.
'Well, what about it.' he said.
'Nothing.' Luster said. 'I going tonight.'
He looked at me.
'You aint the one can play a tune on that saw, is you.' Luster said.
'It'll cost you a quarter to find that out.' he said. He looked at me. 'Why dont they lock him up.' he said. 'What'd you bring him out here for.'
'You aint talking to me.' Luster said. 'I cant do nothing with him. I just come over here looking for a quarter I lost so I can go to the show tonight. Look like now I aint going to get to go.' Luster looked on the ground. 'You aint got no extra quarter, is you.' Luster said.
'No.' he said. 'I aint.'
'I reckon I just have to find that other one, then.' Luster said. He put his hand in his pocket. 'You dont want to buy no golf ball neither, does you.' Luster said.
'What kind of ball.' he said.
'Golf ball.' Luster said. 'I dont want but a quarter.'
'What for.' he said. 'What do I want with it.'
'I didn't think you did.' Luster said. 'Come on here, mulehead.' He said. 'Come on here and watch them knocking that ball. Here. Here something you can play with along with that jimson weed.' Luster picked it up and gave it to me. It was bright.
'Where'd you get that.' he said. His tie was red in the sun, walking.
'Found it under this here bush.' Luster said. 'I thought for a minute it was that quarter I lost.' He came and took it.
'Hush.' Luster said. 'He going to give it back when he done looking at it.'
'Agnes Mabel Becky.' he said. He looked toward the house.
'Hush.' Luster said. 'He fixing to give it back.'
He gave it to me and I hushed.
'Who come to see her last night.' he said.
'I dont know.' Luster said. 'They comes every night she can climb down that tree. I dont keep no track of them.'
'Damn if one of them didn't leave a track.' he said. He looked at the house. Then he went and lay down in the swing.
'Go away.' he said. 'Dont bother me.'
'Come on here.' Luster said. 'You done played hell now. Time Miss Quentin get done telling on you.'
We went to the fence and looked through the curling flower spaces. Luster hunted in the grass.
'I had it right here.' he said. I saw the flag flapping, and the sun slanting on the broad grass.
'They'll be some along soon.' Luster said. 'There some now, but they going away. Come on and help me look for it.'
We went along the fence.
'Hush.' Luster said. 'How can I make them come over here, if they aint coming. Wait. They'll be some in a minute. Look yonder. Here they come.'
I went along the fence, to the gate, where the girls passed with their booksatchels. 'You, Benjy.' Luster said.
'Come back here.'
I could hear them talking. I went out the door and I couldn't hear them, and I went down to the gate, where the girls passed with their booksatchels. They looked at me, walking fast, with their heads turned. I tried to say, but they went on, and I went along the fence, trying to say, and they went faster. Then they were running and I came to the corner of the fence and I couldn't go any further, and I held to the fence, looking after them and trying to say.
'You, Benjy.' T.P. said. 'What you doing, slipping out. Dont you know Dilsey whip you.'
'You cant do no good, moaning and slobbering through the fence.' T.P. said. 'You done skeered them chillen. Look at them, walking on the other side of the street.'