12. Pedersen O., Pihl M. Early Physics and Astronomy, 258.
13. Werner J. In hoc opere haec cotinentur Noua translatio primi libri geographicae Cl'Ptolomaei... (Nuremberg, 1514).
14. Apian P. Cosmographicus Liber Petri Apiani Mathematici Studiose Collectus (Ingolstadt, 1524), ff. 30-1.
15. Gemma Frisius. Cosmographicus Liber Petri Apiani Mathematici, iam de nouo integritati restitutus per Gemmam Phrysium (Antwerp, - 1533), ff. XVv-XVIr.
16. Cuningham William. The Cosmographical Glasse, conteinyng the pleasant Principles of Cosmographie, Geographie, Hydrographie, or Nauigation (London, 1559), f. 107
17. Gemma Frisius. Gemma Phrysius de Principiis Astronomiae Coamographiae... vsv Globi et eodem editi (Antwerp, 1530), sigs. D2v-D3r. (Translation by Philip Kay.)
18. Gemma Frisius. De Principiis Astronomiae... (Antwerp, 1553), 65. (Translation by Philip Kay.)
19. Eden R. The Decades of the New Worlde... (London, 1555), f. 361.
20. Cuningham William. The Cosmographical Glasse, conteinyng the pleasant Principles of Cosmographie, Geographie, Hydrographie, or Nauigation (London, 1559), f. 110.
21. Сервантес Мигель де. Собр. соч. в 5-ти томах, т. 2. -М.: Правда, 1961.
22. Там же, т. 4, с. 87.
23. Gould R. T. The Marine Chronometer, 12.
24. Marguet R. Histoire de la Longitude, 45.
25. Brown L.A. The Story of Maps, 209.
26. Dreyer J.L. E. 'Time, Measurement of, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edn., 984.
27. Kepler Johannes. Tabulae Rudolphinae... (1627).
28. Marguet F. Histoire de la Longitude, 7.
29. Guyot E. Histoire de la determination des longitudes, 11.
30. Sherwood Taylor F. An early satirical poem on the Royal Society, Notes and Records of the Royal Society, Oct. 1947, 37-46.
31. Histoire de 1'Academie Royale des Sciences, I (1668), 67-69. (There is a fuller account in Huygens, - Christiaan, Oeuvres..., XXII, 218-26) (Translations by Dr Barbara waines).
32. Там же, 67.
1. Kenyon J. P. The Stuarts, London, 1958 (Fontana Library edn. 1966, 123).
2. Bevan Bryan. Charles the Second's French Mistress (London, 1972), 53.
3. Dictionary of National Biography, XIII, 820-821.
4. Lawson Dick O. Aubrey's Brief Lives (Penguin English Library, 1972), 370-371.
5. Plumley N. The Royal Mathematical School within Christ's Hospital, Vistas in Astronomy (1976), vol. 20, pp. 51-59.
6. Baily F. An Account of the Revd. John Flamsteed..., 29-31.
7. PRO State Papers Domestic, Entry Book 27, f. 59.
8. Baily, 37-38.
9. Forbes E. G. The Origins of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, p. 48, note 17, discusses St. Pierre's identity.
10. Taylor E. G. R. Old Henry Bond and the Longitude, Mariner's Mirror,
25 (1939), 162-169.
11. Baily, CM. [6], 125-126.
12. Baily, 112. Copies in PRO/SP 29/368, ff. 299 and 44, p. 10.
13. Baily, CM. [6], 37.
14. Там же, 39.
15. Memorandum by Pell, 1675 (BL Add. MS. Birch 4393, f. 93V).
16. Forbes E.G. The Origins of the Royal Observatory... 39-48.
17. Baily, CM. [6], 126.
18. Howarth W. Greenwich: past and present (London, Greenwich, c. 1886), 84.
19. Baily, CM. [6], 112.
20. Howse Derek, Greenwich Observatory, vol. Ill: Its Buildings and Instruments, 5.
21. PRO/WO. 47/19b Baily.
22. Howse Derek, Hutchinson B. The Tompion clocks at Greenwich and the dead-beat escapement, 24.
23. Wren to Fell, 3 December 1681 [Wren Society, V (Oxford, 1928), 21-22].
24. R. Society MSS. 243 (F1).
25. Там же.
26. RGO MSS. 1, f. 22.
27. Horrox J. Opera Postuma... in calce adjiciuntur Johannis Flamsteedii, Derbiensis, de Temporis Aequatione Diatriba... (London, 1673).
28. RGO MSS. 36, f. 54.
29. Howse, Derek. Greewich Observatory, vol. III: Its Buildings and Instruments, 30.
30. Baily, CM. [6], 99.
31. Там же, 321.
32. Там же.
1. May W. E. The Last Voyage of Sir Clowdisley Shovel, J. Inst. Navig. 13 (1960), 324-332.
2. Lanoue, memorial of 1736, cited by Moriatty H.A. in article 'Navigation', Encyclopedia Britannica, 9th edn. (1884), XVII, 258.
3. May W.E. The Last Voyage of Sir Clowdisley Shovel, J. Inst. Navig. 13 (1960), 324-332.
4. The Guardian, no. 107 (14 July 1713), 254-255.
5. Osborn James M. That on whiston by John Gay, Bibliographical Society of America, Papers, LVI (1962), 73.
6. The Guardian, CM. [4], loc. cit. 255-256.
7. Whiston W., Ditton H. A New Method for Discovering the Longitude both at Sea and Land (London, 1714).
8. Osborn James M. 'That on Whiston' by John Gay, Bibliographical Society of America, Papers, LVI (1962), 74.
9. Swift Arbuthnot. Pope and Gay, Miscellanies, the Fourth Volume. Consisting of Verses by Dr. Swift, Dr. Arbuthnot, Mr. Pope, and Mr Gay (London, 1747), 145-146.
10. Rawson C. J. Parnell on Whiston, Bibliographical Society of America, Papers, LVII (1963), 91-92, citing BL. Add. 38157.
11. House of Common Journal, 17 (11 June 1714).
12. Act 12 Anne cap. 15 (13 Anne cap. 14 by modern notation). Quoted in full in Quill, Humphrey, John Harrison, the Man who found Longitude, 225-227.
13. Gould. The Marine Chronometer, 32-35.
14. Hobbs William. Broadsheet dated 15 Sept. 1714 in Flams teed MSS. vol 69, f. 160r.
15. Bull Digby. Letter to Commissioners dated 29 Sept. 1714, Flamsteed MSS. vol. 36, f. 116V.
16. Brewster Sir David. Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Discussions of Sir Isaac Newton (Edinburgh, 1855: Johnson reprint, 1965), II. 263.
17. Brewster Sir David. On Sir Christopher Wren's Cipher, containing Three Methods of finding the longitude, Report of the Twenty-ninth meeting of the British Association... held at Aberdeen September 1859 (1860), 34.
18. Bennett J.A. Studies in the Life and Work of Christopher Wren. PhD thesis, Cambridge University, 1974, 263-265.
19. Свифт Дж. Путешествия Лемюэля Гулливера. -М.: Детгиз, 1955.
20. Paulson Ronald. Hogarth's Graphic Works (revised edn., London and New Haven, 1970), I, 169-170.
21. Голдсмит Оливер. Ночь ошибок.-М.: Искусство, 1954.
22. Maindron Ernest. Les Fondations de Prix a 1'Academie des Sciences 15.