23. Там же, 23.

24. Там же, 17.

25. Marguet F. Histoire de la longitude, 85-87.

26. Chapin Seymour. A survey of the efforts to determine longitude at sea, 247.

27. Rrown. L.A. The Story of Maps, 186-190.

28. Phil. Trans. 37, no. 420 (1731), 145-157.

29. Dictionary of American Biografhy, IV, 345-346.

30. Bedini Silvio. Thinkers and Tinkers: Early American Men of Science (New York, 1975), 118.

31. Shepherd A. Tables for Correcting the Apparent Distance of the Moon and a Star from the Effects of Refraction and Parallax (London, 1772), Preface.

32. Halley E. A Proposal of a Method for finding the Longitude at Sea within a Degree, or twenty Leagues, Phil. Trans. 37, no. 421 (1731) 195.

33. Chapin Seymour. A survey of the efforts to determine longitude at sea 247-248.

34. Board of Longitude MSS. vol. V, 10-11, Minutes 6 March 1756 (RGO Herstmoneeux, henceforth cited as BL).

35. Forbes E.G. Greenwich Observatory, vol. I: Origins and Early History 120-121.

36. Maskelyne N. The British Mariners Guide (London, 1763).

37. BL 5/27 (4 Aug. 1763).

38. BL 5/39-40 (9 Feb. 1765).

39. Там же.

40. Royal Warrant of 4 March 1674/5.

41. The Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the Year 1767 (1766).

42. Например, Gould R.T. The Marine Chronometer (London, 1763).

43. BL 5/12v.

44. Act 3 Geo. Ill, cap. 14.

45. BL 5/30v.

46. Act 5 Geo. Ill, cap. 20.

47. Howse D. Captain Cook's marine timekeepers, Antiquarian Horology (1969), 190-205, reprinted as The Clocks and Watches of Captain James Cook, 1769-1969.

48. Beaglehole J. C. The Journals of Captain James Cook, II (London, 1961), 692.

49. Wales W., Bayly W. The Original Observations made... in the years 1772, 1773, 1774 and 1775... (London, 1777), 280.

50. May W. E. How the chronometer went to sea, 638-663.

51. Nivernois to Praslin, 21 March 1763; Praslin to Choiseul, 28 March 1763; Choiseul to Academie, 31 March 1763; Academic to Choiseul, 4 April 1763; extract from Academie register, 16 April 1763.

52. Chapin Seymour. Lalande and the longitude: a little-known London voyage of 1763, Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 32 (1978).

53. Camus to Morton, 2 June 1763; Morton to Camus, 3 June 1763.

54. Le Roy Pierre. Expose succinet des Travaux de MM. Harrison et Le Roy dans la Recherche des Longitudes en Mer et des epreuves faites de leurs Ouvrages (Paris, 1768), 34-35.

55. Ditisheim P. et al. Pierre Le Roy et la Chronometre, 100-1, quoting from Berthoud, Traite des Montres a Longitude... (Paris, 1792), and Berthoud to Minister of Marine, 26 Dec. 1765 (Bibl. Nat.: Nouv. acq. francais 9849).

56. Maindron Ernest. Les Fondations de Prix..., 21.

57. Marguet F. Histoire de la longitude, and Guyot, E., Histoire de la determination des longitudes.

58. Gould R.T. The Marine Chronometer, 86.

59. Lois Decrets. Ordonnances et Decisions concernant le Bureau des Longitudes (Paris, 1909), 1-15.

60. Morando B. Le Bureau des Longitudes, 279-294.

61. The Time-Ball of St. Helena, Nautical Magazine IV (1835), 658.

62. Nautical Magazine (London, 28 Oct. 1833), 680.

63. Neptune, The Time-ball at Greenwich, Nautical Magazine IV (1835), 584-586. Laurie P. S. The Greenwich Time-ball, The Observatory, 78, no. 904 (June 1958), 113-115; Howse Derek. Greenwich Observatory, vol. iii: Its Buildings and Instruments, 134-136.

Глава 4

1. Bigourdan G. Le jour et ses divisions... В, -840; Neugebauer О. А. History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy.

2. Bigourdan G. Le Jour et ses divisions... B8-9.

3. Joyce H. The History of the post office (1893), 283.

4. Airy G. B. Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors (1857), 15. Henceforward cited as Report...

5. Illustrated London News, 14 May 1842, 16.

6. PRO/RAIL 1005/235, f. 58, 3 Nov. 1840.

7. House of Lords Record Office.

8. PRO/RAIL 1008/95.

9. Booth Henry. Uniformity of Time, considered especially in reference to Railway Transit and the Operations of the Electric Telegraph (London and Liverpool, 1847), 4.

10. Там же, 16.

11. Smith H. M. Greenwich time and the prime meridian, 221.

12. PRO/RAIL 1007/393 (for L and NWR) and private communication from Prof. J. Simmons (for Caledonian R.).

13. Illustrated London News, 13, 23 Dec. 1848, 387.

14. Bagwell P. The Transport Revolution from 1770 (London, 1970).

15. KieveJ.L. Electric Telegraph: A Social and Economic History, 104.

16. Airy's journal (RGO MS. 621).

17. The Times, 23 Aug. 1852.

18. Ellis William. Lecture on the Greenwich System of Time Signals, 98-99.

19. VarleyC.F. Description of the Chronopher, 1864 (GPO Post Office Records-Post 81/46).

20. The Times, 19 June 1852.

21. RGO MSS. 1182/2.

22. RGO MSS 1181/3.

23. RGO MS. 1190.01.

24. При составлении этого списка использованы следующие источники: Ellis W. Lecture on the Greenwich System of Time Signals, April-July 1865, 85-102, 109-114, 121-124; Ellis W. Time Signalling: a retrospect, The Horological Journal, Oct. 1911, 21-23; Airy, Report (1868), 22.

25. Airy. Report (1868), 22.

26. Lecture on the Greenwich System of Time Signals, 123.

27. GPO/Post 30/E 9195/1888, file 2.

28. Shenton Rita, private communication, 21 March 1978.

29. Jagger Gedric, Philip Paul Barraud (London, 1968), 68-69.

30. Davies Alun C. Greenwich and Standard Time, History Today, 28(3) (March 1978), 198.

31. R[ussell] W.J. Abraham Follett Oster, 1808-1903 [1904].

32. The Times, 12 Jan. 1850.

33. Smith H.M. Greenwich time and the prime meridian, Vistas in Astronomy, 220 (1976).

34. Edinburgh Town Council, Minutes, 4 Jan. 1848.

35. Illustrated London News, 12, 12 Feb. 1848, 89.

36. Greenwich time, Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 63 (March 1848), 354-61.

37. F [rodsham] С [harles]. Greenwich time: the universal standard of time throughout Great Britain (London, 1848), 11 pp.

38. Railway-time aggression, Chambers Edinburgh Journal, XV, no. 390, new series (217 June 1851), 392-5.

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