39. Illustrated London News, 3 Jan, 1852, 10.
40. The Times, 21 Nov. 1851, 3.
41. The Times 17 Nov. 1851, 7.
42. RGO MS, 1168/118-21.
43. Airy. Report (1853), 8.
44. The Western Luminary, 31 Aug. 1852 (RGO MS, 1181/132).
45. RGO MS. 1168/133.
46. Latimer J. The Annals of Bristol in the Nineteenth Century (Bristol, 1887).
47. The English Reports, CLVII, Exchequer Division, XIII (1916), 719.
48. Act 43 and 44 Viet, c., House of Lords Record Office.
1. Forbes E.G. Greenwich Observatory, vol. i: Origins and Early History (London, 1975), 150.
2. Airy. Reports (1855), 11; (1863), Appendix HI, 19.
3. Airy. Report (1867), 20, and RGO MS. 1187-1201.
4. Airy. Report (1867), 21.
5. Bigourdan G. Le jour et ses divisions. Les fuseaux horaires et 1'Association Internationale de I'Heure, Annuare du Bureau des Longitudes (Paris, 1914), B43 4n.
6. Corliss C.J. The Day of Two Noons (Washington 1941), 3.
7. Weber Gustavus A. The Naval Observatory, its History, Activities and Organization (Baltimore, 1926), 27- 28.
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11. Smith H. M. Greenwich time and the prime meridian, Vistas in Astronomy (1976), 222-223.
12. New York Herald, Sunday 18 Nov. 1883, 10.
13. Там же, 19 Nov. 1883, 6.
14. Popular Astronomy, Jan. 1901.
15. Detroit News, 26 Sept. 1938.
16. Rubio Jose Pulido. El Piloto Mayor... de la Casa de la Contratacion (Sevilla, 1950), 438-441.
17. Perrin W.G. The Prime Meridian, Mariner's Mirror, XIII, no. 2 (April
1927), 118.
18. Там же, 119.
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22. Borsari Ferdinando. II Meridiano iniziale e 1'ora universale (Napoli, 1883), 61.
23. Smith H. M. Greenwich time and the prime meridian, Vistas in Astronomy (1976), 222.
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25. Mayall R. Newton. The Inventor of Standard Time, Popular Astronomy, L, no. 4 (April 1942).
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27. Fleming S. Universal or Cosmic Time (Toronto, 1885), 33.
28. Там же, 31.
29. Там же, 35-38.
30. Memorandum of the Royal Society of Canada on the Unification of Time at Sea, Trans. R. Soc. Canada (1896-7), II, 28.
31. De Beaumont H. Bouthillier. Choix d'un meridien initial unique (Geneva, 1880).
32. Wheeler G. M. Report upon the Third International Geographical Congress... 1881... (Washington, 1885), 28-29.
33. Smith H. M. Greenwich time and the prime meridian, Vistas in Astronomy (1976), 224-225.
34. International Conference held at Washington for the purpose of fixing a Prime Meridian and a Universal Day, October 1884 - Protocols of the Proceedings.
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36. Norie J. W. A New and Complete Epitome of Practical Navigation ... (10th edn. 1831), 313.
1. Pasquier E. Unification of Time, in Journal of the British Astronomical Association, Nov. 1891, 107.
2. Bigourdan G. Le jour et ses divisions. Les fuseaux horaires et
1'Association Internationale de VHeure, Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes (Paris, 1914), В 60-68.
3. Decret no. 78-855 du 9 aout 1978 relatif a 1'heure legale francaise, Journal Officiel de la Republique Francaise, 19 Aug. 1978, 3080.
4. Bigourdan G.. Le jour et ses divisions. Les fuseaux horaires et 1'Association Internationale de 1'Heure, Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes (Paris, 1914), В 35.
5. Memorandum of the Royal Soc. of Canada... (ch. 5 no 30), loc. cit. 15.
6. Там же, 48.
7. Bigourdan G. Le jour et ses divisions. Les fiseaux horaires et 1'Association Internationale de 1'Heure, Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes (Paris, 1914), В 36.
8. Minutes of Conference on Time-keeping at Sea, London, June-July 1917 (MOD, Hydrographic Dept. MSS).
9. Sadler D. H. Mean Solar Time on the Meridian of Greenwich, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 19 (1978), 290-309.
10. Pigafetta Antonio. Diary, quoted in Stanley, Lord, of Alderley (ed.). The First Voyage round the World (London, Hakluyt Society, 1874), 161.
11. Leigh-Browne F. S. The International Date Line, The Geographical Magazine, April 1942, 305-306.
12. HellwegJ.F. United States Navy time service, Pub. Astr. Soc. Pasific, 52, 305 (Feb. 1940).
13. Bigourdan G. Les services horaires de 1'observatoire de Paris ..., Bulletin Astronomique, II, 1921-1922, 30.
14. Там же, 32-33.
15. Bureau des Longitudes, Conference internationale de 1'heure ... (Paris, 1912), Dt.
16. Smith H.M. The Bureau International de 1'Heure, Proceedings of the 8th Annual PTTI Applications and Planning Meeting, Nov. -Dec. 1976.
17. De Carle D. British Time, 152-157.
18. Wilson M. Ninth Astronomer Royal (Cambridge, 1951), 201.
19. Bigrourdan G. Le jour et ses divisions. Les fuseaux horaires et 1'Association Internationale de 1'Heure, Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes (Paris, 1914), B72-B73.
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21. Ordnance Survey, History of the Retriangulation of Great Britain (1967), 92-101.
1. Smith H.M. The determination of time and frequency, Proc. IEE, 98, II, 62 (April 1951), 147.
2. Spencer Jones, Sir Harold. The Earth as a Timekeeper, Proc. R. Inst. GB, XXXIV, 157 (1950), 553.
3. Trans. Int. Astr. Un., X (I960), 489.
4. Proces-verbaux des Seances in Comite International des Poids et Mesures, 2e serie, Tome XXV, session de