My favourite combination of drugs was pretty specific:
Dr. Ozzy’s Trivia Quiz: High Expectations
1. How can you get high from a Colorado River toad (
a) By sucking on it
b) By milking it, drying the venom, and smoking it
c) By blending it and drinking the liquid
2. When a British prison inmate grew a marijuana plant in his cell, what did the wardens think it was?
a) A tomato plant
b) A Christmas tree
c) A plastic ornament
3. What was Diane Linkletter high on when she jumped out of a window to her death in 1969?
a) LSD
b) Peyote
c) Magic mushrooms
4. When cops raided an (alleged) meth dealer’s house in Mexico City, how much cash did they find hidden in the walls?
a) $205 million
b) $25 million
c) $2 billion
5. What was Operation Midnight Climax?
a) A project to create a female instant-orgasm pill
b) The secret nickname for Viagra drug trials
c) A CIA-run brothel where the punters were spiked with LSD
Croaking It
Knowing me, I won’t leave this earth peacefully. I’ll be abducted by killer turds from outer space, eaten by a giant cockroach, or crushed by a falling chunk of Halley’s Comet. No matter what happens, though, one thing’s for sure: my time will run out. When it comes to Death, not even the Prince of Darkness gets any special favours.
It used to bother me that I wouldn’t last forever, but it doesn’t any more. Don’t get me wrong: I ain’t planning to kick the bucket any time soon. But we’re already living in an overloaded world, and it’s only gonna get worse: a stray asteroid will land in the ocean, some whacked-out dictator will blow up the moon, or the next ice age will arrive. Who wants eternal life only to see all that bullshit happening? Fuck that, man: let the great-great- grandkids handle it. In the meantime, my philosophy is to make as much of what you’ve got, for as long as humanly possible. So when people write to Dr. Ozzy about getting old, that’s what I tell ’em: accept the inevitable, but don’t stop.
Dear Dr. Ozzy:
I honestly don’t care what music they play at my funeral—they can put on a medley of Justin Bieber, Susan Boyle, and “We Are the Diddymen” if it makes ’em happy—but I
Dear Dr. Ozzy:
What do you mean, “reached the age”? They don’t go, “Oh, Happy 83rd Birthday, here’s a walker.” My gran lived to 99 without needing any help to get around. So you’ve obviously got a specific problem, in which case, you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do, man. Paint the thing black and put a skull and crossbones on the front if it makes you feel better. Otherwise, bear in mind that Johnny Cash used a wheelchair when he got old—and even then, he was still the coolest man on the planet.
Dear Dr. Ozzy: