22. De Vaux to Golb, 26 March 1970.

23. Interview, Norman Golb, 1 November 1989.

24. BAR, July/August 1990, p.45.

25. BAR, January/February 1990, p. 10.

26. Jerusalem Post Magazine, 29 September 1989, p. 11.

7. The Inquisition Today

1. New Catholic Encyclopaedia, vol.xi, p.551.

2. Ibid.

3. Annuario pontificio, 1989, p. 1187.

4. Annuario pontificio, 1956, p.978.

5. Annuario pontificio, 1973, p. 1036.

6. Annuario pontificio, 1988, p. 1139.

7. New Catholic Encyclopaedia, vol.xi, p.551.

8. Benjamin Wambacq, ‘The Historical Truth of the Gospels’, The Tablet, 30 May 1964, p.619.

9. Ibid.

10. Hebblethwaite, Synod Extraordinary, p. 54. According to Pope John Paul II, ‘the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has no other purpose than to preserve from all danger… the authenticity and integrity of… faith’; see Hebblethwaite, In the Vatican, p.90.

11. Annuario pontificio, 1969, pp.967, 1080.

12. Schillebeeckx argues that the ‘apostolic right’ — the rights of the local leaders of Church communities — ‘has priority over the Church order which has in fact grown up’. See Ministry: A Case for Change, p.37.

13. Kung, Infallible? An Enquiry, p. 196.

14. Ibid., p. 102.

15. Ibid., p.18.

16. Kung, ‘The Fallibility of Pope John Paul II’, Observer, 23 December 1979, p. 11.

17. Ibid.

18. Sunday Times, 2 December 1984, p. 13.

19. Ibid.

20. Observer, 27 May 1990, p.l.

21. Independent, 27 June 1990, p. 10.

22. The Times, 27 June 1990, p. 9.

8. The Dilemma for Christian Orthodoxy

1. The Community Rule, III, 7ff. (Vermes, p.64). (As Vermes’s translations of the Dead Sea Scroll texts are the easiest to obtain for the English speaking reader, page references to his work will be added.)

2. Acts, 2:44-6.

3. The Community Rule, I, llff. (Vermes, p.62).

4.Ibid., VI, 2-3 (Vermes, p.69).

5. Ibid., VI, 22-3 (Vermes, p.70).

6. Eisenman, in James the Just in the Habakkuk Pesher, p.32, n.16, draws important parallels between the ruling council of Qumran and that of the ‘early Church’ in Jerusalem, under James.

7. The Commentary on Psalm 37, HI, 11 (Vermes, p.291). See also Eisenman, Maccabees, Zadokites, Christians and Qumran, p. 108 (Ebion/ Ebionim), and pp.xiv, xvi, and 62-3.

8. The War Scroll, XIV, 7 (Vermes, p. 120).

9. The Community Rule, VIII, 21 (Vermes, p.73). See also Eisenman, Maccabees, Zadokites, Christians and Qumran, p.42, n.21; pp. 89-90; p. 109 for Tamimei-Derech.

10. The Community Rule, X, 21-2 (Vermes, p. 77).

11. The Community Rule, VIII, 7 (Vermes, p.72). See also Eisenman, Maccabees, Zadokites, Christians and Qumran, p.80.

12. The Community Rule, I, 1 (Vermes, p.61-2).

13. The Habakkuk Commentary, VIII, 2-3 (Vermes, p.287). See also Eisenman, James the Just in the Habakkuk Pesher, pp.37–40.

14. The Community Rule, I, 2-3 (Vermes, pp.61-2).

15. The Community Rule, VIII, 22ff. (Vermes, p.73). See also Eisenman, Maccabees, Zadokites, Christians and Qumran, p.xii.

16. The Community Rule, II, 19 (Vermes, p.63).

17. Driver, The Judaean Scrolls, pp.316-30; Talmon, The World of Qumranfrom Within, pp.147-85.

18. The Community Rule, VI, 4-6 (Vermes, p.69).

19. The Messianic Rule, II, 20-21 (Vermes, p. 102).

20. Danielou, The Dead Sea Scrolls and Primitive Christianity, p.27.

9. The Scrolls

1. Newsweek, 27 February 1989, p. 55.

2. The Community Rule, VII, 3 (Vermes, p.71; Vermes gives the words: ‘whoever has deliberately lied’; these words do not exist in the Hebrew original, which reads ‘if he has spoken unwittingly’).

3. Ibid, I, 16ff. (Vermes, p. 62).

4. Ibid., Ill, 6ff. (Vermes, pp.64).

5. Ibid., V, 9 (Vermes, p.67).

6. Ibid., IX, 23 (Vermes, p.75; translated by Vermes as ‘zealous for the Precept’, which tends to obscure this important phrase).

7. Ibid, VI, 16ff. (Vermes, p.71).

8. Ibid., VIII, 3ff. (Vermes, p.72). See also Eisenman, Maccabees, Zadokites, Christians and Qumran, p.42, n.21; for a detailed discussion, see James the Just in the Habakkuk Pesher, p. 8.

9. The Community Rule, IX, 11 (Vermes, p.74).

10. The War Scroll, VI, 7 (Vermes, p.III; Vermes calls this document ‘The War Rule’).

11. Ibid., XI, 7 (Vermes, p. 116; Vermes translates ‘Messiah’ as ‘Thine anointed’ which obscures  the import of this passage). See also Eisenman, ‘Eschatological “Rain” Imagery in the War Scroll from Qumran and in the Letter of James’, pp. 180-82.

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