people brought it back from the Nightside. He bought it from a street trader. Fell off the back of a Timeslip No instruction manual, of course, which is why he got it so cheap. It s taken me almost a year to work out how to use it, and I still don t have a clue how it works. Just point it at your enemies, and wave good-bye to what s left of them.

Cool, said Molly, shaking the box in a far too casual manner. Everyone else in the room winced. Molly looked at Patrick. What does it do?

I told you! said Patrick. It explodes people s protein! Suddenly and violently and all over the place. Just don t point it in the general direction of anyone you like. It s not exactly pinpoint accurate.

Molly stuffed the box up her sleeve. Patrick looked at me thoughtfully.



I ve followed your exploits for years. First as a field agent here in London and then as head of the family, and then Well, all the other things you ve done. All the amazing things you ve achieved. And I always promised myself that if I ever got to meet you, there was a question I wanted to ask. Are you happy, Eddie?

I wasn t quite sure where that had come from, but I did my best to consider the question seriously. I m happy with Molly, I said finally.

Good, said Patrick. I m glad to hear that.

Me too, grandson, said the Regent.

You soft and soppy sentimental thing, you, said Molly, slipping her arm through mine.


Some Unpleasantness at the Establishment Club

Every part of society has its own clubs to retreat to, private places where we can escape from the trials and stresses of the everyday world. We all like to know there s somewhere we can go when it all gets a bit much; our very own private watering holes. Very private people have very private clubs, and Very Important People have Very Private Clubs. And then there are the clubs that no one talks about. If they know what s good for them. Membership strictly by invitation only. For people so important, so significant and so wealthy that no one in the everyday world has ever heard of them. Clubs for people who mix only with their own kind.

Which is how I came to be strolling down some very well-known streets in the better part of London, following the map the Regent of Shadows had given me. And a simple set of directions that should take me straight to the only kind of club that would accept the likes of Crow Lee as a member: the Establishment Club. Where the underworld can meet the elite, to sneer at everyone else. I kept Molly close beside me, where I could keep an eye on her, because I didn t entirely trust the larcenous look in her eyes. We got all kinds of looks from the well-dressed people we passed, because neither of us seemed like the kind of people who had any business being in an area like this, but, of course, no one actually said anything. Because we re British, after all, and we don t like to make a fuss. There were security cameras everywhere; let the proper authorities do what needed doing. If anything needed doing. Some of the cameras rotated slowly to watch us as we passed. I pointed them out to Molly.

They can t see us, I said just a bit smugly. As long as I m wearing my torc, there isn t a surveillance system in the world that can see me. Or you, as long as you re with me. What it means to be a Drood we walk through the world unseen, so we can do necessary appalling things and get away with it every time.

Don t get cocky, said Molly. I was learning how to dodge security systems while you were still planning how to run away from home. I really don t like this area, Eddie. It stinks of money and privilege and entitlement all the things I ve spent a lifetime fighting. I feel like smashing a whole bunch of things, just on general principles.

Never knew you when you didn t, I said.

And that was when the security cameras all started exploding. The one right in front of us went first, blowing apart in a soft puff of black smoke and a short shower of plastic and glass splinters. Then all the others went up, one after the other, ahead and behind us. The quiet of the late evening was suddenly full of the soft sounds of small fires and frying electrical circuitry. Everyone else on the street jumped and looked about them, startled, and then took to their heels. In a polite and dignified way, of course. Soon enough they were all gone from a street where they didn t feel safe anymore because no one was watching over them. I stopped and looked sternly at Molly, who shook her head demurely.

It s not me, Eddie for once. I m afraid it s you. I can See swirls of energy coming off you, striking out at the cameras from your torc.

It s the rogue armour, I said, one hand rising automatically to the golden torc at my throat and then falling back without touching it. It s overreacting. I concentrated, imposing my will on the torc with blunt brute force, and the explosions stopped. I felt something stir inside the torc and then grow still again.

You assured me you had the rogue armour under complete control, Molly said carefully.

I have. Mostly. You have to remember: It s not just armour. Moxton s Mistake is a living thing. I think it just likes to remind me it s still there occasionally.

Can we get moving? said Molly. I m starting to feel just a bit conspicuous, standing alone in the middle of the street. Your torc can t hide us from everyone.

Of course, I said. Moving right along.

You do know where we re going?

Do you want to read the map?

We moved on down the well-lit but now completely deserted street. Evening was fast fading into night. It had been a long hard day, and it wasn t nearly over yet. I did my best to make sense of the hand-drawn map the Regent had scrawled for me, and carefully checked the numbers on the doors we passed. Not far now. Not long at all until I could finally get my hands on Crow Lee and force some straight answers out of him.

What did you make of the Regent? Molly said suddenly. Your long-lost and suddenly found grandfather.

Seemed straightforward enough, I said. Given the game he s playing. Decent enough stick Played his cards a bit close to his chest, but then, you ve got to expect that from someone who s still technically a rogue Drood. What did you make of Patrick?

Something not quite right there, Molly said immediately, frowning. He didn t come across to me as any kind of Armourer. Not that I ve known many.

He knew his stuff, I said. And the Regent did say that Patrick had been one of his Special Agents. Working out in the field, like us, getting his hands dirty But even so, you re right; there was something off about him. He reminds me of someone, though I m damned if I can think who.

Someone you ve met before? said Molly.

In the field?

I shook my head uncertainly. Are you happy? That s what he asked me. What kind of a question is that to someone you ve only just met?

You gave a good answer, though, said Molly, slipping her arm through mine and pressing the side of her body up against mine. You earned yourself some major boyfriend brownie points there.

Can I cash them in later? I said. Let us not forget, the Department of the Uncanny is part of the Establishment, and therefore no one in it can be fully trusted. On principle.

Well, quite, said Molly. But let us concentrate on taking down Crow Lee and getting your family back, and worry about everything else afterwards.

Good answer, I said. Sufficient unto the day are the scumbags thereof.

We ended up strolling along beside a long tenement building, big and grand in the old Regency style, punctuated with a whole lot of barred and shuttered windows and really big doors bearing the gleaming brass nameplates of the very old, very long established private-members clubs they represented. I counted them off, comparing them to the Regent s map, until finally I stopped before one particular door that didn t look any different from all the others I d already passed. In fact, it looked so ordinary I got Molly to check the map to make sure I d got the numbers right. She snatched the thing out of my hand, glared at me, sniffed loudly, glanced briefly at the map and then snapped her fingers and set it on fire. It blazed up quickly, and Molly shook her fingers, letting the

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