xxxvii; and the Blomberg scandal 52; Edelweie Pirates kill Gestapo men 704; engaged in Einsatzgruppen actions 468; Galen’s protest 427–30; Headquarters 600; interrogation of Fritsch 56; radicalization 43; and resistance groups 263, 667, 670; and Stalingrad 551; suppression of religious orders in Munster 427; torture of coup conspirators 690; on Tresckow 660
Gewitteraktion (‘Storm Action’) 691
Geyr von Schweppenburg, General Leo 641, 649
Gibraltar 327, 328, 347, 348, 539
Giesing, Dr Erwin 694, 726, 727, 728
Giesler, Hermann 299, 512, 514, 575, 777, 778
Giesler, Gauleiter Paul 575, 576, 823
Giraud, General Henri 541–2
Gisevius, Hans-Bernd 225, 268, 675–6, 678, 682
Glaise-Horstenau, Edmund 71, 74, 75, 79
Gleiwitz, Upper Silesia 221
Globocnik, Odilo 319, 483
Gneisenau, August Graf Neithardt von 644
Gneisenau (battleship) 504
Godesberg Memorandum 114–18, 122
Goebbels, Joseph 32–3, 36, 43, 118, 226, 227, 753, 786, 798, 806, 819, 832; affair with Lida Baarova 145, 199; on the Anschlue 75–6; appointed Chancellor of the Reich 823, 830; on attacking England 267; on Barbarossa 385, 415 — 16; the Berlin Olympics 7; and black-marketeering 506, 508; Christian Churches a pet theme 509, 516; and the Committee of Three 568–9, 569–70; and Czechoslovakia 96, 107, 112, 113, 115–16, 121; diary 1, 13, 17–18, 39, 41, 44, 46, 83, 137, 138, 148, 161, 164, 177, 382, 395, 474, 487, 521, 571, 610, 638–9, 709, 711, 729; and Der ewige Jude 249; and the food crisis 506; the French armistice 299; and the Fritsch affair 56; in the Fuhrer Bunker 776, 804, 827, 828; fury at the Dresden air-raid 779; on the German declaration of war on the USA 444–5; on Goring 11; and the Hee affair 373, 374–5, 376, 379; Himmler critical of 148; hopes for understanding with Britain 160; H’s most adoring disciple 184, 348, 571, 783; on H’s plans for dealing with Britain 292–3; and H’s threats to Austria 72; instigates the pogrom (1938) 138, 140; and the ‘Jewish Question’ 133, 279, 472–3, 474, 490, 510; on letters criticizing H 566; the ‘Madagascar solution’ 322; marital problems 145; on Memel 176; memorandum to H (September 1944) 729–30; the Munich Agreement 122; the OKW’s radio presentation 398; the ‘peace offer’ to Britain 300; plans to rid Berlin of Jews 133–4, 135, 351, 481, 482, 485, 519; pledges loyalty of all German people to H 117; ‘Plenipotentiary for Total War Deployment’ 563; on the Polish Question 279; propaganda against the Poles 241; radio address castigating the plotters (1944) 700; refashions H’s image (1942) 501; refuses to leave H 824; regrets H isolating himself 565–6; relations with H 35; relationship with Lida Baarova 145; remains wholly loyal 774; Rosenberg detests 149; satisfaction with the massacre of Jews 464, 494–5; signs the Political Testament 823; and Slovakia 166; the Spanish Civil War 16; the ‘special announcements’ 398, 422; Sportpalast speech (18 February 1943) 561–2; suggests reviving the Ministerial Council 570–71; suicide 83; threatens Jewish sympathizers 475; told of the assassination attempt (1944) 678–9; and the uprising (1944) 679; urges H to address the nation after six months’ silence 430–31; and vom Rath’s death 138; the winter clothing crisis 453; ‘The Jews are Guilty’ article 482
Goebbels, Magda 198–9, 783, 827–8, 832–3
Goerdeler, Carl 268, 659, 663, 665, 666; becomes a leading opponent of the Third Reich 19, 664; confession 691; opposes an armaments-led economy 18, 22; Reich Price Commissioner 19; Stauffenberg and 668; warns about H’s aims 90
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 240
Gold Beach 640
Goldlap 738
Gollancz, Victor 840
Goring, Edda 799
Goring, Emmy 799
Goring, Hermann 32, 43, 188, 207, 320, 341, 405, 475, 543, 546, 563, 684, 753, 798, 804; aborted political leadership plan 572–3; aims at economic dominance in southeastern Europe 49, 89; air-lift to 6th Army 544, 545; ambitions 57; and the Anschlue 75–8, 81, 89; and ‘aryanization’ 42; attempts to make a comeback 226; attends two Committee of Three meetings 574; and the Austrian Question 67, 68, 96; the Berlin Olympics 7; blamed for the ‘absolute failure’ of the Luftwaffe 645; and the Blomberg scandal 52, 53; Bormann forces him to resign 807–8; chairs the Ministerial Council 312; and the Committee of Three 568–70; contempt for bureaucracy 313; and Czechoslovakia 96, 119, 120; designated to be H’s successor 396; diary 12; and Dunkirk 296; elevated to Reich Marshal 303–4; encourages H to get rid of Halder 533; the end of his influence on foreign policy 123; establishes a Central Office for Jewish Emigration 147–8; on expansion 46; expelled from the Party 823; favours an agreement with Britain 50, 67, 226, 771–2; foreign policy 67–8; Four-Year Plan see under Germany; and Fritsch 55; ‘Fuel Dictator’ 11; on a ‘great showdown’ with the Jews 127; H humiliates 786–7; and the Hee affair 371, 372, 375, 376; and H’s cancellation of the Polish invasion 215; and H’s memorandum (1936) 20, 21; H’s reluctance to oppose 289; illness 574; isolates himself 95; on the ‘Jewish Question’ 131; keen to see the end of Czechoslovakia 89; and the Luftwaffe’s failure 535, 570, 572, 587, 620–21, 629, 738, 825–6; made Field Marshal 58; at a meeting to discuss the Polish situation 208; and the Munich Agreement 121, 123; narcotics intake 574; nominally in charge of anti-Jewish policy 471; popularity evaporates 620, 644, 739; the Prussian Finance Ministry 574–5; pushes for peace at Munich 89; rapaciousness 89; and the Spanish Civil War 14, 15, 16; successful visit to Italy 45; suicide 836; telegram to H 807; on trial at Nuremberg 574; wants total economic exploitation of Russia 406; and Wiedemann’s mission to London 105
Gorki 437, 438
GPU (Gosudarstvennoye Politicheskoye Upravlenie; Soviet State Political Administration) 359
GPU-Organization 354
Graf, Willi 552
Grafeneck asylum 261
Grand Army (of Napoleon) 393
Grave 723
The Great King (film) 501 ‘greater economic sphere’ see
Greater Russia, Rosenberg’s policy in 406
Greece: capitulation of 366–7; German plans to occupy 361, 363; Italian invasion 331, 346, 361
Greenland 585
Greiner, Helmuth 545
Greiser, Arthur 239, 250–2, 261, 315, 316, 319, 320, 479, 480, 484–5, 759, 837
Gro?-Rosen concentration camp, Lower Silesia 768
Gro?deutschland (‘Greater Germany’) 83
Groeraumwirtschaft (‘greater economic sphere’) xliv, 68, 343
Grodno 398
Groscurth, Lieutenant-Colonel Helmuth 119, 262, 268, 270
Grozny 497, 514, 529, 530, 532, 536
Grynszpan, Herschel 136, 150
Guarantee to Poland 155, 175, 178, 179, 190, 212, 216, 218, 237, 586
Guderian, General Heinz 290, 413, 414, 437, 442, 450, 451, 454–5, 501, 577, 578, 580, 591, 618, 650, 688, 694–5, 723, 725, 737, 753, 756–9, 768, 769, 770, 779, 784, 787–8
Guernica 24–5
Guinness family 13
Gulf of Salerno 600
Gumbinnen 738