Leland took one of her hands. “I’m sorry,” he said.

“Only that?”

“What more can I say? I’m really sorry. You deserved better. You’ll have it in future, if you remember that Tanner was an exceptionally bad man, and most men aren’t remotely like him.”

“So you think I can’t be happy in future without a man?” she asked haughtily, snatching her hand from his.

“Don’t you think that? Isn’t that why you came back to England? Or would you prefer to live alone?”

“You still want to know if I’m trying to snare Geoff,” she said angrily, bounding to her feet.

He rose slowly and caught her hand. “Do you still know?” he asked.

She stared up at him.

“Geoff’s not your father, and he’s not Tanner. He’s a warmhearted, gentle man. Are you looking for that? If so, fine. But if you’re not sure… Daisy,” he said suddenly, “you should be sure. That’s all I can say.”

“But that’s not all you will say,” she said bitterly.

“Of course not,” he said with a tilted smile. “You know me well. But why should it matter to you?”

She hesitated.

“Daisy Tanner,” he said quietly, in a slow soft voice, his gaze locked on hers, “what I’d like to do now is take you in my arms and kiss you senseless. Not with violence, but with slow pleasure. I’d like to kiss you and hear you ask me to do it again. Not for my pride, but because I’d want to, again and again. I’d like to make love to you, with you knowing that you could stop it at any time you wished. I’d like to show you that you wouldn’t want to.

“Unfortunately,” he said in his normal dry, mocking tones, “we can be seen from the house, and if we were seen embracing it would be a scandal. Pray do not get a mote in your eye, or we’ll find ourselves affianced. I don’t want to force you to anything. But know this,” he said in a softer voice, “you wouldn’t run from me. That, I promise.”

“You’re very sure of yourself,” she said with a shaky laugh.

“No, of you,” he said. “You’ve bottled up too much for too long. You were meant for pleasure, and somehow, somewhere, you know it. Think of that when you think of your future, Daisy. That’s all I ask. For your sake, and for the earl’s.”

“And yours,” she said flatly.

“Of course,” he said.

Chapter Fourteen

Daisy didn’t sleep well. Or rather, she thought bitterly when she woke, she slept too well in imaginary arms. She wondered how something that could feel so good in her dreams could make her shiver with fright when she woke and remembered it.

Pest of a man! she thought as she dressed. To intrude in her dreams the way he did in her life. What was he, after all? Take away that seductive voice, and all you’d have would be a tall, thin man with too many airs. No, she admitted, you’d also have those compelling blue eyes, that warm mouth, and that crooked smile. And that sudden wit, and slow drawl that made you think he’d never say anything important, until you found yourself helplessly laughing at the funny side of the truth he’d just shown you.

He also seemed to know things she’d rather not know about herself. And worst of all, just when everything was going right for a change, he’d come along and put a kink in her plans.

“You’re not seeing the earl today?” Helena asked in surprise, when Daisy told her the plans for the day.

“No,” Daisy said.

She turned her head to see how the short plumes on the side of her new hat curled against her cheek. “Isn’t this dashing? Red feathers! I hope it doesn’t rain. The hat cost a fortune. I could have had three whole peacocks for that price, and yet these look like dyed chicken feathers to me. Oh well, whatever they are, they look darling, especially with this new gown, don’t they?”

She didn’t mention that she’d decided to dress all in red the moment she saw the dashing woman the viscount had pointed out to her at the party in his mother’s town house. She’d make him stare at her, this time, Daisy thought smugly. Her gown was crimson. It had long sleeves and a proper skirt; the neckline was no more low cut than was fashionable, but the color alone made her feel outrageous. She didn’t want to be pawed. But she was woman enough to want to feel as though a man might long to touch her.

She turned from the looking glass. “I thought I’d just spend the day shopping, getting things I need, maybe look at some of the town houses that are to let.”

Helena stood staring at her.

Daisy shrugged. “I don’t have to see Geoff every day, you know,” she said. “Anyway, I think things have been moving at too fast a pace since I set foot in London. I came here, landed myself on poor Geoff, and haven’t given him room to breathe since.”

“I thought you wanted that,” Helena said softly.

“I did. But now I need time to think things over, make decisions, and such. I think better when I’m doing something. I’ve no dinner to make or chores to do, so I hope walking and shopping will do it for me now.”

Helena grew still. “Decisions to make? Has the earl asked for your hand?”

“No,” Daisy said with a scowl. “He hasn’t.”

“Then why look at houses to let? Surely…” Helena took a deep breath. “Surely you know he will propose, or so it seems to me. So why look at houses to let unless you want to make a new home with him? But why? His town house is beautiful. Anyone would be happy there.” She ducked her head. “I’m sorry, that’s really not my business. Please excuse me for asking.”

“No need to apologize,” Daisy said, as she drew on her gloves. “My intentions weren’t a secret. The truth is, I don’t know what I thought I knew, and I’m not sure of what I should say or do one way or the other. I’m at a standstill, Helena, and that’s new to me. That’s what comes from never having to decide anything important for so long. First my father did the thinking for me and then Tanner did. I think deciding’s a thing you have to practice in order to be good at.”

“I’d think it was simple,” Helena persisted. “You obviously care for the earl. He obviously cares for you. Daisy. I know I presume, but I must. The earl’s a wonderful man; anyone would be lucky to be the center of his attention. What’s happened to change your mind?”

Leland Grant, Daisy wanted to say. Things he said. Things he made me feel. The things he makes me feel even when I’m alone in my bed in the night. Things that used to frighten me, but now make me curious. Promises of pleasure in his eyes and at his hands and mouth that make me begin to feel things I thought were numbed forever, heart, soul, and body, of course body. He’s wakened this suddenly bothersome body of mine. The way what he said is right, at least in that I’d have to be more than available, I’d have to be happy in Geoff’s bed. It would only be fair. And I don’t know I could be. I love Geoff, just not the thought of touching him and having him touch me.

But she couldn’t even say that aloud.

Daisy frowned and said instead, “It’s a big step. I need time to think about it. So… Bother!” she exclaimed. She wrinkled her nose and blew a breath from the side of her mouth to set the red feathers by her cheek trembling. “It tickles. I don’t need to fly; why do I need feathers? Oh well, it’s on, and too much trouble to take off. Now, shall we go to buy a new hat that doesn’t make me want to sneeze? Or should we buy some ribbons, or lace, slippers, hair pomade, violets, or melons?” She laughed. “See? There’s too much choice in everything for me these days!”

“Is there anything you’d like to talk over?” Helena asked seriously. “I’m just a paid companion, and when you wed I’ll be on my way to a new position. But I might be able to clear up a few matters for you. I was married, and happily, for ten years. I have two children I adore. I’ve been alone, unhappily for the most part, for five years. So I have experience in making choices. I’d be glad to listen to anything, help with anything you want to share with me.”

“I know,” Daisy said. “Thank you, but this is something I have to ask myself. Now. The Pantheon Bazaar for fripperies? The flower market for fun? Or do we go to a rental agent, so I can see what I could get for my money if I

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