careful, Sam, or I won’t be able to even crawl out of bed to go take a leak.”

“Did I wear you completely out?”

“Not completely.”

“Then you’d better go take that leak.”

“Why? You want more?”

“Of course. It’s a known fact that once a man is hogtied to a woman, he doesn’t put out nearly as much.” Her grin was buried in his smooth, damp skin.

“You think so?” He chuckled deep in his chest.

“I’ve saw it on the Science Channel.”

“They didn’t know about me then.” He shifted her weight gently on his body.

“Oh? Are you different from most men?”

“You tell me. Am I different from the other men you’ve been with?”

She drew a languid breath, snuggling against him. “Well, since you’re the only man I’ve ever been with, I have no frame of reference.”

David drew a deep breath. “What?”

“I said, go to the bathroom.”

“No, you said something else.”

“I said I saw it on the Science Channel?”

“No. That other thing you said.”

She lifted her eyes to his face and sighed. “That you’re the only man I’ve ever been with?”

“Yeah. That thing.” He stared incredulously at her flushed face. “It was so fantastic the first time. I thought…”

She rolled over onto her side, facing the wall. “I guess you thought I was pretty damn experienced.”

David rose up, leaning over her and searching her face. “You loved it as much as I did. No bleeding. No awkwardness or shyness.” He frowned, as if unable to believe that his breathtaking lover had been a virgin.

“But then, when I went down-”

“Yeah. I’d never had anyone do that before either.” She bit her lip at the memory of the first time he had used his mouth to make love to her. “But I agree. It was fantastic.” Her voice was muffled in her pillow.

He inhaled deeply and his hand slowly moved over her waist and hip.

She closed her eyes and sighed again. Damn. Now he was going to be all weirded out.

Sam felt him dragging her gently onto her back and she gazed up into his face as he just stared at her. “I’m not surprised you didn’t realize it was my first time.” Her face grew warm. She waited for him to laugh. He didn’t.

“Do you hear me complaining?” His eyes were aglow with warmth that left her breathless. “You were the first woman I’d ever known who could take everything I have and still be able to breathe. To let me do what I wanted to do with you as often as I wanted to do it.” He bent to lick her breast slowly.

“You certainly have a way with words, David, but thank you.”

“For what?”

“For enjoying me as much as I enjoyed you that night. I was terrified that a man would not be able to-” She swallowed, unable to say the rest.

“Oh, I can assure you that this man was definitely able to.”

Tears formed in her eyes and she dashed them away. “When you made love to me that first time, I thought I had died and gone to heaven.”

He brushed the tears away with gentle fingertips and said softly, “Just the first time? I must be losing my touch.”

She laughed and sniffed back the tears. “Well, now that you mention it, I’ve definitely been there a number of times. You can take me to the stars anytime you like, David. I’m a willing passenger.”

He caught her face in his hands and kissed her hungrily then he breathed huskily, “Star Flight Seven taking off on Runway Two.”

Chapter Ten

“So, how’s Barbados?” Phyllis’ voice crackled over the line.

“Rainy. Hot. I already have a nasty burn from swimming only half an hour. The place is overrated.”

“Okay. You love it. You don’t want me to be madly jealous.”

Sam grinned. “It’s sheer heaven. I hate to think that tomorrow we have to fly back home. David has to be in Los Angeles on Monday for a pay-per-view and I have to make arrangements to sublet my apartment for the next few months.”

“Why bother? It’s only gonna be a few months It’s not like you can’t afford it.”

Sam could have bitten her tongue. “I see no reason to let it sit unoccupied. If I can lease it out for five months that will be better than it sitting empty.”

“Honey, is there something you aren’t telling me?” Phyllis was almost psychic when it came to things bothering her. Sam winced.

“No. But I’m not really sure that a live-in relationship that began barely two weeks after meeting a man will be able to last. I just don’t want to keep all my eggs in the same basket. Not rely too much on Murphy’s Law not kicking in.”

“You sound like you worked pretty hard on that line, Sam.” Phyl sounded unconvinced. “But I won’t push. You’ll drop the bomb on me when you feel it’s time. You enjoy the rest of your vacation and I’ll see you in a week.”

Sam hung up slowly. She lay back on the satin comforter that covered the bed they had shared for the past twenty nights and she closed her eyes. David was in the weight room, not wanting to lose his tone during the weeks he was away from the ring. He was used to hard daily workouts and each of his houses had a huge workout area. He usually returned to their room a little after nine a.m. and he always wanted to shower with her.

To be truthful, she was the cleanest woman in Barbados, taking up to three showers a day and always with a man who couldn’t keep his hands to himself. But she enjoyed every moment of his constant attention, thrilling to his body as he taught her every possible way to make love.

She was damn thankful she had phoned her doctor and gotten a prescription for birth control pills, because she far preferred having him inside her body au naturelle. The feel of his naked cock filling her was the most exciting thing she’d ever known. And she loved having his very beautiful, very thick, very delicious cock uncloaked by latex. She had grown used to being thoroughly, wonderfully satisfied in that department. She closed her eyes. Having sex at the drop of a hat-or a bra, or satin panties-had become a habit over the past three weeks. The man was completely insatiable. And she was so damn glad.

But in a couple more days, there would be times when he was working and she couldn’t be with him. No more impromptu sex in the hallway, the living room, the bathroom. No more making up for a lifetime of total celibacy. She realized that. The “honeymoon” was about to come to a screeching halt. And she was going to miss it. Desperately.

He was due in LA in just two days. And she would be in Cleveland. She wouldn’t see him until Friday.

He had warned her that by Friday, he would be a raving sex maniac and he couldn’t guarantee that he wouldn’t haul her into the men’s room in the airport and have his way with her. She smiled weakly at that thought. Just a month ago, she would have thought herself to be a regular prude, except in her novels. But she was living the life of a flagrant sybarite. And she adored it.

She shook herself out of her vivid, sexy daydreams and landed firmly on earth again. Cleveland. Yes. Business. Right.

She was going to see to the sublease of her apartment and then she would move into his apartment in Chicago. The FPW was headquartered there and he was there more than anywhere else.

“Damn, Snowball… I wish you were here!” she frowned. This was the first time she’d gone off and left him for any length of time, and she was longing for his soft fur.

David shook his head and grinned at her from the doorway to the bedroom. “You still missing that cat of yours?”

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