Sam jerked around and shrugged, her face pink. “Well, sure. He’s a great listener. And sometimes he even has great ideas. I think he’s a little jealous that I spend more time with you than I spend petting him now.”

“Is that why he just stares at me?” He smiled as he sauntered into the room, shrugging out of a bright aqua Hawaiian shirt.

“Yep. It’s feline intimidation. If you blink or look away, he wins. If you don’t, he gets pissed off and pees on your T-shirts.”

He snorted softly. “I’ll have to remember to look away. I thought my shirt smelled weird when you left him with your friend.” He dropped his rumpled outer shirt onto the bed.

She grinned at him. “He’ll get to like you more. Try scratching his belly. He’s a sucker for having his belly and back scratched.”

“Me too. You wanna scratch mine?” He moved slowly closer, peeling his sweat-damp white T-shirt over his head to toss it into the open suitcase.

“Maybe. What’s in it for me?”

“You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.” His smile was wicked as he bent to kiss her slowly. Oh, the man knew how to kiss.

After a couple of minutes, she drew away and turned him forcibly away from her and before he could say a word, she was running her nails slowly over his back and he was hissing with intense pleasure. “Oh yeah. Lower and over to the right. Oh man. That’s the spot.”

“You need a shower.” She sniffed. Most men smelled terrible after a workout. David smelled as sexy as hell. Hot. Spicy. Musky.

“I know but I like getting my back scratched too.”

“Your back looks like you just had sex with a wildcat.” She grinned at the stripes her nails were leaving on his skin.

“I love it when you talk dirty.”

“You’re easy to please.”

“Am I?”


“And what would please you right now?”

“Well, you go get that shower and I’ll let you know.”

“I have to be fresh and clean for you to enjoy it?” he asked.

“I’m afraid so. It’s our last night here and I sort of wanted it to be special.”

“Every night with you is special.”

“That was incredibly sweet of you to say.”

David turned to face her, dragging her gently into his arms and bending to kiss her slowly. When he lifted his head and smiled down at her, he whispered huskily, “Do I have to shower alone?”

“When was the last time you showered alone, David?” Her eyes were glowing with amusement.

“You can’t shower with all those clothes on.” His hands slid under the edge of her peasant blouse and she bit her lip as he dragged it up over her head and tossed it onto the bed.

“Have I ever showered with all my clothes on?”

“I can help you get undressed. Wanna help me with my sweats?”

She smiled and reached to tug the tie at his damp waist. Her fingertips slowly slipped down the front of his sweatpants to tease the growing ridge that never failed to entice her.

“You are a horny, horny man.” Her hand slid inside to cup and circle him and he shuddered.

“And you love it when I’m a horny, horny man.” He bent his mouth to hers and kissed her, his tongue slipping slowly over her smiling lips.

“Mmmm. Oh yes, I do love it.” She slid slowly to her knees and dragged his sweats down to his ankles and smiled widely at the sight of his bobbing, thick cock just inches from her face.

David caught his breath as she untied his Nikes and dragged them off, then tossed his pants atop the growing pile on the bed. But when her slender, wonderful hands cupped his balls and his cock, he had to put his hands on her shoulders to keep from sagging to his knees. Her lips caressed the sensitive ridge around the tip, then her tongue licked away the drop of moisture that had gathered and he almost lost it. He bit his lip and groaned as she took him into her mouth and sucked, hard.

“Sam.” His mind whirled and his body trembled as his woman devoured him. He jerked as her tongue swirled around him and her teeth nipped and scraped until he was so fucking hot he couldn’t even breathe. “You’re killing me!”

Sam seemed instinctively to know he was close to coming and she drew back, rose from her knees and took his hand, leading him into the bathroom. She dropped the rest of her clothes on the floor and shoved him against the back wall of the tiles shower stall, then she climbed up his body and wrapped her legs about him hungrily. “I want you.” Her voice was a whisper of need.

“You’ve got me,” he growled as he took her lips and drove himself into her wet body, supporting her buttocks with strong hands as he held her in the perfect position to stroke hard, over and over. Filling her, stroking deep, burying himself again and again and hearing her little gasps and adorable cries as she thrilled to every touch, every thrust, every long, thick inch of him inside her. Yeah, she had him.

And when he felt her come hard, her body clenching tightly around his cock, he fought his own climax, wanting more of her-wanting never to stop this feeling that tore at his guts and heated his blood.

The deliciously warm water cascaded over their bodies as he pressed her shoulders back into the smooth tiles of the shower. She was so going to miss this oversized shower-and the many marvelous orgasms she had received in it from a man who seemed as insatiable for her as she was for him.

David was now on his knees, her legs hooked over his massive shoulders as she clung to his thick black hair and bit her lip with delight. He was the most breathtaking lover she could have ever imagined. And the man had a tongue that he could bronze and sell patented copies of!

He loved giving her oral sex-and she sooo loved receiving it. She bit her lip as he growled with pleasure. God, he knew exactly what to do, the sounds to make, to drive her mad. He stroked her throbbing clit, his tongue swirling and sucking as she whimpered and arched and gave herself up to a particularly intense climax. As he lowered her feet back to the shower floor, she pulled him up to kiss him and reach for his stiff cock, before she slid down his body to sweetly return the favor.

David closed his eyes and bit his lip hard to keep from shouting out his delight as her sweet mouth slid over his swollen, aching cock. He had never known a woman who was so willing to go down on him, to suck him in and drain him like a starving tigress. Women often only did this for men to placate them but his Sam seemed to enjoy the feel and taste of his cock in her mouth as well as inside her body. And that knowledge made him so fucking horny. She wasn’t shy at all when he wanted to taste her body thoroughly with his own mouth. He had just spent the most amazing three weeks of his life, unable to think straight whenever she was within reach.

She was the most sensuous, satisfying sex partner he had ever known. She had virtually ruined him for any other woman. And he didn’t give a damn.

* * * * *

The flight back to Cleveland was long and tedious, especially when David flew west after the plane change in Indianapolis. His flight would be landing in LA about the same time hers had touched down. She picked up the fluff ball from Phyllis then took a taxi to her apartment and aired it out as she packed up her things and let Snowball wander about the place, finding his long-lost catnip mouse and his squeaky toy and dropping them onto the bed next to her open suitcase. He rolled on his back and begged to play.

“Okay, sweetie. I’ve been ignoring you and I’m sorry. You want your tummy rubbed, love?” The cat purred loudly as she ran her fingertips through the long, soft hair on his vibrating chest. She sank down on the bed and closed her eyes just for a few minutes…

She woke up to the sound of the phone ringing.

As she sat up and rubbed her eyes, she glanced at her watch and reached for the phone with a yawn. “Hello?”

“It’s one a.m. in Cleveland. Are you alone?”

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