She smiled and flopped back onto the bed. “No. I have a handsome man next to me.” She grinned at the cat, who was sleeping rolled up in a ball next to her.

“If he gets white hair on my side of the bed, he’s in deep shit,” he growled.

“Miss me?”

“No. Just called to let you know I just finished up a hot orgy with all five of the divas and a dozen of their friends.”

“And were they utterly fabulous?” Her eyes closed at the sound of his voice. He had the most erotic effect on her.

“A couple of them were okay but not one of them can hold a candle to you.”

She laughed softly. “I was wondering how your match went. I don’t have pay-per-view on my cable here and besides, I’ve been out like a light since I got back to the apartment. Too many late nights when the man of my dreams is around.”

“Catch up on your sleep. You’re gonna need all you can get. Wrestling makes me horny as hell.”

“I’m missing a pair of those terribly sexy undies you made me buy in Barbados.”

“Hmm. You mean these?”

Sam blushed. “Are you wearing them?”

“My ass is way too big to be wearing your undies. Does that answer your question?”

“You aren’t doing anything kinky with my undies, are you?” she grinned.

“Well, let’s just say that they are infinitely sexier than the palm of my hand.”


“Brutal honesty. I did warn you.”

“Can’t you even wait a week? You are one spoiled man.”

“If I waited the week, you would be too sore to walk for a long, long time.”

“That sounds wonderful.”

“Fly out to LA. This is the damn pits.” His voice was a low growl.

“Don’t be such a boob. You can handle this. Enjoy my panties.”

* * * * *

David groaned and hung up, flopping back against the pillows and staring at her lace and satin underwear. Just the sound of her voice made him so fucking hot, he thought he’d explode. He closed his eyes and touched the filmy bit of material to his lips, and then he grinned slowly as he decided that it might damn well be worth a try.

He slid the decadent satin over his fevered skin and bit his lower lip. Yeah. That felt damn nice. He stroked the satin scrap over his stiff cock and thought of her body sliding down over him so lushly. He tightened his grip and began to stroke his shaft a bit harder and faster, his mind conjuring the thought of a redheaded seductress riding his cock. He arched his hips up to his hand, swearing savagely that he had sunk to this pathetically unsatisfactory method of getting his rocks off.

“Dammit, Sam,” his voice rasped as he jerked in a spasm of pure erotic pleasure and came so damn hard his eyes rolled back in his head. And as he sank back into the pillows, he panted raggedly and mentally promised his little temptress that he was not going off and leaving her alone again. He grimaced as he stared at the handful of lace and satin that was still clutched around his cock. Next time, he’d be peeling them off her sweet little ass and burying himself inside that incredibly sexy body…

He groaned as he hardened once more and began to stroke fiercely again. This was the fucking pits!

* * * * *

It had been fairly simple to find a bonded agent who would lease the apartment for a nominal management fee monthly and she’d had her stuff professionally packed and put into storage with a five-month advance payment. Phyllis helped her load her luggage into the taxi and waved her off at the airport. As the flight lifted off, she felt as if her old life was ending and a whole new life was beginning.

A new life that would abruptly end in just five more months.

She put on the headphones and watched the in-flight movie that played on the back of the seat in front of hers. The movie was a comedy but she wasn’t paying it any heed. She found herself thinking about what she was going to do when this short-term “trial marriage” of hers ended.

He had said in Barbados that she could continue to write another book in the series. She could use his name. She closed her eyes and drew a deep breath. One last book about her dream lover. At least that would be something to fill the hours when he wasn’t there. And she was pretty sure there would be a lot of free time once the novelty wore off their lovemaking.

If she did write the final chapter in the series, how would it end? With the hero walking away from his lady love forever, or would he admit he had fallen in love with her and would they live happily ever after? She sighed. Well, at least happily ever after worked out in books.

* * * * *

David was waiting as her plane landed in Chicago. He was as nervous as hell. This was an alien feeling for him. Would she still want him as eagerly after a week’s absence as she had during their dreamlike stay in a tropical paradise? She was so hard to figure out sometimes. He had asked her to fly out to the coast to stay with him and she had brushed him off.

He swallowed hard and frowned at his own stupidity for not insisting she accompany him. He’d be damned if he’d do that again. No more nights sleeping alone in a hotel bed. No more nights reaching for a body that wasn’t there. No more having to use her fucking underwear and his own imagination.

He stood like a stone sentinel, not moving a muscle, oblivious to the avid stares of women who recognized him. Wanted him. He ignored the lustful gazes. He was only interested in one woman wanting him, how one woman would react to him, and the uncertainty was killing him.

Sam stepped from the people mover into the baggage pickup area of the terminal and looked about, her heart pumping madly. Would he be here? Or would he have simply sent a driver to pick her up? Her eyes slid over the happy faces waiting for friends and relatives. He wasn’t here.

Turning dully toward the baggage claim, she heard a woman whispering excitedly to another, just to her left. “Oh God, look at that. I would give my husband’s left nut to get myself a piece of that.”

She lifted her head, noting that nearly every female in her vicinity was craning to see something. And then she saw him, towering head and shoulders above the people moving through the waiting area to the baggage pickups and her throat tightened at the sight of him. When his eyes met hers, she felt a vibrant, breathtaking joy bounding inside her chest that she couldn’t begin to understand.

She couldn’t make her legs move. He was so damn gorgeous. Every woman in the terminal was staring. The sight of him was enough to make her melt into a puddle right where she stood. And when his face slowly broke into a wicked, predatory smile and female voices sighed and squealed and giggled all around her, she realized that she didn’t have to move. He was moving toward her.

He was walking toward her slowly. He moved across the muted gray and green carpeting as bodies gave way before his achingly sexy approach. He walked like he was stalking her, his eyes never leaving hers, holding her prisoner, and when he was less than a yard away, she looked up into those unreadable black eyes and she asked, “Hey, mister. Can I get a ride off you?” The double entendre hung wickedly in the air between them.

She ignored the blatantly envious looks on female faces as he let his eyes slip down her body and back to her face slowly. White teeth flashed as he grinned at her and his low, gravelly voice growled, “You can get one hell of a lot more than just one.”

She inhaled sharply as his arms snaked around her body, hauling her into his possessive embrace. And then she was dangling a foot from the floor, being kissed wickedly senseless in front of a few hundred passengers waiting for their luggage.

God but he tasted good. The feel of his muscular arms dragging her against a chest that had been created for female pleasure left her aching to have him inside her, throbbing to feel his talented hands on her naked flesh,

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