at her back. He slid his fingers from her pussy and took her hand in his, using his fingers to press her own deep inside her body, whispering, “Feel what I feel inside you, Sam.”

Sweet Jesus. The stretching of both their fingers pressing inside her made her wild to have him.

“David, I want you inside me,” she moaned as he lifted her other hand to cup it around her breast.

“Happily.” He eased her slightly forward, bending her so that his cock could access her dripping core. He pressed one hand against her belly as he nudged his cock into her from the rear, his breathing ragged. Her fingers were still inside her and she felt his thick cock against her skin as she drew them out to give him full access to her. He groaned as her fingers caressed him.

She reached beneath her to feel where they were joined and she bit her lip at the sheer, heady pleasure his body could give her. Her fingers slid to the taut sac under his cock as he pressed deeper into her and he groaned, “God, yes!” She gently squeezed his balls and then reached forward to place a hand against the shower tiles for balance, because he had almost lost his with her gentle teasing.

He widened his own stance and bent his knees to be able to drive his cock deeper into her as she placed her other palm on the shower tiles and pressed back hard into each forward thrust of his hips.

“Oh. My. God,” she whimpered as one large hand cupped and squeezed her right breast, while the other slid firmly over her stiff clit in time with every marvelous thrust of his cock.

“You are utterly adorable!” David’s hiss of pleasure was deep and shaky against the back of her shoulder. His teeth gently nipped as he released with a shudder of enjoyment. He shoved deep and hard and held there as he emptied in hard spurts inside her clenching channel.

“Oh Lord!” Her own climax tore through her and she nearly collapsed. If he had not held her upright, she would have slithered to the tile of the shower floor in sheer orgasmic pleasure. And as he flooded her with an incredibly erotic, tingling explosion, they could do little more than remain locked together, panting and shuddering as their joined bodies floated back to earth.

Chapter Eleven

Snowball jumped down from the top of the sofa and stretched luxuriantly, eyeing David coolly as he sauntered out of the living room to check out his bowl of food.

“I don’t think your cat likes me much.”

“He’s warming up to you.” Sam lifted her eyes from the computer monitor and glanced at him. “In another year or so, you’ll be his best pal.” She frowned at the last sentence she had written and deleted it with a sigh.

“How’s the novel coming?” His dark eyes slid over her frustrated expression and he hid a grin as she ran one hand distractedly through her already mussed hair.

“You know, it was a lot easier to write about you when I didn’t know you at all. Now every word I write makes me completely horny. I don’t think I want every woman in the world to know how damn sexy you are, or how good you are in bed.”

Her frown was utterly adorable and he wanted to snatch her off that desk chair and spread her wide on the floor to enjoy like a succulent buffet. He let his gaze slip down her body in anticipation of the moment she would shut that fucking machine off and go to bed with him.

“Well, if they don’t already know from the other books, you aren’t gonna be telling them anything new.” His voice was low and barely audible.

She glanced up and glared at him from across the room. “Writing about a fantasy lover who isn’t real is one thing. But it gets sort of dicey when your fantasy lover is walking around half naked and distracting you all to hell.”

“You want me to leave?”

“No.” Her eyes slid over his ripped chest, trailing down the lean, hard muscles of his six-pack to the dark line of crisp hair that led from his navel into the PJ bottoms. He kept most of the dark hair off his body above his waist because he didn’t like giving his opponents anything to get hold of when he was wrestling. He even kept his hair shorter than the other men in the circuit. No leverage.

“You want me to put some clothes on?” He lifted one dark brow seductively.

“No!” Her eyes snapped back to his shadowed face.

“Then what exactly do you want?” His teeth flashed as he smiled.

She shut off the computer with a little groan of frustration. “I want a long, hot bath and a new brain.”

He rose from the sofa and stretched in a way that made her throat grow tight. “I think I can help you with the first part but I’m afraid you’re on your own for the second part. Come here.” His voice dropped to a sexy purr.

She crossed the room slowly, feeling oddly like a moth moving to its death in a seductive flame. He had showered earlier and was wearing nothing but that pair of black silk pajama bottoms knotted loosely around his lean hips. He reached out as she came within arm’s reach and drew her against his body with a murmur of satisfaction, resting his chin on her head.

She wrapped her arms about all that ohmygod prime hardness and sighed. “I feel so stupid. I can’t seem to get back into the groove. I guess I’ve been living the dream and that makes it hard to try to convert it to something imaginary again.”

“You may just be trying too hard. Give it a rest for a few days. Just leave your work here when you fly to New York with me. You can come to the match and then we can catch a Broadway show, go out dancing. It’ll be a nice change to get you away from that damn keyboard.”

Sam lifted her eyes to his face and sighed again. “You know I hate watching you wrestle. I get too upset. And it gets pretty damn boring sitting in the hotel room alone while you’re off thumping your friends into the mat.”

“I like it when I know you’re out there. It makes me feel like I’m flying.” He dragged his lips over her forehead slowly, enjoying the shiver that went through her.

“Sure and when you do go flying, I nearly have a heart attack. It’s hard enough seeing you come home all covered with bruises and sporting stitches. Having to watch you get them isn’t my favorite pastime.” She closed her eyes at the feel of his mouth caressing her face. God she adored this man.

“If I got down on my knees, would you come to the match in New York?”

She pursed her lips and ran her fingertip around his navel slowly, causing him to shudder with reaction. “If I got down on my knees, would you just forget it and let me stay here?”

His eyes flared with passion. “You little devil. I love it when you talk dirty to me.” He caught her mouth with his and kissed her hungrily, then swept her into his arms. He lifted his head and said roughly, “I love what you do to me with those luscious lips but I won’t trade it for not having you with me for the next ten days. You’re coming to New York as agreed.”

He carried her slowly up the curving stairs to the second landing and into the bedroom they had shared for the past two months. He set her on her feet and kissed her eyelids gently. “I’ll go run that hot bath for you.” His smoldering eyes were full of promise.

She followed him to the bathroom door, and watched as he moved, loving the sight of all that stunning skin stretched over all those rippling muscles. The man had the baddest, tightest, sexiest ass she had ever seen. And when he had filled the marble tub with hot, steamy water and had turned on the whirlpool jets, she lifted one brow and ran a slow finger down his chest to the tie of his silk PJs.

“Too bad you already showered. I’ll miss having you in that tub.”

David smiled slowly as her fingers toyed with the ties of his pajama bottoms. “A man can’t be too clean. I think can handle another bath.”

“You’ll be all pruny,” she warned softly as he dropped his PJs to the floor and shoved her dressing gown back from her shoulders.

“Sometimes a rough texture gives a better orgasm. Don’t you agree?” He picked her up, stepped into the tub and sank down into the steamy, bubbling water.

Sam bit the corner of her lower lip as she sank astride David’s lap and felt his swollen cock slide into her welcoming heat. His dark eyes held hers as he watched her enjoy the length of him filling her. He cupped her ass with both hands and pulled her firmly over his cock and he leaned back against the sloped wall of the tub, breathing raggedly. “You waiting for me to do all the work, sweetheart?” he said in his best Humphrey Bogart imitation.

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