She laughed as she lifted her body gently and sank over him again, then again, biting her lower lip at the utterly sinful feel of him so hard and huge, filling her with each gasping downward surge of her body. His palms slid slowly over her breasts as he closed his eyes and bared his teeth with each heady shot of delight she gave him. She loved watching him thrill to her lovemaking and she bent forward to lick his throat and enjoy the taut cords beneath her mouth, to feel the ragged breaths that jerked in and out as he squeezed her breasts and arched in pleasure beneath her.

And as she moved her lips from his throat up to his chin, he turned quickly and caught her lips in a searing, lush kiss. He kissed her until both of them were panting, their mouths fused into a tangle of hot, hungry tongues and passionate murmurs as they hit their climaxes together and both shuddered with a deep pleasure that left them sated and limp as the foaming water whirled over their bodies for some time afterward.

All that would possibly make it any better was if he loved her.

* * * * *

Victor Mulvayne was along for the New York trip. The FPW owner was extremely friendly but his wife was not. The nicer he was to Sam, the colder his wife’s ice blue eyes got. There was a decided chill to the air in their first- class pod. Sam recognized it instinctively and decided to try to clear the atmosphere. She leaned over toward the amazon and whispered confidingly, “That man absolutely adores you. When he looks at you, he almost drools.”

Yvonne Mulvayne seemed to come out of her dark state as if a ray of morning sunlight had touched her and a moment later, she was giggling with Sam about some of the things that had happened on their last tour.

David watched with a quiet smile as Sam charmed the “Wicked Bitch of the West”, as the other divas called Yvonne. The six-foot-two-inch amazon was joking and giggling with Sam as if they’d been best friends since kindergarten. He watched as Victor eyed the two women curiously, apparently amazed that they seemed to hit it off so well when his wife was a total bitch to all the other women.

David met Victor’s eyes with a touch of a challenge, letting him know that the little redhead was off limits. The chairman grinned crookedly and lifted his beer cup in salute.

“You got yourself one hell of a gal, Chance. Not many women can get the WBW to let down that guard of hers. Has she ever considered going in the ring? I think she’d be a sensation with that coloring. And after the ratings came in on the Chicago events, it’s plain to see that the fans loved her and want more.”

David leaned back in his seat and shook his head slowly. “Don’t even go there, Vic. I like her the way she is.” He spoke softly but there was an edge to his tone.

“You two would make one hell of a mixed tag team. Hell, you could coach her and show her the ropes.”

“I said no.” The rumbling voice should have warned Victor not to push but the man was a promoter to the core.

“Hell, man, when Y and me were mixed tag team champions, we made so damn much money we were rolling in it.”

“Drop it, Vic.”

Sam was raising her eyes to see what was causing David to use that tone. David glanced at her startled expression but didn’t change his tone. She seemed to realize that he was getting very tense, very quickly. Then she said something that brought his cock to rigid attention. She nudged Yvonne and winked at her and said loudly enough for him and Victor to hear, “Sometimes when we’re out, I get so damn horny. I just look at him and want to drag him into the men’s room and attack him.”

Picking up on the hint, Yvonne winked back. “I wonder how the poor man has survived the past couple of months. Does he eat a lot of oysters?”

David’s dark eyes lifted to Sam’s. He drew a deep breath, momentarily forgetting why he was irritated with Mulvayne. Those green cat eyes seemed to be inviting him and he drew a slow, deep breath. How the fuck could she make him so hot with just one look? The next moment, she was rising from her seat and leaning over him, excusing herself and heading toward a set of curved metal stairs and the jet’s upper-deck bathroom. She cast him a come-hither glance that made his cock sit up like a panting puppy and, heaven help him, he was excusing himself to follow her like a fucking horny hound.

He caught up to her as she reached the door to the toilet and she glanced over her shoulder at him. The invitation in her warm smile and glowing eyes made him as hard as a rock and he slid his hands around her waist and followed her through the narrow door into the cramped space.

He leaned against the door and she turned to face him, her hands moving to his overtaxed zipper as she sank down onto the closed toilet seat. “You shouldn’t get angry with your boss just because he says something you don’t like, David.” She kissed his fly then slid the zipper down. “You catch far more flies with honey.”

“I somehow get the feeling you are manipulating me, Sam.” He drew a sharp breath as she freed him from his suddenly tight slacks and caressed him slowly, before running her tongue up the side of him. He shuddered and inhaled.

“Stop complaining. I’d much rather manipulate you than let that black temper of yours spoil a good working relationship.” Her eyes sparkled up into his flushed face and he closed his eyes and groaned, running his strong fingers through her red curls as she bent to take him into her sweet mouth. He braced against the doorframe, watching her head bent over his fly. He savored the feel of her talented tongue, of her teeth gently scraping his cock as she cupped his balls gently with her other hand. Oh God, yeah. He could deal with this anytime.

He stared down at her hair brushing his belly and thought he would lose his mind as she stroked his cock with that amazing tongue of hers. She sucked him deep and squeezed her slim fingers around his base, beginning a heady, wonderful rhythm as she stroked and sucked so powerfully.

“Oh sweet Jesus. You can manipulate me any time you want to.” His thoughts deserted him as he shook and exploded and he found his body spiraling back to earth.

She gave him a wicked grin as he opened his eyes and tried to regain his breath. He stared down into her face as she gently zipped him back up and rose to kiss him slowly. He could taste himself on her lips and tongue and he growled huskily against her mouth, “I’ll take care of you later. And expect no mercy.”

“Thank you. I won’t.”

* * * * *

The limo that picked up Victor and Yvonne was a wonderful stretch Hummer and when Yvonne leaned out the door and said, “Hey, you two. Aren’t you coming with us? No need to grab a taxi. Load on in.”

Sam glanced at David, who shrugged and grinned. They climbed into the limo, which would have easily held a dozen more people, and Sam gasped aloud and said, “My God. All of the crew could fit in here. Is that a wet bar?”

Victor didn’t say a word but watched his wife’s face instead. With a shake of her blonde head, the WBW rolled down her window and yelled, “If you want a ride, get your asses on board. Last call. The crew can get those bags, Heidi. Let them do their jobs. Come on Wolfie, baby. Don’t be shy!”

And ten minutes later, sixteen laughing, joke-cracking, happily relaxed people were all on their way to the New York Sheraton, while Yvonne sat on Victor’s lap and ran her hands over his still well built chest as he kissed her slowly and with great enjoyment.

To conserve space, Sam perched on David’s lap, Heidi found a pleasant spot on the Wolfman’s knee and the huge sumo was smilingly cuddling his own tiny wife on his lap. Heather held up her plastic champagne flute and said, “To our new friend and one hell of a tough little broad, Sam Hastings. Hear, hear!”

Sam blushed hotly as they all raised cups and glasses and David drew her closer into his chest, running his lips over her throat as he rumbled, “Hear, hear!”

* * * * *

They had the evening free, except for a party with some New York promoters and West Coast entertainment moguls that would start at nine. It was only six fifteen when the limo stopped at the awning-shaded front doors of the hotel and everyone piled out. David didn’t move until the rest were out, except for Victor and Yvonne, and then he said quietly to Vic, “I think I’ll take Sam up for a nap. See you two later.”

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