Need grew powerful. Wanting filled him. It wasn’t pretend anymore. It was real and alive and it pulsed within him. He wanted Jesse the same damn way he’d always wanted her. Heart and soul. Forever. In that moment he knew he would walk away from his vow of revenge if only he could-

They pulled apart. Matt wanted to say he’d been the one to end the kiss, but he couldn’t be sure. Maybe it had been her. Maybe she’d figured out the danger of an out-of-control fire. They stood staring at each other, both breathing hard. He could see the wanting in her eyes and knew she saw the same in his.

She started to speak, then shook her head and turned away. In a matter of seconds, she was gone. When he was alone, he continued to stand in the center of his office, his breathing too fast, his body burning for her as it had five years ago.

The game had just gotten interesting, he told himself. There was a whole new dimension at play. A dangerous one. Because she still had power over him. He was going to have to be very careful and make sure she never found out and used it against him.

What he didn’t admit, even to himself, was that maybe it wasn’t a game anymore. Maybe it was something else entirely.


Five years ago…

THE LOBBY OF THE HOTEL looked like something out of an old movie. There was dark wood everywhere, antiques and an air of elegance that made Jesse wish she’d worn something other than jeans and a sweater. She felt like she should be in a dress and heels. She also felt young, out of place and scared.

Don’t be crazy, she told herself. She was fine. So she and Matt had gone away for the weekend. So they were going to have sex. That was hardly new for her. She couldn’t count the number of times she’d done it.

Except everything about Matt was different. Everything was new and exciting and just a little terrifying, but in a good way. At least she hoped it was good.

Matt finished registering them. “Want someone to bring up our bags?” he asked.

She glanced at the small wheeled suitcase she’d brought and his leather duffel she’d made him buy a couple of weeks before.

“I think we can manage,” she murmured, knowing a bellman would only make her more uncomfortable.

As it was, she felt like everyone was staring at her, judging her. It was as if they all knew about her shameful past and were thinking, “Here she goes again. Sleeping with someone else.”

But it wasn’t like that, she thought, wanting to defend herself. Matt was different. She was different. Being in love with him had changed her. Not that she expected anyone to believe her.

Jesse shook her head, determined not to think about her sister or anyone else. Matt had brought her to Portland for the weekend so they could spend some time together and have fun. She wanted to have fun…if only she could catch her breath.

The elevator was old and beautiful, with a brass railing and carved ceiling. They rode up ten floors, then walked down a long, carpeted hallway. Even the doors to the rooms were ornate and looked heavy. Matt used the key and let them into their room.

He stepped back and motioned for her to go first. She stepped into the space and frowned. There was no bed. Just a sofa, a couple of chairs and a view of the river.

She turned in a slow circle, taking in the beautiful furniture, the air of elegance. Then she noticed the open doorway and walked toward it.

Here was the bed, she thought as she stared at the carved canopy, the matching armoire and the lovely linens. The bathroom had a tub built for two, or maybe five, a double shower and real marble floors. The walk-in closet had automatic lights that went on as soon as the door opened.

“Makes me wish I’d brought more clothes,” Jesse murmured, trying not to let him see how out of place she felt. This was too nice, too special. She was used to doing it in the back of a car, or a basement. On the sly, fast, as if the act was something to hide. As if she wasn’t worth anything else.

Her throat was tight. Matt had obviously gone to a lot of trouble to find this place, make reservations. But it was all too much.

He came up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. “You okay?”

She nodded.

“Don’t panic,” he said lightly, squeezing her, then letting her go. “There’s a second bedroom. I wasn’t assuming.”

She turned to stare at him. “What?”

“There’s a second bedroom. Want to see it?”

Another bedroom? Because he hadn’t thought this was a sure thing? “We’re away together. In a hotel. Why would you get a second bedroom?”

He frowned. “We never talked about anything other than going away. I didn’t want to assume that you were ready for us to be lovers.”

But he knew about her past. She’d told him. Not everything, but enough. And still, he treated her like…like…She couldn’t even think of what it was like.

He smiled. “Jess, I’m not going to push you. I want us to spend time together. I want to enjoy the weekend. But if you need a little space of your own, that’s fine.”

He was perfect, she thought, unable to believe this was happening. Kind and gentle, smart, funny. He treated her like a princess. Like something precious. He took care of her without trying to change her. He believed in the best of her.

“I’m scared,” she admitted. “I’ve never been scared before.”

“You don’t have anything to be scared about.”

She looked into his dark eyes and knew he was wrong. She was scared because there was so much on the line.

The truth came to her then, in a blinding flash. She hadn’t just fallen for him-she loved him. And that’s what terrified her the most. The other guys hadn’t mattered. If she blew it, there were another five to take that one’s place. But not with Matt. There was only him and if she lost him, she would never recover.

She loved him. All of him. The way he was so intense about everything. How he had millions and didn’t flaunt it. How he took care of not just her, but even his annoying mother. He was a good man, in every sense of the word. And when he kissed her, she burned down to her soul.

What if she hadn’t been in that Starbucks on the first day they met? What if they’d never found each other? What if he’d fallen for one of the other women he’d been dating? What if someone else had gotten him first?

It was little more than a quirk of fate that they’d found each other, she thought. For once in her life, she’d been lucky.

She crossed to him, raised herself on tiptoe and kissed him. He kissed her back, his mouth warm and firm, yet gentle, as if he didn’t want to hurt her. As if he worried about her. Then his arms were around her and he was pulling her close.

She went willingly into his embrace, wanting to feel his body against hers. She parted and he slipped his tongue into her mouth.

He tasted of the wine they’d had at the tasting and something darkly sexy. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding on to him so that everything stayed where it would. No matter what, Matt would keep her safe. She knew that. She’d known it from the first moment they’d met.

He ran his hands up and down her back. When he went lower and cupped her rear, she arched against him. Her belly brushed his hardness and he groaned.

He pulled back and cupped her face. “I want you, Jesse.”

His dark eyes were bright with fire. His words made her shiver. “I want you, too,” she whispered.

He took her hand and led her back into the bedroom. After he drew back the covers on the bed, he picked up her right hand and kissed her palm.

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