Dani sighed. 'I don't know what to think. I'm happy you're not facing charges or being arrested or whatever they would have done. That's good. But him getting involved like that. It's just not right.'

He stared at her. She got it He didn't have to explain why he wouldn't have wanted this. She knew-because of who she was.

'What are you going to do?' she asked.

'Hell if I know. I can't go to the D.A. and demand he try me.'

'It would make for an interesting conversation.'

'I have to talk to the senator.'

'Another interesting conversation,' she said.

He put his hand on the small of her back and led her out of the courtroom. He'd thought there might be press waiting outside, but no one was there. Had Mark taken care of that, too?

'He did it because you're his son,' she said. 'That has to mean something.'

'He did it because of the campaign.'

'You don't know that.'

'Yeah, I do.'

She faced him. 'Alex, he's your father. Do you really want to have this fight with him?'

'I have to.'

'You're very stubborn.'

He managed a slight smile. 'It's one of my best qualities.'

She looked as if she didn't know what else to say. He touched her cheek.

'I'm sorry about before. About what I said.'

'Me, too.' She shook her head. 'I know you're not like Ryan and Hugh. You're a good man. My life isn't easy right now. I was reacting to that. Not to you.'

'I get it. I pushed too hard '

'Yes, you did.'

She smiled as she spoke.

He nudged her back into a small alcove, then leaned in and kissed her.

She kissed him back, her mouth soft and yielding, her hands resting against his chest. She smelled of flowers and tasted of coffee and that sensual essence he remembered from making love with her.

When she parted for him, he swept inside. Wanting moved through him, but he ignored the need to have her. This wasn't the place or the time, but soon, he thought. Very soon.

They pulled back at the same moment.

Dani glanced around, then looked at him. 'This might be illegal.'

'Not technically, but it's frowned upon.' He rubbed his thumb across her lower lip. 'I want to see you again.'

'Good thing. I'm worming my way into your world. You won't be able to escape me.'

'I don't want to.'

She trembled slightly and her breath caught. 'You're really good,' she murmured. 'And dangerous, Dragon- boy.'

He grinned. 'That's me. How's your grandmother?'

'Doing fine. She's being very careful with her medication, so all is well.' She glanced at her watch. 'I hate to say this, but I have to go. I'm guessing you have places to be, too.'

He nodded. He had to deal with his father. Although he was thinking he should put that off until he could face Mark without wanting to hit something… or someone.


Dani arrived at the Canfield home for her appointment with Katherine. They were supposed to discuss the charity event. As Dani rang the bell, it occurred to her that she didn't even know what charity they would be supporting. It was probably a good question to ask.

Katherine opened the door. For once she wasn't perfectly groomed. Her hair was down, she wore a University of Washington sweatshirt over jeans and had on socks, but no shoes.

'Is it three already?' she asked as she smoothed the front of her shirt. 'I wasn't watching the time. The kids are all home today so it's been hectic.'

'We can reschedule, if it would be easier for you.'

'No, no. This is fine.' Katherine stepped back to let her in. 'I wouldn't want you driving all this way for nothing.'

Mussed and in casual clothing, Katherine seemed more approachable. Not that she wasn't always nice. But like this she made Dani less nervous.

Dani followed her into the family room. Sasha, Oliver and Quinn were sprawled on the floor playing with interlocking building blocks. Bailey sat in a chair, reading a Nancy Drew book.

Bailey bounced up when she saw Dani. 'Hi. Mom said you were coming by.'

'Here I am.' She waved to the other kids, then turned back to Bailey. 'Don't you love Nancy Drew? My grandmother gave me the whole set one summer and I read one after the other.'

Bailey nodded shyly. 'These were my mom's, but I'm real careful with them. I wash my hands and everything.'

'I'm sure she appreciates that,' Dani said. 'It's so nice that you get how important books are.'

Bailey smiled broadly.

Katherine put her arm around Bailey. 'You make me proud in so many ways.'

Bailey leaned against her.

Katherine hugged her then sighed. 'Dani, I have to make a phone call. Can you stand me to leave you with my herd while I'm gone?'

'Of course. I can build with the best of them.'

'It should only be a few minutes. Then we'll discuss that luncheon we're going to.'

Honestly, Dani would rather play with building blocks for days than finalize luncheon details. She sank to the floor where Sasha promptly crawled on her lap

'Hey, you,' Dani said.

'Hey, you, back.' Sasha giggled. “This is a boy game. We should play a girl game. Like dress-up.'

Bailey pressed her lips together. 'That's for kids.'

'I'm a kid,' Sasha said proudly. 'I'm the baby. Mom doesn't want me to ever grow up. She told me so.'

Dani wondered how the differences in the children affected the dynamics in the family.

'I was the youngest, too,' Dani said. 'And the only girl. It's fun to be the baby, but Bailey is becoming a young woman.'

Bailey looked pleased by that. 'I'll be fifteen soon.'

'Wow. Fifteen,' Dani said. 'I remember that. It's kind of an important birthday.'

“I’ll be six,' Sasha told her.

'Six is also important, but there's something about being a teenager. My best friend was only three weeks older than me. I remember her mom took us shopping for our first pair of high heels when my friend turned fifteen. It was a lot of fun. I still have those shoes.'

Not that she would wear them anywhere. They were pretty out of date. But they were a good memory.

'Boys don't wear high heels,' Quinn said.

'You're right. They don't.' As a rule. This wasn't the time to discuss drag queens.

Katherine returned. 'That's all done. Did they torture you?'

'Not at all.'

'Good.' Katherine glanced at her watch. 'I think it's about time for your snack. Who wants to see if Yvette has it ready?'

The boys and Sasha raced off. Bailey hesitated. 'Dani, would you like something to drink?'

Katherine smacked her own forehead. 'Thank you, Bailey, for being so polite. I can't believe I forgot to ask. Dani, you want anything?'

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