Dani smiled at Bailey. 'I'm good, but thanks for asking.'

'You're welcome.'

Bailey followed the other kids out of the room.

Dani moved to the sofa. 'They're wonderful. All of them. They're also a handful, so I'm not sure how you stay sane.'

Katherine laughed. 'Sanity is not required. Just a lot of patience and love.'

'You obviously have an excess of both.'

'You're good with them, as well.'

'I adore them,' Dani admitted. 'I kind of have a soft spot for Bailey. She's a sweetie. Her hair is so beautiful.'

'I agree. A natural redhead. When Alex and Fiona were still married, and people saw us together, they thought she was Fiona's daughter or sister.' Katherine frowned for a moment, then shook her head. 'Part of that is Alex was always so close to Bailey. They have a special bond.'

Dani was more excited to hear about Alex's connection with his sister than to have information about his ex- wife.

'I'm close with my brothers,' Dani said. 'Especially Cal, who's the oldest. I guess he's always looked out for me.'

'Family is important,' Katherine said. 'As is raising money for breast cancer research, which is what our luncheon is about. I believe I mentioned you'll be expected to speak.'

Dani swallowed. 'Yes, you did. In return I might have murmured something about projectile vomiting.'

'Not to worry. You'll be fine. We're talking about five or six minutes of remarks.'

It might as well be a century of remarks, Dani thought, telling herself it was silly to panic now. She should wait until they were closer to the event and then freak out.

'We should coordinate what we wear,' Katherine continued. 'We don't want to match and we don't want to clash. I don't usually worry about this sort of thing, but we'll be photographed. A dress with a nice blazer is always good. A suit works. If you aren't sure what would be appropriate, I'm happy to look over your choices and give you the benefit of my experience, such as it is. Of course I'm much older, the thought of that might scare you.'

'I'd love your opinion,' Dani said. 'You're always so stylish.'

Katherine glanced down at her sweatshirt. 'Not so much today. But that's all right. Okay, back to the event. The reality is you should eat before you come. So many people will want to talk to you there that you won't get a chance. Plus, you don't want to have a picture taken with something in your teeth.'

'Should I be taking notes?' Dani asked, as her apprehension turned to outright fear. 'What if I can't do this? I don't want to embarrass you or your family. I'm not really good at this sort of thing. I don't have the experience.'

Katherine touched her arm. 'Take a breath. You'll be fine. It's not that hard. I'll admit it can be a little terrifying, but you'll get through it and the next time will be easier.'

The next time? 'I don't think so,' she murmured, addressing both the possibility of getting through it and any thoughts of there being a next time.

Katherine smiled at her. 'Trust me.'

'You don't have to do this,' Dani said impulsively. 'You don't have to be nice to me or help me or even accept me. Yet you are. I'm sorry. I mean that. I never meant to cause any trouble. I never meant to hurt anyone.'

'Of course you didn't,' Katherine told her. 'I'll admit that there are some challenges in the situation, but you're the innocent in all this and I know that.'

'You're amazing,' Dani breathed.

'I have my moments,' Katherine admitted. 'There are times I'm not very proud of what I've done, but this is something we all have to deal with. You want to know your father. Why wouldn't you?' She frowned. 'Speaking of Mark, I have something I wanted to show you.'

She stood and crossed to a built-in unit with cupboards on the bottom and bookcases on top. She opened one of the low cabinet doors and pulled out a couple of photo albums, then she returned to the sofa and sat next to Dani.

'Pictures,' she announced. 'I have hundreds, so any time you can't sleep, feel free to come over and I'll bore you into a stupor. Mark's late mother put this one together.' Katherine looked at her. 'She would have loved to know she had a granddaughter. Leslie died about ten years go.'

Grandparents. Dani hadn't much thought about extended family. Were there others she was related to?

Before she could ask, Katherine said, 'Mark's father passed away when Mark was five or six. There isn't any other family that I know about.'

'Oh.' Dani didn't know how she felt about that. Mark was kind of enough to deal with for now.

Katherine opened the older of the two photo albums. 'Mark's baby pictures,' she said as she pointed.

Katherine flipped through the pages, explaining who the people were. Dani tried to relate to them as family, but in truth they were strangers she would never meet.

'There you are.'

Dani looked up and saw Mark walking into the room. Katherine rose and crossed to her husband. As she leaned in and kissed him, Dani caught a flash of emotion in her eyes.

She really loves him, she thought, oddly pleased by the information. As if Mark and Katherine having a happy marriage somehow made things better.

Mark smiled at his wife, then turned to Dani. 'Tell me she's not making you look at old pictures. Katherine is very big on documenting life.'

'I'm enjoying myself,' Dani told him.

'Good. Good.' He looked back at Katherine. 'How long until dinner?'

'An hour.'

'Dani, want to join me in my study? We can talk about family. I'll even go through those old pictures with you.' He turned back to Katherine. 'Is that all right?'

'Of course.'

Mark kissed her again, then patted her butt.

'This way,' he said, motioning for Dani to follow him.

She grabbed the photo albums and trailed behind him.

Bailey stepped out into the hallway. 'Dani,' she called. 'Can I talk to you?'

'Sure. What's up?'

Bailey ducked her head. 'It's my birthday soon.'

Dani smiled. 'I know.'

'Could I have high-heeled shoes, like you did?'

Dani hesitated. She had no idea what Katherine would think of the idea. There were degrees of Down's syndrome and Bailey seemed to be highly functional. It made sense that a fifteen-year-old girl would want to feel a little more grown-up.

'You'd have to clear it with your mom,' Dani said. 'But if she agrees, I think it's a good idea.'

'Could we go shopping? You and me?'

Dani's smile widened. 'I'd really like that. Ask your mom and if it's okay with her, then we'll set something up. We'll go to the mall and eat at the food court and make an afternoon of it. How does that sound?'

'Really cool,' Bailey breathed. 'I'll go ask right now.'

She turned away and started to run down the hall, then turned around, ran back and hugged Dani.

'You're the best!'

'I think you're pretty great, too,' Dani said, hoping Katherine agreed to the shopping trip.

She continued into Mark's study. The room was large and lined with bookshelves. The dark colors and leather furniture made it feel masculine.

Mark sat behind his large, wood desk. He motioned for her to take one of the chairs in front of it.

'Damned pictures,' he said easily as he pointed to the albums Dani held. 'They make me feel old.'

She set them on the desk and settled into the chair. 'Katherine has everything so well organized.'

'I met her while I was in law school. I thought I was hot shit. I had my future all mapped out. Then I met her. She's from old money. Her family goes back generations. She liked me but her parents weren't impressed by some

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