The Crozier Pharohs
A 3S digital back-up edition 1.0
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chapter 1: mainly for dog-fanciers
chapter 2: eccentric patient
chapter 3: a thief in the dog- watches
chapter 4: dead in the river
chapter 5: theories and speculations
chapter 6: the poacher’s story
chapter 7: trouble at crozier lodge
chapter 8: kennel-maid
chapter 9: poacher and doctor
chapter 10: dead in the valley
chapter 11: scalpels
chapter 12: information from crozier lodge
chapter 13: brother and sister
chapter 14: full marks for artistic impression
chapter 15: watersmeet again
chapter 16: exhumations
chapter 17: judgement suspended
speedy death
mystery of a butcher’s shop
the longer bodies
the saltmarsh murders
death at the opera
the devil at saxon wall
dead man’s morris
come away death
st. peter’s finger
printer’s error
brazen tongue
hangman’s curfew
when last i died
laurels are poison
the worsted viper
sunset over soho
my father sleeps
the rising of the moon
here comes a chopper
death and the maiden
the dancing druids
tom brown’s body
groaning spinney
the devil’s elbow
the echoing strangers
merlin’s furlong
faintley speaking
watson’s choice
twelve horses and the hangman’s noose
the twenty-third man