spotted hemlock

the man who grew tomatoes

say it with flowers

the nodding canaries

my bones will keep

adders on the heath

death of a delft blue

pageant of murder

the croaking raven

skeleton island

three quick and five dead

dance to your daddy

gory dew

lament for leto

a hearse on may day

the murder of busy lizzie

a javelin for jonah

winking at the brim

convent on styx

late, late in the evening

noonday and night

fault in the structure

wraiths and changelings

mingled with venom

nest of vipers

mudflats of the dead

uncoffin’d clay

the whispering knights

the death-cap dancers

here lies gloria mundy

death of a burrowing mole

the greenstone griffins

cold, lone and still

no winding-sheet

Michael Joseph LONDON

First published in Great Britain by Michael Joseph Ltd 44 Bedford Square, London WCl

1984 Second impression February 1985

© The Executors of the Estate of Gladys Mitchell 1984

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Copyright owner.

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

Mitchell, Gladys

The Crozier Pharaohs.

I. Title

823'.912[F] PR6025.I832

ISBN 0 7181 2472 3

Photo-set by Colset Pte Ltd, Singapore

Printed in Great Britain by Hollen Street Press, Slough and bound by

Hunter & Foulis Ltd,


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