between Lady Lovesport and Mr. Everard, as if they well understood and appreciated this strange, and to me mysterious and unaccountable, proceeding, but which, however, they both seemed to enjoy.

The posture, however, in which she was placed seemed to be too fatiguing for Lady Lovesport to indulge in any longer. She therefore took her knee from the sofa, and made Harry stand upright. She then tucked his shirt up round his waist and continued to flog away at his posteriors. This proceeding disclosed to me the lovely little object with which I had so often toyed and played. But what was my surprise in beholding the state it was in. I had expected that the effect of the punishment and the pain he must be suffering would have been to make it shrink up, and that it would have been reduced to the smallest possible dimensions. To my great astonishment it appeared standing up erect and swelled out to even greater dimensions than I had ever before seen it, with its rosy head boldly throwing off its usual covering, and distended to a most unusual extent.

Its appearance seemed to excite surprise and admiration as well as to conduce to the amusement of the other spectators. Lady Lovesport seemed to regard it with a pleased and interested expression, while Mr. Everard was obliged to stuff his handkerchief into his mouth to prevent his giving audible expression to his feelings of amusement as he pointed first to the little champion thus holding up his head in so bold a manner, and then to my aunt's centre of pleasure, in a provokingly malicious manner, as if he meant to insinuate that there ought to be some connection between them. The meaning of this puzzled me a good deal. But my aunt only replied with a frown and a shake of the head.

Lady Lovesport seemed now apparently to think that this mode of proceeding might excite some suspicion in the boy's mind, for taking him up in her arms, she laid him down on his belly on the sofa, and continued to flog away at him in this position. His trousers were still around his legs, and prevented him from moving them about much. But on a signal from Mr. Everard, my aunt pulled them off and continued her operation, plying the rod upon almost every portion of his naked body. She seemed to take a peculiar delight in varying the scene of operation, and I could occasionally see her smile at the effect produced, especially when a sharp blow in some unexpected quarter caused him to start, or move his body so as to display to view some new charm of his lovely person.

Every now and then, when his legs were a little apart, she would touch with a lively hand-though I must own not severely-the tender surface between the thighs. The twisting and heaving of his buttocks into all manner of strange contortions which followed, and the lascivious postures he thus unconsciously exhibited, seemed to afford her the most intense delight.

At length the boiling passions of the poor boy seemed to be completely roused by the irritating treatment he had received, and he could not refrain from jerking his buttocks backwards and forwards, rubbing his belly against the cushions of the sofa upon which he rested as his body stirred about thus convulsively, agitated under the strong stimulus of the blows of the sharp twigs which still continued to be poured down upon him. By this time the whole surface of his hinder quarters, from the small of his back down to his knees, was glowing with a beautiful reddy tint, and though Lady Lovesport had taken care not to strike so forcibly as to break the skin, it was quite evident from his uneasy motions that the whole of the inflamed flesh was in a most tender and irritable state.

During the latter part of the operation I had observed that Mr. Everard had become very restless and uneasy, and that as he moved about Lady Lovesport, holding up her petticoats and putting his hands upon her thighs and buttocks, he was playing with her many of those tricks which I had often done to Harry, and he to me. He more than once made signals to Lady Lovesport, as if he wished her to stop. At last she complied with his request, and Mr. Everard returned to the bedroom.

Lady Lovesport immediately adjusted her own dress and then removed the bandage from Harry's eyes and untied his hands, telling him she hoped the punishment he had now received would be a lesson to him and would make him learn in future to behave himself with greater propriety.

The audacious Harry, who was still lying on his belly on the sofa, and who had not hitherto spoken a word since the commencement of his punishment, now turned himself slowly on his side, and looked intently at her. His shirt had been firmly tucked up round his waist, so that he was almost perfectly naked, exhibiting his funny little plaything with its red head fully exposed, and more swollen and extended, and apparently more excited and fierce, than ever. He very coolly said that he did not mind the punishment a bit, and did not care how often he received it, but that he was very sorry he had done anything to offend her, and he hoped that she would forgive him, and he would try never to do anything for the future to displease her.

Lady Lovesport blushed considerably at the free exposure of his person, which he thus so coolly made before her, but she pretended not to notice it, and said that if he would be a good boy for the future she would pass over this act of misconduct. She then told him to get up and dress himself. Harry replied that as she had taken off his clothes he thought she ought to put them on again; but she told the young rascal to take care how he conducted himself, as, if she had to punish him a second time, she would not let him off again so easily, and immediately left the room.

Harry began to dress himself, and I noticed that he several times looked at and felt the stiff little object- which still continued to project from him in such a strange manner-as if he was as much surprised at its condition as I was.

As soon as he left the room, I withdrew from my hiding place, and, not finding Harry in the sitting room, I fancied he must have gone to his own apartment. As my aunt had not left her room I thought I might venture to pay a visit to Harry's apartment to ask him how he felt, and whether he had really suffered very much during his punishment. I slipped into the room and found him sitting on a sofa with his trousers open, examining the little instrument that had so much interested me. I sat down beside him, and in answer to my questions he told me that beyond the first few minutes, during which he felt the blows of the birch sting and smart him a good deal, he had not endured much pain, and that after a while the strokes merely created a most uneasy itching sensation in the part affected and a hot irritable feeling through all his body, which was like to drive him wild, and which had made him move and toss himself about in the manner I had witnessed.

I insisted on his taking down his trousers altogether, and letting me see exactly the state of matters, which he willingly agreed to. I found all his usually fine white skin still suffused with a most lovely carmine colour, but I was shocked to observe a large portion, especially the fleshy part of his posteriors, raised in long narrow weals from the effects of the sharp application of the elastic twigs. When I put my hand to them and pressed them, he said he felt no pain in them now, but merely the greatest irritation and twitching. But he said that it was a strange thing that he felt this curious sensation even more intensely in the front part of his person, which had not suffered from the punishment, than in that part which had been most subjected to it. This accounted to me in some measure for the state in which I had observed his little plaything to be, and taking hold of it, I asked him if it did not feel sore when it was stretched out so stiff as it then was. He said no, that it was not sore at all, but that it felt as if it was almost going to burst, though it was a pleasant and not a painful feeling.

As I continued to play with it, he laid himself back on the sofa, and his buttocks began to move up and down again, somewhat in the way they had done when he was leaning against Lady Lovesport's thighs. I could not refrain from yielding; after kissing it repeatedly, I took the rosy knob, which presented itself so charmingly to my caresses, between my lips, and pressed and sucked it. He expressed the greatest delight at this, and said it soothed and relieved him so much that he begged I would continue it.

This I was quite willing to do. I was kneeling on the sofa beside him, and his hands had been for some time wandering under my petticoats, and playing with all my naked charms. He now drew me towards him, and turning my petticoats over my back, he made me kneel astride him as he lay on the sofa, with his face upwards, in such a position that my little aperture was exactly over his mouth. He placed a pillow under his head, so as to raise it sufficiently to enable him to kiss and fondle love's grotto, into the narrow entrance of which he tried to insert his tongue.

As I found that the darling object I was playing with was so greatly swollen and increased in size that I could not, as formerly, get the whole of it within my mouth, I grasped the lower part of it with my fingers, and every time the delicious object heaved upwards between my lips, I pressed my hand gently down along the throbbing shaft, which slipped through my grasp in the most pleasing manner.

This proceeding drew from Harry the most ardent expressions of delight and satisfaction; and I felt his kisses on my centre of bliss increase in ardour and intensity, as he entreated me to continue a movement which was so enchanting to him. Finding him so much gratified by the manner which I was operating upon him, and as his upward heaves were becoming more vigorous and energetic, I pressed the darling object more forcibly in my grasp and met each of his wanton thrusts with a firmer impression upon it, and allowed the rosy head to slip as far as possible within my mouth, tickling it at the same time with my tongue, which I made to circle round the sweet slippery

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