she was fairly in motion, Susan, who had evidently been previously taught the part she was to perform, commenced to apply the rod to the full round white buttocks which my aunt thus presented to her. The pure snowy surface of soft flesh soon began to assume a ruby hue, for Susan by no means spared the rod and seemed to take a great pleasure in thus repaying the punishment she had herself so shortly before experienced.
I noticed, however, that she applied her blows very judiciously. She only let them fall upon the charming posteriors when my aunt sunk down upon her lover's thighs and enclosed within her cavern of delight the whole of his magnificent column. And when she rose up again and exhibited to us the magnificent proportions of the stately pillar in full erection between her thighs, Susan withheld her hand, apparently afraid lest some of the twigs might penetrate between the lovely thighs, and by touching the tender object which was affording them both so much delight, interfere with the perfect enjoyment of their voluptuous revels.
This process was continued for several minutes till my aunt ceased her long heaves up and down, which had hitherto been carried on over the whole extent of the weapon of love from the point to the hilt, and throwing herself forwards upon her lover's breast, clasped him in her arms and pressed her belly as close as possible to his. She then commenced a succession of quick, short, furious heaves, which seemed to be given with all the energy she was possessed of. By thus leaning forward she exposed more fully her splendid posteriors. Susan, no longer checked by the fear of hurting the instrument of bliss, of which only a small portion was now visible to us, poured down a rapid shower of sharp stinging blows, which seemed greatly to add to my aunt's fury and excitement.
Mr. Everard, on his part, throwing his arms round her waist, and imprinting burning kisses on her lovely countenance, heaved his buttocks upwards with the most lively efforts, driving the sturdy stake upon which she was impaled up into her as far as it could go at every upward bound, with the utmost passion and fury.
My aunt was the first to yield and sink under the fury of the combat. The fiery stimulus applied to her tender posteriors seemed to have worked her up to a pitch of amorous excitement which outstripped the efforts of her lover to keep pace with her. Her struggles ceased. She no longer moved up and down upon him, though she still clung to him with a firm grasp, and her buttocks quivered and trembled with the fierce impulse of the transcendent luxury she was enjoying.
Mr. Everard continued his upward heaves for about a minute after she had ceased to respond to them, and then yielding to the burning bliss occasioned by the overflow of the river of delight, he clasped her more closely to him, and with hasty exclamation of unbounded enjoyment poured the tide of rapture into her pleasure-gorged recess.
Being convinced that they had both attained the summit of felicity, I now expected that they would separate, and, for the time, at least, break the luscious bond which united them together. But this was by no means their intention. As soon as they had recovered a little from their pleasure trance, my aunt raised herself slightly up, and, inserting her hand between them, appeared to ascertain the condition of the stately weapon which still united her to her lover. Apparently satisfied with her examination, and still retaining her hold round his body, she gently turned them both over on the sofa, so as to take her place beneath, and to bring her lover above her. His posteriors were thus, in their turn, exposed to the energetic blows of the birch, which Susan immediately proceeded to inflict upon them.
For a time they both remained with their bodies perfectly still amusing themselves with amorous kisses and wanton playing of the hands over each other's naked persons, but soon the stimulus applied to his hinder quarters seemed to urge on Mr. Everard to action. He began to move up and down upon her, at first gently and slowly, and then more violently and with increased vigour. For a time Lady Lovesport remained passive under him, but the delicious friction of such a magnificent truncheon, urged to and fro within her sensitive channel of bliss, soon awoke her burning passions and she responded to his efforts with equal energy and delight. Again a conflict ensued, both striving to the utmost to increase their own luscious sensations of unbounded voluptuousness, and thereby adding to the bliss they were conferring upon their associate in the task of pleasure.
At length their eager struggles achieved the desired success; their respective agitated movements ceased at the same time, and straining each other in their arms they mutually poured forth their amorous effusions, and with every appearance of even greater enjoyment than before, concluded the game of love.
During the whole of this scene, of which I had been a most deeply interested spectator, I could not move. I could scarcely breathe, so great was my excitement and so delighted was I to witness for the first time the mighty mysteries of love, of which I had heard and dreamed so much. Harry continued by my side, alternately engaged in watching the delightful scene before us, and in observing the effect which it produced upon my young and as yet uninitiated senses. His hand, after having roamed over and examined all my charms, had fixed itself on the rosebud of love, and though his wicked fingers were unable to penetrate within the sanctuary to any distance, still his lascivious touches combined with the excitement of the scene before me produced such an effect upon me that I was unable to restrain myself.
Just at the conclusion of the first act of the amorous drama exhibited by the two performers in the boudoir, I felt a sweet emission distill from me and trickle over his wanton fingers. I knew that he was sensible of this from the increased fire with which he kissed me, and pressed his other hand upon the elastic globes with which it was toying. I still retained my hold of my darling plaything, but I was too much afraid of making it yield up its treasures prematurely to venture upon more than a fond grasp of it. I now felt him lift up one of my legs, so as to make me rest for a moment on one knee. This enabled him to raise up my petticoats and turn them over my back. He then placed himself behind me, and I felt the warm soft flesh of his belly brought in close contact with my buttocks, and his delightful weapon introduced between my thighs, where it reared up its proud head, beating stiffly against my belly.
I was only too glad to feel its charming approach, for I had long ago made up my mind that whenever dear Harry chose to ask it, he should obtain any pleasure it was in my power to afford him, and I never thought for a moment of making the slightest opposition to anything he might wish to do. Consequently I allowed him every facility to go on and take any further liberties he might think proper with me, without attempting to make the least resistance.
Gently separating with one hand the lips of the cleft of love, with the other he applied the point of his stiff rod and tried to insert it within the narrow aperture. Alas! This was perfectly impossible to be effected in such a position. After two or three efforts he seemed to be convinced that it was of no use to attempt it and contented himself with pressing the burning instrument against my belly, my thighs, my buttocks-every touch increasing my ardent desires and inflaming my passions to the highest pitch of lustful excitement.
When the last act of the drama of which we were thus the delighted spectators was concluded, I thought I was again going to yield to the emotions it had raised with me; my head turned, and I sank down almost senseless. I was just aware that Harry rose up, lifted me in his arms, and carried me into my own room. There he laid me on my bed, and proceeded to remove that portion of my clothes which still remained upon me. Even had I been capable of resistance I should never have thought of making any. But in fact I hardly knew what he was about until he had stripped me entirely naked, and had performed the same office for himself. I was first brought fully to perfect consciousness by the delicious sensation of feeling his naked body pressed closely to my own in every quarter.
I cannot possibly describe the agreeable sensations which pervaded me while I thus lay on my back at full length with the burning hot body of dear Harry extended upon me, giving rise to the most intense feelings of fierce lasciviousness throughout my whole frame, by the charming manner in which its soft smooth surface pressed upon me. He clasped me and hugged me in his arms, while his wanton kisses wandered from my forehead to my lips, and from my lips to my bubbies, which he almost devoured with his eager bites and caresses. His roving hands strayed over every part of my person, which was not already brought into immediate communication with his own.
As he pressed his belly closer and closer to me, I could feel his luscious instrument of love as stiff and hard as a rod of iron rubbing itself up and down upon my belly, and it throbbed and palpitated to such a tremendous extent that every instant I feared it would burst and scatter its precious contents before he had attained the delightful object which I now knew quite well he was bent upon obtaining. I was therefore extremely glad when I felt him raise himself slightly on his knees and introduce his hand between us, and, applying it to my burning cavity, endeavour to open its mouth.
I rightly judged that this was but the prelude to another and still more delightful part of his body attempting to force an entrance into the passage, the result of which would be to lead to our mutual happiness. So far from recoiling, I gave him every assistance in my power. I was quite aware-from what you had told me and from the disproportion which I could not avoid being sensible existed between the narrow aperture and the swollen and