distended instrument which menaced me so formidably-that there would be considerable difficulty in his forcing open the passage which leads to pleasure sufficiently to admit of the entrance of such a valiant champion as he possessed. I felt consequently that I was likely to have to submit to a considerable amount of pain before the necessary breach was effected. But I had quite made up my mind to endure this, and so far from lamenting it, I was only glad that I should thus be enabled to show that I would willingly undergo any amount of suffering to prove how much I was devoted to him. I resolved that I would even try to avoid any exhibition of the anguish I might endure if I found that the signs of it were even likely to interfere with the consummation of his pleasure, well knowing that I should be amply rewarded afterwards for my complaisance.

Therefore when I felt him distend the lips of my cleft and apply the point of the delightful weapon to it, so far from shrinking from the encounter I held myself in as favourable a position as I could assume, and when he clasped his arms round me and thrust his buttocks forwards, endeavouring to drive the wedge into the narrow aperture, I, too, threw my arms over his back, and drew him to me, and met with fortitude the powerful thrust with which he commenced his first attack upon my poor devoted maidenhead.

Our united endeavours were so far successful that I felt the sweet slippery head of his delicious charmer penetrate within the lips which had never been distended to such a fearful extent before. There was some pain, certainly, in its first entrance, but this instantly succeeded by such a charming sensation of deliriously voluptuous fullness and irritating excitement that I had not the least hesitation in seconding his efforts, when, after a short pause, during which he seemed to enjoy the delicious feelings which his first slight penetration produced upon him quite as much as I did, he again exerted his utmost energy to press forward his fiery steed in the career of pleasure. But here, alas, I was doomed to suffer all the woes which a poor maid must undergo in her first initiation into the mysteries of pleasure and to pay the sad penalty which is exacted from us before we can be admitted to enjoy the greatest bliss which nature has conferred upon us.

As his raging stiff champion was urged forwards by our mutual efforts, I felt the distension and the tearing asunder of my yet unopened fortress produce such unsupportable anguish that I could not endure it any longer, and I sobbed out, “Oh! Harry, Harry! You are killing me.”

By this time, he had got his furious charger already more than half way within me. The dear boy had been deceived by the efforts I had hitherto made to conceal the pangs I was enduring and had supposed that I was enjoying an equal amount of bliss as himself, but as soon as he found that instead of enjoying pleasure, it was agonizing pain that had forced the complaint from my unwilling lips, he did not hesitate a moment to stop short in his victorious career. He endeavoured by the fondest caresses and warmest and most soothing endearments to console me under my sufferings. He told me to take courage for that after he had got so far in, the worst must be over, and our object would very soon be effected when I would be amply recompensed for all the suffering I had undergone by the precious reward which would crown the accomplishment of our united effort. He said that if I wished it, he would at once withdraw the unhappy cause of my distress, though he told me that it would be a severe punishment to him, as its presence within me was giving him the most extreme delight. He insisted, however, that it was absolutely necessary he should be able to get it wholly within me before I could begin to enjoy the pleasure we sought for, and that to take it out and replace it again would only add to my sufferings. He asked me to allow him to try the effect of suspending his efforts to penetrate further, and letting his weapon remain quiet where it was until I could tell that I was able to sustain its further progress.

Alas! The poor boy found himself quite unable to follow out his generous intentions. He did cease for a time his vigorous heaves and thrusts, and allowed his potent instrument to remain at rest for a minute or two: but my painful and uneasy sensations operated too powerfully upon me to admit of my keeping quiet, and I could not refrain from writhing and twisting my body about beneath him under the influence of the agonies I was enduring. The exciting irritation produced by my motions upon his-raging member, pent up and confined as it was within such a narrow recess, and the borders of which pressed upon it with such delightful force, was too much for him to endure any longer. Pressing me in a nervous embrace, he cried out. “Oh, Emily! Emily! I cannot help it. Oh, forgive me! I must — I must do it.”

His impetuous weapon bounded backwards and forwards two or three times within me, at the last of which, as he uttered an exclamation of delight, I felt a delicious warm liquid burst from him and force itself into my interior, creating the most charming titillating sensation within me. The dear boy was in the agonies of bliss. Forgetting my own pain, and only thinking how I could contribute to his satisfaction and delight, I clasped him closely in my arms and sustained him upon me as, after two or three short heaves and one long convulsive quivering thrust of exquisite delight, he sank almost senseless upon me. I imprinted fond kisses upon his charming countenance from which all colour had momentarily departed, as his senses almost deserted him in the pleasing swoon of gratified enjoyment.

As he lay panting and breathless upon me, I had time to investigate the condition of the little charmer which, while affording him so much delight, had already worked me so much mischief. I thought that after having gratified its owner so much as it evidently had done, it would have become relaxed and would have slipped out from its pleasant quarters as it had done from my mouth on a previous occasion, but notwithstanding all the pain its presence occasioned me, I was delighted to find that this did not take place. It still maintained its position within me, and though I was certainly sensible of a slight diminution in the oppressive fullness of distension it had hitherto occasioned me, still I could hardly discover the least symptoms of diminished strength or stiffness about it.

In a short time dear Harry lifted up his head from my bosom, and with joyful accents expressed his gratitude for all the bliss I had afforded him. He tenderly inquired whether I could still endure his attempt to complete his achievement. I hardly knew what to say. The sight of the transports he had enjoyed without my being able to share them with him drove me almost frantic, while, on the other hand, I dreaded a repetition of the shocking pangs I had undergone during his partial penetration within the sanctuary of bliss. But when the dear boy, in the gentlest and most cautious manner, withdrew his stiff instrument to the very mouth of the cavity and then slowly advanced it again as far as it had previously intruded, I found that the passage following the natural consequence of his first pleasing emission had so smoothed the way and rendered it easy for travel that I no longer hesitated. Returning his warm caresses I gave my full permission for him to proceed in his career in any manner that he might think proper.

But, alas! my pangs were not yet over. As long as he confined himself to the portion of my covered way which he had already traversed, it was all delightful, but when he attempted to thrust still further forward, and to complete the perfect insertion of the weapon of love within my inmost recesses, the distension and the rending asunder of the parts occasioned by his advance was so dreadfully painful that after several half-suppressed exclamations drawn from me by my sufferings, I was under the necessity of imploring him to withdraw the instrument of pain and relieve me from my anguish.

Although it must have cost him a sad effort to break off in the midst of his career of enjoyment when so close upon the accomplishment of his wishes, the darling boy did not hesitate to comply with my request. He was in the act of slowly drawing out the member which had caused my suffering, when, to my utter amazement, I heard the accents of suppressed laughter, instantly followed by the well-known sound of birch twigs smartly applied to the naked flesh. I could have no doubt who was the sufferer, or what the part on which the flagellation was inflicted. Poor Harry's posteriors, urged on by the stimulus so suddenly and unexpectedly applied to them, bounded forward with a more furious and energetic jerk than any he had hitherto ventured to make, and that single heave did more to clear the way for him than all his previous endeavours had effected.

I uttered a loud exclamation of anguish as I felt myself thus rudely torn asunder, but the repeated blows which fell fast and furious on poor Harry's devoted bottom, combined with the fierce state of excitement into which he had been thrown by the whole previous scene and his long dalliance with my naked charms, stimulated him to such a state of distraction and excitement that, perfectly regardless of anything but the urgent necessity of satisfying his own maddened feelings of lascivious rage, he repeated his energetic thrusts with such force and so successfully, that almost before I knew what I was about the flaming arrow rushed right up into my very interior, as far as it could reach, and our naked bellies were so closely pressed together that the downy tufts on each side were intermingled and rubbed against each other.

No sooner was this pleasing conjunction fully effected than the strokes of the birch ceased as suddenly as they had commenced. Harry, finding that the whole of the troublesome part of the business was accomplished, ceased for a moment to urge his vigorous efforts, and turned his head round to see who it was who had so unexpectedly and in such a strange manner urged him on to complete so happily the achievement he had been labouring to effect and which he had been so near abandoning at the very moment of victory. The complete

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