hadn’t been an easy decision, but she thought they had made the right one. She thought having the baby and giving it up would be a huge mistake and much more traumatic to Amy than the adjustments she would have to make now. And if her mother was willing to help, she could go on with her life. “I’d rather stay here,” Amy said honestly, and the headmaster nodded. He had never allowed a pregnant student to stay in school, but he didn’t want to destroy her academic career either. He had a responsibility to her as well as the other students. He was trying to figure out how soon it would show.

“I could put you on independent study, but the college that accepts you might not like it. When is the baby due again?”

“The first of May,” Amy told him.

“We have a long break in April for spring vacation,” he said, thinking out loud. “That will take us to the end of April. What if you stay until spring vacation, and stay home after that to have the baby? Then you can come back to school by the end of May to take final exams and graduate with your class in June. It won’t disrupt you too badly academically, and I think we can make it work here. I’ve had students stay out longer with mono. And I don’t want you to blow senior year. This will be a first for us, but we can live with it if you can,” he said, looking at both of them, and Amy nodded and started to cry again. She was so relieved. Victoria hadn’t said a word, but she had been there to support her. Amy’s mother thanked the headmaster profusely, and they left the room a few minutes later. Justin was waiting for them outside, looking worried. Amy smiled at him the minute they came out, and he put his arms around her as her mother and Victoria watched. He was very sweet to her and very protective, and Victoria was hopeful for them both. Maybe things would work out, with her mother’s help.

“They’re letting me stay,” Amy told Justin, beaming. “Mr. Walker was really nice. I’ll stay till spring vacation and come back after the baby for final exams and graduation.” Justin looked like a huge weight had been taken off his shoulders too. They were both really good kids, and everyone was committed to help them.

“Thank you,” Justin said to Victoria and Amy’s mother.

“I didn’t do anything,” Victoria corrected immediately, and Amy intervened.

“Yes, you did. You listened to me the other day, and helped me get up the courage to tell my mom. We went to see her right after I saw you.”

“I’m glad,” Victoria said quietly. “I think you’ve all made some good decisions, and some very challenging ones, I’m sure.” There was no ideal resolution, but this was the best they could all do.

“Thank you for your support,” Amy’s mother said to Victoria in a choked voice, and the three of them left the school a few minutes later to go home.

It made Victoria think of her sister. She was glad nothing like that had ever happened to her. She knew it could happen to anyone. And Mrs. Green was being particularly understanding about it. Amy and Justin were handling it well too, and being very brave. She was still thinking about them when she went home that night. Amy came to Victoria’s classroom to thank her again the next day. Justin was glued to her side, as he had been for two years, and Amy looked better than she had in days. It was going to be an interesting school year with a pregnant student in their midst. And as the headmaster had said, it was a first. Victoria couldn’t help thinking that there was never a dull moment with kids.

Chapter 19

As she did every year, Victoria flew to L.A. for Thanksgiving. It was going to be different this year because Harry had agreed to join them. It was a prelude to what it would be like when he and Gracie were married. And when Victoria got to the house on Wednesday night, her mother was in a flap setting the table with their best linens and Gracie was nowhere to be seen. She and Harry were out having dinner with his sister, who was going to her in- laws’ the next day. Their parents were away, so Harry was having Thanksgiving with the Dawsons instead. And her parents were acting as though a head of state was going to be with them. Their best everything was being used, which seemed silly to Victoria. But she helped her mother set the table as soon as she arrived. They were using her grandmother’s linens and crystal, and Christine’s own wedding plates.

“Gee, Mom, do we really have to go to all this trouble for him? I can’t remember you ever using these plates before.”

“I haven’t in twenty years,” she admitted sheepishly. “Your father wants me to. He thinks Harry is used to only the finest, and he doesn’t want him to think we don’t have nice things.” It gave Victoria a sudden urge to turn Thanksgiving into a backyard barbecue and use paper plates. It seemed so pretentious to go to such lengths for a twenty-seven-year-old kid, who was about to be family after all. But her parents were showing off. Harry would probably have been just as happy with their everyday plates, which he had seen before, and were perfectly fine. It turned their holiday into a much bigger deal than it usually was.

Gracie came home at midnight and raved about how adorable Harry’s sister was, and what a good time she’d had with them, although she’d met her before. But they were going to be sisters-in-law now. His sister supposedly had a nice husband and two children. And Victoria missed the days when Gracie talked about something other than the Wilkeses and the wedding. And she still hadn’t accepted the fact that she had to wear the brown dress at the wedding. It was impossible to get Gracie’s feet on the ground these days and talk about anything other than the wedding.

“Maybe you should get a job,” Victoria said sensibly. “It would give you something else to think about till the wedding.”

“I don’t think Harry wants me to,” Gracie said meekly about the job.

“She doesn’t have time,” their mother added. “She has too much to do for the wedding. We still have to order the invitations and pick out everything for her registry in three stores. Harry wants to find an apartment, and she has to help him with that. We’re still waiting for the sketches from Vera Wang, and Oscar de la Renta is also doing some sketches of wedding gowns that would go with the bridesmaid dresses. She hasn’t picked the cake. We have to meet with the caterer, the florist. We need a band. We’re not sure about which church. And then she’ll have to have fittings for the dress, be photographed in it. There will probably be counseling at the church. She doesn’t have time for work. She’ll be busy every day with the wedding.” Victoria was exhausted just listening to the list, and her mother looked it. It had become a full-time preoccupation for both of them, and seemed ridiculous to Victoria. Other people managed to work and get married. But not Gracie.

“This must be costing a fortune,” Victoria commented to her father the next morning while her mother was basting the turkey, wearing a white wool Chanel suit and an apron. They had gotten very fancy. Victoria was wearing gray wool slacks and a white sweater, which seemed like enough for their usual Thanksgiving. They didn’t normally get this dressed up or make as much effort. But a new day had dawned ever since Gracie was engaged to Harry. Victoria thought it was absurd and inappropriate, and didn’t want to join in.

“You’re damn right it’s costing a fortune,” her father confirmed. “But they’re a very important family. I don’t want Gracie to be embarrassed. Don’t expect something like this if you ever get married,” he warned her. “If you find some guy to marry, you’d better elope. We couldn’t do this again.” She felt as though he had slapped her. As usual, she was being informed that Gracie deserved a wedding fit for a princess, but if she ever married, which her father considered unlikely, she’d better plan on eloping, because they weren’t giving her a wedding. How nice. And how clear. Welcome to second-class citizenship, again. The family was going first class, and she had to go steerage. They were always singling her out to be different and “lesser than” everyone else, or a failure. She wondered why they didn’t just put up a sign on the door to her room, “We don’t love you.” Her parents said it every way they could, and for a minute she was sorry she had come home. She could have had Thanksgiving with Harlan and John at her apartment. They were having friends over that day, and she was sure she’d have been more welcome than she was here. She couldn’t have felt less welcome and less loved after what her father had just said. She didn’t mention the wedding again. It was becoming a sore subject with her, even if it was the only thing her sister ever thought of now. And when Harry arrived at noon, it got worse.

Everyone got nervous and started running around. Her father served champagne instead of wine. Her mother was anxious about the turkey. Victoria was helping in the kitchen, and Harry and Gracie went outside and were whispering and giggling, while her parents made fools of themselves. And once they got to the table, her father and Harry talked politics. Harry told them what was wrong with the country and what should be done to fix it, and her father agreed. Every time Gracie started to say something, Harry cut her off, or finished the sentence for her. She

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