«The History of Intel, 30 Years of Innovation», http://www.intel.com/press-room/ archive/backgrnd/cn71898a.htm


Tim Jackson, Inside Intel, Dutton/Penguin Putnam, New York, 1997, p. 73.


Другие источники: Robert A. Burgelman, «Fading Memories: A Process Theory of Strategic Business Exit in Dynamic Environments», Administrative Science Quarterly, vol. 39, 1994, pp. 24–56; Gene Bylinsky, «How Intel Won Its Bet on Memory Chips», Fortune, November 1973, pp. 142–147, 186; Dennis Carter and Robert Burgelman, «Intel Corporation: The Evolution of an Adaptive Organization», Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, August 6–11, 1999, http://www.aom.pace.edu/meetings/1999/INTELl. htm; Paul E. Ceruzzi, A History of Modern Computing, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1999; George W. Cogan, «Intel Corporation (A): The DRAM Decision», Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, 1989; Robert X. Cringley, Accidental Empires, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1993; Elvia Faggin, «Faggin Contributed to First Microprocessor», San Jose Mercury News, Oct. 3, 1986, p. 6B; Paul Freiberger and Michael Swaine, Fire in the Valley: The Making of the Personal Computer, Osborne/McGraw-Hill, Berkeley, CA, 1984; Andrew S. Grove, Only the Paranoid Survive: How to Exploit the Crisis Points That Challenge Every Company and Career, Currency/Doubleday/ Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, New York, 1996; Amar Gupta and Hoormin D. Toong, «The First Decade of Personal Computers», in Amar Gupta and Hoormin D. Toong, eds., Insights into Personal Computers, IEEE Press, New York, 1985; Marcian E. Hoff, Jr., «Patents Don't Tell Whole Microprocessor Tale», San Jose Mercury News, Oct. 12, 1986, p. 10B; Gerald E. Nelson and William R. Hewlett, «The Design and Development of a Family of Personal Computers for Engineers and Scientists», in ibid.; Joel N. Shurkin, Engines of the Mind: A History of the Computer, Norton, New York, 1984; Albert Yu, Creating the Digital Future: The Secrets of Consistent Innovation at Intel, Free Press/Simon & Schuster, New York, 1998; Rob Walker, Interview with Marcian (Ted) Hoff, Oral Histories of Semiconductor Industry Pioneers, Program in History and Philosophy of Science, Department of History, Stanford University, March 3, 1995.


Капитализация Fairchild достигла максимума в $403 млн в 1969 году, а затем пошла на убыль.


Theodore Levitt, Marketing Myopia.


Theodore Levitt, «Marketing Myopia», Harvard Business Review, September-October, 1975, pp. 1–13.


Cork – пробка (англ.).


Рубанок представляет собой небольшой прямоугольный деревянный брусок с регулируемым лезвием, расположенным вперед и вниз. Регулируя выброс лезвия и совершая повторяющиеся движения вдоль куска дерева, плотник добивается требуемой гладкости его поверхности.


King C. Gillette, «Origin of the Gillette Razor», The Gillette Blade, February 1918, p. 6.


Ibid., p. 7.


William E. Nickerson, «The Development of the Gillette Safety Razor», The Gillette Blade, May 1918, p. 5.


Gillette, op. cit., p. 7.


Другие источники: Russell B. Adams, Jr., King C. Gillette: The Man and His Wonderful Shaving Device, Little, Brown, Boston, 1978; George B. Baldwin, «The Invention of the Modern Safety Razor: A Case Study of Industrial Innovation», Explorations in Entrepreneurial History, vol. 4(2), December 1951, p. 73–104; Anne Bezanson, «The Invention of the Safety Razor: Further Comments», Explorations in Entrepreneurial History, vol. 4(4), May 15, 1952, pp. 193–198; King C. Gillette, «Origin of the Gillette Razor», The Gillette Blade, March 1918, pp. 7–14; William E. Nickerson, «The Development of the Gillette Safety Razor», The Gillette Blade, December 1918, pp. 5–13; William E. Nickerson, «The Development of the Gillette Safety Razor», The Gillette Blade, January 1919, pp. 6–18.




Robert A. Sigafoos, Absolutely, Positively Overnight, St. Luke's Press, Memphis, TN, 1983, p. 31.


Ibid., p. 32.


Ibid., p. 31.

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