weapon o f destruction; I knew I could and I said no I w on’t; I

could have; I was born with the capacity to kill; but m y father

changed m y heart. I said, it’s Nazism you have to kill, not

Nazis. People die pretty easy but cruelty doesn’t. So you got

to find a w ay to go up against the big thing, the menace; you

have to stop it from being necessary— you have to change the

world so no one needs it. Y ou have to start with the love you

have to give, the love that comes from your own heart; and

you can’t accept any terror o f the body, restrictions or

inhibitions or totalitarian limits set by authoritarian types or

institutions; there’s nothing that can’t be love, there’s nothing

that has to be mean; you take the body, the divine body, that

their hate disfigures and destroys, and you let it triumph over

murder and rage and hate through physical love and it is the

purest democracy, there is no exclusion in it. Anything,

everything, is or can be communion, I-Thou. Anything,

everything, can be transformed, transcended, opened up,

turned from opaque to translucent; everything’s luminous,

lambent, poignant, sweet, filled with nuance and grace,

potentially ecstatic. I thought I had the power and the passion

and the will to transform anything, me, now, with the simple

openness o f m y own heart, a heart pretty free o f fear and

without prejudice against life; a heart loving life. I didn’t have

a fascist heart or a bourgeois heart; I just had this heart that

wanted freedom. I wanted to love. I wanted; to love. I never

grasped the passive part where if you were a girl you were

supposed to be loved; he picks you; you sit, wait, hope, pray,

don’t perspire, pluck your eyebrows, be good meaning you

fucking sit still; then the boy comes along and says give me

that one and you respond to being picked with desire, sort o f

like an apple leaping from the tree into the basket. I was me,

however, not her, whomever; some fragile, impotent,

mentally absent person perpetually on hold, then the boy

presses the button and suddenly the line is alive and you get to

say yes and thank you. In Birkenau it didn’t matter what was

in your gorgeous heart, did it; but I didn’t learn, did I? I

wanted to love past couples and individuals and the phoney

baloney o f neurotic affairs. I didn’t want small personalities

doing fetishized carnal acts. I thought adultery was the

stupidest thing alive. John Updike made me want to puke. I

didn’t think adultery could survive one day o f real freedom. I

didn’t think it was bad— I thought it was moronic. I wanted a

grand sensuality that encompassed everyone, didn’t leave

anyone out. I wanted it dense and real and full-blooded and

part o f the fabric o f every day, every single ordinary day, all

the time; I wanted it in all things great and small. I wanted the

world to tremble with sexual feeling, all stirred up, on the

edge o f a thrill, riding a tremor, and I wanted a tender embrace

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