signal widely comprehended on cement: get me. The light can

catch someone’s eye so you have to walk like Zen himself,

walk and not walk, you are a master in the urban Olym pics for

girls, an athlete o f girlish survival, it’s a survival game for the

w orld’s best. You get past them and you celebrate, you

celebrate in your heart, you thank the Lord, in your heart you

say a prayer o f gratitude and forgiveness, you forgive Him,

it’s sincere, and you hope He don’t take it as a challenge,

razor-sharp temper He’s got, no do unto others for Him; and if

you hear someone behind you you beg, in half a second you

are on your knees in your heart begging Him to let you off,

you promise a humility this time that will last, it will begin

right now and last a long, long time, you promise no more

liturgical sacrilege, and your prayer stops and your heart stops

and you wait and the most jo you s sound on G o d ’s earth is that

the man’s feet just stomp by. Either he will hurt you or he will

not; either He will hurt you or He will not. Truth’s so simple

and so severe, you don’t be stupid enough to embellish it. I

m yself live inside now. I don’t take m y chances resting only in

the arms o f God. I put m yself inside four walls and then I let

Him rock me, rock me, baby, rock me. I lived outside a lot;

and this last summer I was tired, disoriented. I was too tired,

really, to find a bed, too nervous, maybe too old, maybe I got

old, it happens pretty fast past eighteen like they always

warned; get yourself one boy when yo u ’re eighteen and get

yourself one bed. It got on m y nerves to think about it every

night, I don’t really like to be in a bed per se. I stayed in the lot

behind where the police park their cars, there’s a big, big dirt

lot, there’s a fence behind the police cars and then there’s

empty dirt, trash, some rats, we made fires, there’s broken

glass, there’s liquor to stay warm , I never once saw what it

was, it’s bottles in bags with hands on the bags that tilt in your

direction, new love, anti-genital love, polymorphous perverse, a bottle in a bag. Y o u got to lift your skirt sometimes but it doesn’t matter and I have sores on me, m y legs is so dirty

I just really don’t look. Y ou don’t have to look. There’s many

mirrors to be used but you need not use them. I got too worn

out to find some bed each new night, it got on m y nerves so I

was edgy and anxious in anticipation, a dread that it would be

hard to find or hard to stay or hard to pay, if I just stayed on the

dirt lot I didn’t have to w orry so much, there’s nothing

trapping you in. Life’s a long, quiet rumble, and you ju st shake

as even as you can so you don’t get too worn out. When I lifted

up m y skirt there was blood and dirt in drips, all dried, down

m y legs, and I had sores. I felt quiet inside. I felt okay. I didn’t

w orry too much. I didn’t go see movies or go on dates. I just

curled up to sleep and I’d drink whatever there was that

someone give me because there’s generous men too; I see

saliva; I see it close up; i f I was an artist I would paint it except I

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