helpless, tiny, cute thing that seems to spasm whole, you

know how infants crinkle all up, their tiny arms and their tiny

legs, they just all bunch up, one m oving sex part in spasm with

a tight, smooth, warm cavity for his penis, it’s a tiny throat,

and the infant sucks hard, pulls the thing in. Years later there

are small suicides, a long, desperate series o f small suicides,

she’s empty inside except for shadows and dread, sick with

debilitating illnesses, no one knows the cause or the cure, she

chokes, she gags, she vom its, she can’t sw allow; there’s

asthma, anxiety, the nights are saturated with a menace that

feels real, specific, concrete, but you can’t find it when you

turn on the light; and eventually, one day or some day, none o f

us can sw allow ; we choke; we gag; we can’t stop them; they

get in the throat, deep enough in, artists o f torment; a manly

invasion; taking a part God didn’t use first. If yo u ’re adult

before they rape you there yo u ’ve got all the luck; all the luck

there is. The infants; are haunted; by familiar rapists; someone

close; someone known; but who; and there’s the disquieting

certainty that one loves him; loves him. There are these

wom en— such fine women— such beautiful women— smart

women, fine women, quiet, compassionate wom en— and

they want to die; all their lives they have wanted to die; death

would solve it; numb the pain that comes from nowhere but

somewhere; they live in rooms; haunted; by a familiar rapist;

they whisper daddy; daddy, daddy, please; asleep or awake

they want to die, there’s a rapist in the room, the figure o f a

man invading, spectral, supernatural, real but not real, present

but not there; he’s invading; he’s a crushing, smothering

adversary; it’s some fucking middle-class bedroom in some

fucking suburb, there aren’t invading armies here but there’s

invasion, a man advancing on sleeping children, his own;

annihilation is how I will love them; they die in pieces inside;

usually their bodies survive; not always, o f course; you want

God to help them but God w on’t help them, He’s on the other

side; there are sides; the suicides are long and slow, not

righteous, not mass but so lonely, so alone; could we gather up

all the women who were the little girls who were the infants

and say do it now, end it now, one time, here; say it was you;

say it happened to you; name names; say his name; we will

have a Massada for girls, a righteous mass suicide, we could

have it on any street corner, cement, bare, hard, empty; but

they’re alone, prisoners in the room with the rapist even after

he’s gone; five infants, uncle; it makes Auschwitz look small,

uncle; deep throat, my uncle invented deep throat, a fine,

upstanding man. I can do the arithmetic; five equals six

million; uncle pig; uncle good Jew ; uncle upstanding citizen;

uncle killer fucking pig; but we have a heroic tradition o f

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