nation. The rock was barren and empty and soon it would be a

cemetery and the bloodletting would become a story; nearly

fiction, nearly a lie; abridged, condensed, cleaned up; as if

killing nine hundred and sixty people, men, women, and

children, by slicing their throats was an easy thing, neat and

clean, simple and quiet; as if there was no sex in it and no

meanness; as if no one was forced, held down, shut up; well,

frankly, murdered; as i f no one was murdered; as if it was

noble and perfect, a bloodless death, a murderless murder, a

mass suicide with universal consent, except for the women

and the children; except for them. Y ou get sad, if you

understand. The men were purely male, noble and perfect, in

behalf o f all the Jew s; the young ones especially, strong

animals, real men, prideful men, physically perfect specimens

dark and icy with glistening thighs, ideologically pure,

racially proud, idealists with racial pride; pure, perfect,

uncorrupted nationalists; beautiful fascists; cold killing boys;

until God, ever wise, ever vicious, turned them into girls. I

was probably an old woman making a fool o f herself with

memories and desires, all the natural grace and learned artifice

o f young women burned away by wear and tear and the awful,

hot sun. Still, sometimes you’d like to feel one o f the young

ones against you, a last time, one last time; nasty, brutish,

short. It’s a dumb nostalgia. They never were very good, not

the fathers, not the sons. O r maybe I was some sentimental old

fool w h o ’d always been a faithful wife, except once, I was

lonely and he was urgent, and I had a dozen grandchildren so

this rock knew m y blood already, I had labored here, and now

I sat, old, under the sun, and m y brain got heated with

foresight and grief and I saw them as they soon would be,

corpses with their throats slit, and maybe I howled in pain, an

animal sound, or I denounced them in real words, and the

young men said she’s an old fool, she’s an old idiot, she’s

loony, ignore her, it’s nonsense, and I tried to tell the girls and

the children how they’d be killed soon, with the awful slice

across the throat; these are fanatic boys, I said, driven by an

idea, I said, it is murder, not suicide, what they will do to you;

and they asked if it was the will o f God and o f course now I see

w hy you must lie but I said yes, it’s His will, always, that we

should suffer and die, the will o f God is wrong, I said, we have

to defy the will o f God, we have to defy the Romans and the

Je w s and the will o f God, we have to find a w ay to live, us, you

see, us; she’s loony, they said; you’ll be stretched out, I said,

beautiful and young, too soon, dressed and ornamented, and

your throats will be naked as if your husbands are going to use

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