children; we made our hearts as bare and hard and empty as the

rock itself; good students, emblematic Jew s; pride was

prophecy. N early two thousand years later w e’d take Palestine

back, our hearts burned bare, a collective heart chastened by

the fire o f the crematoria; empty, hard. Pride, the euphemism

for the emotions that drove us to kill ourselves in a mass

suicide at Massada, the nationalist euphemism, was simple

obedience. We knew the meaning o f the H oly Books, the

stories o f His love, the narrative details o f His omnipresent

embrace; His wrath, orgasmic, a graphic, calculating

treachery. Freedom meant escape from Him; bolting into

death; a desperate, determined run from His tormenting love;

the Romans were His surrogates, the agents o f slavery and

rape, puppets on the divine string. It was the play within the

play; they too suffered; He loved them too; they too were

children o f God; He toyed with them too; but we were

D addy’s favorite girl. We had the holy scrolls; and a

synagogue that faced towards Jerusalem, His city, cruel as is

befitting; perpetual murder, as is befitting. The suicide at

Massada was us, His best children, formed by His perfect

love, surrendering: to Him. Annihilation is how I will love

them; He loved loving; the freedom for us was the end o f the

affair, finally dead. Yeah, we defied the Romans, a righteous

suicide it seemed; but that was barely the point; we weren’t

prepared to have them on top, we belonged to Him.

Everything was hidden under the floor o f a cell that we had

sealed off; to protect the holy scrolls from Roman desecration;

to protect the synagogue from Roman desecration; we kept

His artifacts pure and hidden, the signs and symbols o f His

love; we died, staying faithful; only Daddy gets to hurt us bad;

only Daddy gets to put His thing there. First we burned

everything we had, food, clothes, everything; we gathered it

all and we burned it. Then ten men were picked by lot and they

slit the throats o f everyone else. Then one man was chosen by

lot and he slit the throats o f the other nine, then his own. I have

no doubt that he did. There were nearly a thousand o f us; nine

hundred and sixty; men, women, children; proud; obedient to

God. There was discipline and calm, a sadness, a quiet

patience, a tense but quiet waiting for slaughter, like at night,

how a child stays awake, waiting, there is a stunning courage,

she does not run, she does not die o f fear. Some were afraid

and they were held down and forced, o f course; it had to be. It

was by family, mostly. A husband lay with his wife and

children, restrained them, their throats were slit first, then his,

he held them down, tenderly or not, and then he bared his

throat, deluded, thinking it was manly, and there was blood,

the w ay God likes it. There were some w idow s, some

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