and ruthless, smart and cruel, they will win; tell me, did

Massada ever die and where are the Romans now; profiles on

coins in museums. A scholar who kills considers the long

view; will the dead survive in every tear the living shed? A

scholar knows how it will look in writing; beyond the death

count o f the moment. Regular soldiers who fight to kill don’t

stand a chance. The corpses o f all sides get maggots and turn to

dust; but some stories live forever, pristine, in the hidden

heart. They prayed, the Jew ish boys, they made forays down

the rock to fight the Romans until the military strength o f the

Romans around the rock was unassailable, they took a little

extra on the side when they could get it, like all men. I

probably had m y eye on the younger ones, twenty, virile,

new, they had no m emory o f being Jew s down on the low

ground, they had only this austere existence, they were born

here o f parents who were born here o f parents who either were

born here or came here young and lived their adult years on

this rock. Sometimes Jew s escaped the Romans and got here,

made it to the top; but they didn’t bring profane ideas; they

stripped themselves o f the foreign culture, the habits o f the

invaders; they told us stories o f Roman barbarism, which

convinced us even more; down below the Romans were pigs

rolling in shit, above we were the people o f God. N o one here

doubted it, especially not the young men; they were pure,

glow ing, vibrant animals lit up by a nationalism that enhanced

their physical beauty, it was a single-minded strength. There

were no distracting, tantalizing memories o f before, below.

We lived without the tumult o f social heterodoxy, there was

no cultural relativism as it were. The young men were hard,

cold animals, full o f self-referential pride; they had no

ambivalence, no doubt; they had true grit and were incapable

o f remorse; they lived in a small, contained world, geographically limited, flat, all the same, barren, culturally

dogmatic, they had a few facts, they learned dogma by rote, it

was a closed system, they had no need for introspection, there

were no moral dilemmas that confronted them, troubled

them, pulled them apart inside; they were strong, they fought,

they prayed but it was a form o f nationalism, they learned

racial pride, they had the thighs o f warriors, not scholars, and

they used them on women, not Romans, it was the common

kind o f killing, man on girl, as i f by being Jew s alone on this

desolate rock, isolated here, they were, finally, like everyone

else, all the other men, ordinary, like Romans, for instance;

making war on us, brutal and quick if not violent, but they

beat women too, the truth, finally, they did. The sacred was

remote from them except as a source o f national pride; pure

Je w s on a purely Jew ish rock they had a pure God o f the Jew s,

His laws, H oly Books, the artifacts o f a pure and superior

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