once she must have been a real girl, even in dresses, and so

maybe you could stop being so curved and soft and flimsy.

Each inch o f her uses up the space she’s in, introducing weight

where once there was air; she dislocates space, displaces it, it

moves and she takes over, she occupies the ground, as if she

was infantry with a bayonet and the right to kill. She’s nothing

like a girl. For instance, her shoulders are square, they take up

space, they are substantial and she don’t make them round or

underplay them or slump them, they don’t look soft as if you

could just walk up to her or in a conversation put your arm

around her, everything’s an edge or a hammer, not a curve.

She reigns, imperial; butch, m y dear, but transcending the

domain o f a bar stool, it ain’t role playing, or a pretense, or a

masquerade; if she were a girl she’d be a little doll; petite; and

there’d be a bigger male one whose shadow would fall on her

and bury her alive. She’d live small in perpetual darkness next

to him. Instead, she’s a certifiable Korean nationalist with an

altar and a flag who considers a hundred sit-ups an insubstantial beginning, foreplay but, in the male mode, barely

counting, and she don’t care about the pain. I m yself pretend

it’s coming from a man, because I know if he was on top o f me

I w ouldn’t stop; so I try to keep going by turning it into him on

me; you fuck w ay past pain when a man’s fucking you blind. I

can do maybe fifteen; I put him on top o f me and I get near

thirty, maybe twenty-eight; I put him in the corner o f the

room laughing and I get to thirty-five; after that, Sensei just

keeps you m oving and you don’t get to stop even if actually

you think your heart is contracting along with your abdomen

and it will convulse and cease, still you move, and she sees

everything, including if you hesitate for half a second or stay

still for half a second, or try to rest halfw ay between up and

down because you think she can’t see the difference but she

sees the molecules in the air and if they ain’t m oving you ain’t

m oving and her eyes nail you and she’s firm and hard; finally,

she will say your name to humiliate you; or assign you thirty

more; and so you keep m oving, the muscles are cramped, all

twisted up inside, swollen and twisted and convulsing, and

your heart’s collapsed into your stomach or your stomach into

your heart and there’s only a bed o f pain in the middle o f you

that moves, it moves, a half inch o f space over a period o f

minutes while the others have done five whole sit-ups, six,

seven, and you feel stupid and weak and cowardly but you

m ove the teeny, tiny smidgen, you keep m oving, you bounce

yourself, you use your breath, anything you can get to make

you m ove so it looks like yo u ’re m oving, and the muscles are

stuck stiff with pain, swelling in hardened cement, but you

m ove; barely, but you move; and o f course with m y intellect I

try to see i f she’s getting o ff on it because if she is that lets me

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