the woman who was tortured to death and so what was so

special about this? But the woman said the reporter was wrong

and it mattered so at first I started to suffocate because the

reporter said it didn’t matter but then I could breathe again

because the woman said it mattered and it couldn’t be erased

and you couldn’t say it was nothing. So I went from this

woman after this because I couldn’t just stay there with her and

she assumed everyone had some place to go because that’s

how life is it seems in the main and I went to the peace office

and instead o f typing letters for the peace boys I wrote to

newspapers saying I had been hurt and it was bad and not all

right and because I didn’t know sophisticated words I used the

words I knew and they were very shocked to death; and the

peace boys were in the office and I refused to type a letter for

one o f them because I was doing this and he read m y letter out

loud to everyone in the room over m y shoulder and they all

laughed at me, and I had spelled America with a “ k ” because I

knew I was in K afka’s world, not Jefferson ’s, and I knew

Am erika was the real country I lived in, and they laughed that I

couldn’t spell it right. The peace wom an fed me sometimes

and let me sleep there sometimes and she talked to me so I

learned some words I could use with her but I didn’t tell her

most things because I didn’t know how and she had an

apartment and w asn’t conversant with how things were for

me and I didn’t want to say but also I couldn’t and also there

was no reason to try, because it is as it is. I’m me, not her in her

apartment. Y ou always have your regular life. She’d say she

could see I was tired and did I want to sleep and I’d say no and

she’d insist and I never understood how she could tell but I was

so tired. I had a room I always stayed in. It was small but it was

warm and there were blankets and there was a door that closed

and she’d be there and she didn’t let anyone come in after me.

M aybe she would have let me stay there more if I had known

how to say some true things about day to day but I didn’t ask

anything from anyone and I never would because I couldn’t

even be sure they would understand, even her. And what I

told her when she made me talk to her was how once you went

to jail they started sticking things up you. T hey kept putting

their fingers and big parts o f their whole hand up you, up your

vagina and up your rectum; they searched you inside and

stayed inside you and kept touching you inside and they

searched inside your mouth with their fingers and inside your

ears and nose and they made you squat in front o f the guards to

see i f anything fell out o f you and stand under a cold shower

and make different poses and stances to see if anything fell out

o f you and then they had someone w ho they said was a nurse

put her hands up you again and search your vagina again and

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