search your rectum again and I asked her w hy do you do this,

why, you don’t have to do this, and she said she was looking

for heroin, and then the next day they took me to the doctors

and there were two o f them and one kept pressing me all over

down on my stomach and under where m y stomach is and all

down near between my legs and he kept hurting me and

asking me if I hurt and I said yes and every time I said yes he did

it harder and I thought he was trying to find out if I was sick

because he was a doctor and I was in so much pain I must be

very sick like having an appendicitis all over down there but

then I stopped saying anything because I saw he liked pressing

harder and making it hurt more and so I didn’t answer him but

I had some tears in m y eyes because he kept pressing anyway

but I wouldn’t let him see them as best as it was possible to turn

m y head from where he could see and they made jokes, the

doctors, about having sex and having girls and then the big

one who had been watching and laughing took the speculum

which I didn’t know what it was because I had never seen one

or had anyone do these awful things to me and it was a big,

cold, metal thing and he put it in me and he kept twisting it and

turning it and he kept tearing me to pieces which is literal

because I was ripped up inside and the inside o f me was bruised

like fists had beaten me all over but from within me or

someone had taken my uterus and turned it inside out and hit it

and cut it and then I was taken back to m y cell and I got on m y

knees and I tried to cry and I tried to pray and I couldn’t cry and

I couldn’t pray. I was in G od ’s world, His world that He made

H im self on purpose, on my knees, blood coming down m y

legs; and I hated Him; and there were no tears in me to come as

if I was one o f G o d ’s children all filled with sorrow and

mourning in a world with His mercy. M y father came to get

me weeks later when the bleeding wouldn’t stop. I had called

and begged and he came at night though I had shamed them

and he wouldn’t look at me or speak to me. I was afraid to tell

the woman about the blood. At first when she made me talk I

said I had m y period but when the bleeding didn’t stop I didn’t

tell her because a peace boy said I had a disease from sex and I

was bleeding because o f that and he didn’t want me around

because I was dirty and sick and I thought she’d throw me

aw ay too so I said I had called m y parents. I f you tell people in

apartments that you called your parents they think you are fine

then. M y mother said I should be locked up like an animal for

being a disgrace because o f jail and she would lock me up like

the animal I was. I ran aw ay for good from all this place—

home, Amerika, I can’t think o f no good name for it. I went far

away to where they don’t talk English and I never had to talk

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