he loves a whore but I would expect him to be above pettiness

and malice and small minds. I’ve met men from all over, N ew

Zealand, Australia, Israel, Nigeria, France, a Russian; only

one Amerikan, not military, a thin, gentle black man who

loved Nancy Wilson, the greatest jazz singer, he loved her and

loved her and loved her and I felt bad after. I’ve met Greeks in

Athens and in Piraeus and on Crete. It’s not a matter o f being

faithful; I don’t have the words or categories. It’s being too

alive to stop and living in the minute absolutely without' a

second thought because now is true. Everything I feel I feel

absolutely. I have no fear, no ambivalence, no yesterday, no

tom orrow; not even a name really. When I am with M there is

nothing else on earth than us, an embrace past anything

mortal, and when he is not with me I am still as alive, no less

so, a rapture with no reason to wait or deny m yself anything I

feel. There are lots o f Amerikans on Crete, military bases filled

with soldiers, the permanent ones for the bases and then the

ones sent here from Vietnam to rest and then sent back to

Vietnam. Sometimes they come to the cafes in the afternoons

to drink. I don’t go near them except to tell them not to go to

Vietnam. I say it quietly to tables full o f them in the blazing

sun that keeps them always a little blind so they hesitate and I

leave fast. The Cretans hate Amerikans; I guess most Greeks

do because the Am erikan government keeps interfering so

there w o n ’t be a left-wing government. The C . I. A. is a strong

and widely known presence. On Crete there are A ir Force

bases and the Amerikans treat the Cretans bad. The Cretans

know the arrogance o f occupying armies, the bilious arrogance. T hey recognize the condescension without speaking

the literal language o f the occupiers. M ost o f the Am erikans

are from the Deep South, white boys, and they call the Cretans

niggers. They laugh at them and shout at them and call them

cunts, treat them like dirt, even the old mountain men whose

faces surely would terrify anyone not a fool, the ones the Nazis

didn’t kill not because they were collaborators but because

they were resisters. The Amerikans are young, eighteen,

nineteen, twenty, and they have the arrogance o f Napoleon,

each and every one o f them; they are the kings o f the w orld all

flatulent with white wealth and the darkies are meant to serve

them. T hey make me ashamed. They hate anything not

Am erikan and anyone with dark skin. They are pale, anemic

boys with crew cuts; slight and tall and banal; filled with foul

language that they fire at the natives instead o f using guns. The

words were dirty when they said them; mean words. I didn’t

believe any words were dirty until I heard the white boys say

cunt. They live on the Amerikan bases and they keep

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