everything Amerikan as if they aren’t here but there. They

have Amerikan radio and newspapers and food wrapped in

plastic and frozen food and dishwashers and refrigerators and

ranch-type houses for officers and trailers and supermarkets

with Amerikan brands o f everything. The wives and children

never go o ff the bases; afraid o f the darkies, afraid o f food

without plastic wrap, they don’t see the ancient island, only

Amerikan concrete and fences. The Amerikan military is

always here; the bases are always manned and the culturally

impoverished wives and children are always on them; and it is

just convenient to let the Vietnam boys rest here for now, the

white ones. The wives and the children are in the ranch-type

houses and the trailers. They are in Greece, on the island o f

Crete, a place touched by whatever gods there ever were,

anyone can see that, in fact Zeus rests here, one mountain is his

profile, it is Crete, a place o f sublime beauty and ancient

heritage, unique in the world, older than anything they can

imagine including their own God; but the wives and the

children never see it because it is not Amerikan, not the

suburbs, not pale white. The women never leave the bases.

The men come o ff to drink ouzo and to say dirty words to the

Greeks and to call them dirty names and laugh. Every other

word is nigger or cunt or fucking and they pick fights. I know

about the bases because an Amerikan doctor took me to one

where he lived in a ranch-type house with an Amerikan

kitchen with Formica cabinets and General Electric appliances.

The Greeks barely have kitchens. On Crete the people in the

mountains, mostly peasants, use bunsen burners to cook their

food. A huge family will have one bunsen burner. Everything

goes into one pot and it cooks on the one bunsen burner for ten

hours or twelve hours until late night when everyone eats. -

They have olive oil from the olive trees that grow everywhere

and vegetables and fruit and small animals they kill and milk

from goats. The fam ily will sit at a w ood table in the dark with

one oil lamp or candle giving light but the natural light on

Crete doesn’t go aw ay when it becomes night. There is no

electricity in the mountains but the dark is luminous and you

can see perfectly in it as if God is holding a candle above your

head. In the city people use bunsen burners too. When

Pappous makes a feast he takes some eggs from his chickens

and some olive oil and some potatoes bought from the market

for a few drachma and he makes an omelet over a bunsen

burner. It takes a long time, first for the oil to get really hot,

then to fry the potatoes, and the eggs cook slow ly; he invites

me and it is an afternoon’s feast. If people are rich they have

kitchens but the kitchens have nothing in them except running

cold water in a stone sink. The sink is a basin cut out o f a

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