illegal abortions and illegal, 73
Nazis and, 148, 149
principle of opposition to, 103
God and bearing, 144, 145
of the sixties, 94
welfare for women and their dewith dependent children, 165
pendents, 165-69, 173
Douglass on, finally accepted by
women refusing to bear, deservwhites, 123-24
ing to die, 105
hatred of, as passion, 121
hurt by, and dying from illegal
abortions, 9 8 -9 9
Paul and institutional, 110,
motherhood and respect for, 143
125-27, 135-38
percent o f old, as percent o f pop
ulation, 155
Circumcision, 126
and population control, 148, 149,
Civil rights, 86
marital law as violating, 7 8 -7 9
and sixties counterculture, 89, 92
Clafin, Tennessee, 57
and Southern welfare depart
Clitoridectomies, 162
ments, 162-63
Cloward, Richard A ., 162, 167
and welfare, 162-63, 168-72
Colette, 85
23, 27
Engels), 56-57
Communists, 111, 112
control over own, as premise of
Comstock Law (1872), 57
feminist movement, 97
Conservatism, 13 -17