Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
ing, 1 9 0 -9 4
antifeminism and opposition to,
Decriminalization o f abortion,
Bryant on, 29
9 4 -9 5 , 97
defeat of, 236
DeCrow, Karen, 29
and girls going to war, 116
D ’Hericourt, Jenny P., 62, 65, 66
and legalized abortion, 32
Democratic Party, 99
Mississippi women’s view of,
Divine law, 78
Mormon women’s view of, 118
Doctors, 15 7 -6 2
purpose of, 98
Douglass, Frederick, 12 3 -2 4 , 208
and reproductive freedom,
Dreams o f women, 45
1 1 2 - 1 3
Drugs, 173
Schlafly and, 29, 30
in nursing homes, 15 5 -5 6
Eve, 14 4 -4 5
among women, 15 6 -6 2
Dubrovsky, G ertrude, 154»
Klan protection of, 114, 115
Economic exploitation (force, coer
cion), 5 7 -5 8 , 6 5 -6 7 , 82, 92,
Family Protection Act, 151, 236
16 2 -6 3 , 170, 2 2 3 -2 4
Farming model
o f social control and sexual use,
denied, to keep women morally
17 4 -7 5 , 1 8 4 -8 6
good, 205
leaving out inquiry or passion for
knowing, 4 3 -4 4
Right answer to, 2 1 - 2 3